
The shocking truth behind the note

author:Capital Observation Jun

That day, I was walking in the park near my house when I noticed a neatly folded note on the ground. Curiosity drove me to pick it up and open it to see that it read, "Help!" I'm imprisoned in an abandoned factory, come and save me! The handwriting was crooked, apparently written under extreme stress.

I suddenly became nervous and looked around, but there was no one in sight. Whose prank is this, or is someone really in danger? I decided to go to the abandoned factory to find out.

The abandoned factory is located on the north side of the park, which has long since been dilapidated, and it is said that strange things will happen at night. I walked into the factory tremblingly, shouting as I went, "Anyone?" Is anyone there? ”

Suddenly, I heard a faint cry for help. I followed the sound and found a young man in a dark corner with his mouth tied to a chair and his mouth taped. I quickly helped him untie the rope and tear off the tape.

He gasped and said, "Thank you, if you hadn't found that note, I might never have gotten out." My name is Li Ming, I am an intern reporter, I investigated a group of illegal people here to conduct underground transactions, but I didn't expect to be discovered by them. ”

I looked at him in surprise: "Then you have to call the police immediately!" ”

Li Ming shook his head: "I have called the police, but the police don't believe me and say there is no evidence." Moreover, these illegals have an internal response, and my phone was confiscated by them, and I can't provide evidence. ”

I thought about it for a moment and said, "Then we'll go find evidence now, and I'll accompany you." ”

So, we started looking for clues in the factory. In a hidden corner of the factory, we found a secret door. We cautiously opened the secret door and saw a laboratory full of chemicals and equipment.

Li Ming suddenly remembered something and said, "I heard that this factory used to be a chemical plant, but it was later closed because of pollution problems. Could it be that they are making drugs here? ”

We continued our search, and sure enough, we found a large amount of cash and a ledger in a safe. The ledger recorded the details of their transactions, and it turned out that this gang of illegals was really making drugs!

Just as we were about to leave, we suddenly heard a rush of footsteps. Li Ming said nervously: "They are back, let's hurry up!" ”

We quickly left the factory and hid in a nearby wood. After receiving our report, the police rushed to the scene and successfully arrested the gang of illegals.

Afterwards, Li Ming said to me gratefully: "Thank you, if it weren't for you, I might never see my family again." ”

I smiled, "That's what I'm supposed to do." Only, who wrote that note? ”

Li Ming frowned: "I've thought about this question too, but I haven't figured it out." Perhaps, this is a mystery. ”

This mystery made me ponder. Although we have succeeded in uncovering the truth behind the note, the mystery of who left the note remains a mystery to this day. And this experience also made me deeply appreciate the thrill and excitement of life.

Over the next few days, Li Ming and I became friends who talked about everything. We often got together to discuss the mysterious note and try to find clues. One day, Li Ming suddenly thought of a key question: "You say, could it be a note written by someone inside that illegal gang?" ”

My eyes widened: "yes, I didn't think of that!" If that's the case, then this person must know the inside story, he may be a member of the gang, or he may be the person who was caught by them. In short, he must know something we don't know. ”

Li Ming nodded: "That's right, we should start the investigation from this aspect." However, this man's identity is so hidden, how can we find him? ”

I thought for a moment and said, "Maybe we can start with that abandoned factory." Now that their previous trading location has been revealed, they will definitely look for a new place. We can quietly keep an eye on what is going on in that factory, and maybe we can find some clues. ”

So, we decided to take turns every day to go around the abandoned factory and observe it secretly. A few days passed, and we didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Until one day, I spotted a familiar figure.

It was late in the evening, it was getting dark, and I was about to leave when I suddenly saw a figure hurrying into the factory. His figure looked particularly familiar in the dim light, and when I took a closer look, it turned out to be the man tied to the chair I saw when I rescued Li Ming that day!

I was shocked and immediately hid aside. When he was far away, I quietly followed. He walked into a dilapidated residential building, and I hid in the corner below to observe.

Soon, Li Ming also arrived. We discussed it and decided to go up and have a look together. We cautiously went upstairs to the man's door. There was a faint light through the crack in the door, and you could still hear the sound of conversation coming from inside.

I leaned close to the crack in the door and heard the people inside say, "Thanks to you this time, we were able to find a new place so quickly." ”

Another voice replied, "yes, that reporter almost ruined our big deal." However, now that we are safe and can continue with our plans. ”

Hearing this, Li Ming and I glanced at each other, and we already understood in our hearts: it turned out that the man was the author of the mysterious note, and he turned out to be a member of the illegal gang!

We immediately called the police and quietly left the place. The police arrived quickly and succeeded in dismantling the illegal gang. During the interrogation, the man explained the reason why he wrote the note: it turned out that he did not want to continue to help the abuse because of his conscience, but he could not escape alone, so he had to write a note asking for help.

This truth makes us feel very emotional. Unexpectedly, a seemingly simple distress note hides such a complex truth behind it. And Li Ming and I, because of this experience, have become friends of life and death. Although there are still many unsolved mysteries in life, at least this time, we have succeeded in solving a mystery.

The man's confession gives us a deeper understanding of human nature. We begin to wonder if those who have gone down the path of crime have had similar struggles. Is there a good place in everyone's heart waiting to be awakened?

A few days later, Li Ming and I decided to go to the abandoned factory to have another look. It has been cordoned off by the police, making it even more desolate. We stood for a long time in front of the factory, recalling the thrill of that night.

"What do you think of that man?" Li Ming asked me suddenly.

I shook my head: "I don't know. Hopefully he will get the punishment he deserves, but at the same time hopefully he will find his own salvation. ”

We were about to leave when suddenly, a policeman walked out and recognized us: "You are the two people who called the police, right?" ”

We nodded, and the policeman continued, "You've saved a lot of people, and the gang is already planning a larger criminal activity." Thankfully, you found out in time. ”

I couldn't help but ask, "What about the man?" How is he doing now? ”

The policeman sighed: "He is under investigation, and the situation is not very optimistic." However, he also provided some important clues that could be helpful in other cases. ”

We left the factory in silence with mixed feelings. The fate of that man is like a mirror, reflecting the complexity of human nature.

The days returned to peace, and Li Ming and I also returned to our respective lives. But that mystery has always been like a stone in my heart. We started to pay more attention to the social news, hoping to find news about the man.

One day, I was watching the news when I suddenly saw a familiar figure. It was the man, he was standing in the courtroom, his face haggard, but there was a relief in his eyes.

According to the news, he received a reduced sentence for helping the police solve other cases. He expressed repentance in court and hoped for a chance to be a new man.

I watched the TV and a mixed emotion welled up in my heart. I turned to Li Ming and said, "Perhaps, that note is not only a signal for him to ask for help, but also the beginning of his quest for self-salvation." ”

Li Ming nodded, deeply touched: "Yes, there will always be times when you make mistakes in life, but the most important thing is to have the courage to face mistakes and have the courage to change." ”

The story of that man, although it only intersected with us for a short time, left a deep impression on us. It reminds us that no one is alone in life, and that our actions can have a profound impact on others.

And that note is like a bond that binds our destinies closely. In this world full of unknowns, each of us is writing our own story in our own way.

Time passed quietly, and months had passed in the blink of an eye. Li Ming and I have been in touch these days, but our lives don't have much intersection. I still walked around the park, while Li Ming continued his career as a trainee journalist.

One day, I was wandering in the park when I suddenly received a call from Li Ming: "Hey, it's me, Li Ming." Do you remember the man we rescued? ”

I was slightly stunned, and then replied, "Of course I remember, how is he?" ”

Li Ming paused, and his voice was a little heavy: "He has just been sentenced, three years." I just got the news from the court that he pleaded guilty and did not appeal. ”

I was silent for a moment, and then said, "Since he confessed, it means that he has realized his mistake." I hope he can reflect on himself and become a new person in prison. ”

Li Ming sighed: "Yes, I hope so too." By the way, there is a detail mentioned in the verdict that I think you should know. ”

My heart moved, and I hurriedly asked, "What details?" ”

Li Ming said: "The verdict mentioned that the reason why he wrote that distress note was because he overheard the conversation of the illegal gang and learned that they planned to cause a large-scale bombing, and he did not want innocent people to die because of it, so he took the risk to write that note." ”

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel emotional. It turned out that the note was not only his personal distress signal, but also his sense of responsibility to society. Although he went farther and farther on the road of crime, the kindness in his heart never disappeared.

I decided to visit him in prison. When he saw him, he looked a little haggard, but there was a hint of determination in his eyes. I asked him, "Do you regret it?" ”

He was silent for a moment, then said, "I regret it, but I'm more grateful." Thank you for saving me, and thank you for giving me the opportunity to re-examine my life. I know that I can't make up for the mistakes I made, but I hope that I will have the opportunity to make amends. ”

I looked at him with emotion. This once lost young man has now found his way. Although his life has had twists and turns, he is still back on track after all.

As I left the prison, I glanced back at him. He was standing in front of the bars, looking into the distance. I knew he had a new purpose in mind. And Li Ming and I will continue our lives and use our own ways to help those in need.

In this world, everyone has their own story. Some stories are full of laughter, while others are full of twists and turns. But no matter what, every story has its value, and every story deserves to be listened to, understood, and respected.