
He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

author:Jess talks about history

Among the countless passionate martial arts stories, "The Legend of the Condor Heroes" is undoubtedly a classic written by Mr. Jin Yong. When it comes to this novel, the first thing that most people think of is the upright and kind Guo Jing, the really enterprising young man in this novel is actually not him, but Yang Kang, who is constantly scolded by everyone?

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

In "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Guo Jing, Yang Kang and Ouyang Ke are the three main youth characters. First of all, let's talk about Ouyang Ke, this nephew of Ouyang Feng, should have a good talent in martial arts, but he is a complete gentleman, addicted to lust and lust all day long, and has plundered women from good families many times, and his conduct is extremely poor. He hardly did anything to contribute to martial arts or the rivers and lakes in his life, and was finally killed by Yang Kang for molesting Mu Nianci, which can be said to be deserved.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

Look at Guo Jing, as a positive character in the novel, his image is undoubtedly glorious. Guo Jing is honest and honest, with a simple heart, and his whole life seems to be living for love and friendship. The love story between him and Huang Rong is even more tear-jerking, and the two are playing in the mountains and rivers all the way, enjoying a romantic love life. In addition to fighting against foreign enemies, Guo Jing has hardly made much achievements in his career, and spends most of his time accompanying Huang Rong, although he has done something when he was in Khorezm, but this is more out of personal feelings for his family and country than his dedication to pursuing his career.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

Let's talk about Yang Kang, the "bad guy" who has been criticized by everyone. Although his behavior is often difficult to agree with, such as recognizing the thief as his father and taking refuge in the Jin Kingdom, he has become a typical villain in the martial arts world. But if we analyze objectively, Yang Kang is undoubtedly very successful in pursuing his personal career and power. Not only did he excel in language and strategy, but he also showed extraordinary wisdom and courage in critical moments on many occasions. Although his life was on the wrong path, he worked extremely hard to pursue the maximum interests of the individual and the improvement of social status.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

In this contrast, we can't help but ask, have we been evaluating a person's success or failure in a fixed pattern? In Jin Yong's pen, each character has its glorious side and deficient side, although Yang Kang is morally accusatory, but his talent and ambition are indeed worthy of our analysis. In real life, many times, the success of a career does not depend entirely on a person's character and behavior, but more on his ability, environment, and choices in a particular situation. Yang Kang chose an unconventional path, which undoubtedly brought him a short-lived glory and also brought his life to an end.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

Yang Kang's life also provides us with a perspective for reflection: how should we balance the relationship between personal interests and morality in the process of pursuing personal career development? Yang Kang's failure lies in the fact that he chose the wrong method and path, but his efforts and intelligence are also worthy of our serious analysis. In him, we can see many of the dilemmas and temptations that may be encountered in the modern workplace, as well as the possible consequences when facing these temptations.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

Just as in the workplace and in life, we are often faced with various choices, and each choice may determine our future direction. Yang Kang's choice made him a tragic figure in the end, and Guo Jing's choice, although it made him seem ordinary in his career, won people's respect and love. This contrast is not only in the world of martial arts, but also in the real life of each of us.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

When discussing these characters, we might as well let go of the stereotypes of traditional heroes and villains, and try to understand each character from a more human and multi-dimensional perspective. Everyone is complex, and behind their choices and actions, there are often more unknown pains and reasons. In this way, we can not only understand Mr. Jin Yong's characters more deeply, but also better understand the behaviors and choices of the people around us.

He is the most ambitious hero in the Legend of the Condor Heroes, but he died young and was infamous with a lot of infamy

Each character in The Legend of the Condor Heroes is unique in their own way. Although Yang Kang is spurned by the world, his dedication and intelligence are also worthy of our analysis. This kind of multi-angle discussion not only allows us to understand literary works more deeply, but also provides us with more perspectives for thinking in real life.