
In 1986, I went on a blind date, and I broke up because of my low status, and now she regrets it

author:Capital Observation Jun

It was 1886, and I was twenty-six years old, and I was still an ordinary factory worker. One day, my neighbor Aunt Li came to tell me that she wanted to introduce me to a partner, and the girl was handsome and capable. I listened to it and felt warm, but I didn't have much hope, after all, with my status, how can I be worthy of a good person.

On the day of the blind date, I wore a clean white shirt and white-washed pants. The meeting place was about a small restaurant, her name was Xiaofang, and she was wearing a red dress, which looked particularly dazzling. As soon as we met, I could see the disappointment in her eyes, but I sat down anyway.

"You're a worker?" Xiao Fang asked bluntly.

"Well, working in the factory." I replied with some inferiority.

We didn't talk much about that meal, and she was obviously not very happy with my status. After eating, I sent her home, and on the way she suddenly said, "Let's break up, I don't think we are a good fit." ”

I was stunned, although I had been mentally prepared, but at this moment, my heart was still like being cut by a knife. I didn't speak, silently watching her leave.

Decades have passed, and I have changed from an ordinary worker to a technical backbone in the factory, and I have also married and had children. And Xiaofang is said to have married a cadre and lived a rich life.

However, fate always likes to play jokes. Once, I met Aunt Li, and she told me that Xiaofang was divorced, and now she regrets it and remembers my goodness.

I felt a sigh of emotion in my heart, but I didn't say anything. After all, everything in the past is gone.

One day, I was walking in the park, and suddenly I saw a familiar figure in front of me, it was Xiao Fang. She was old, and she already had a few gray hairs in her hair, and her back was a little hunched. When she saw me, her eyes were full of remorse and guilt.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"Pretty good, how about you?" I try to make myself appear calm.

"I ...... Regretted it. She said.

I was silent for a moment, then said, "It's all fate, there's nothing to regret." You made the right choice at that time, I didn't deserve you. ”

The two of us talked for a long time in the park, reminiscing about the past. She told me that she was too powerful back then, focusing only on status and money, ignoring the essence of me as a person. I smiled and told her that it was all over and that I would not mention it again.

Before leaving, Xiaofang said with tears in her eyes: "If I can do it all over again, I will definitely choose you." ”

I shook my head and said, "There are no ifs in life, we all have to look forward." ”

That day, I looked at the back of Xiaofang leaving, and I had mixed feelings in my heart. Time flies, we are no longer young, and those grievances and hatreds have finally turned into memories.

Now, I am over half a hundred years old and understand that there are many things in life that cannot be forced. The past with Xiaofang, let it go with the wind. And she and I have also embarked on different paths in life, and we can only bless each other from the bottom of our hearts. This is life, full of regrets, but also full of hope.

The days passed like this, and I was still busy in the factory, living a dull and fulfilling life. The children have grown up and have their own lives, and my wife and I are the only ones left in the family to spend our old age together.

One day, I received a letter from Xiaofang. She wrote that she was sick and wanted to see me. I was nervous, so I hurriedly bought some fruit and went to the hospital where she was.

In the ward, Xiaofang was lying on the bed, her face was pale, and when she saw me coming, her eyes revealed a trace of joy. I sat on the edge of the bed, took her hand, and comforted her.

"Thank you for coming to see me." Xiao Fang said softly.

"Don't say that, we're old friends after all." I replied with a smile.

We talked about the past, and she laughed and said, "Back then, I was such a stupid girl that I actually missed you." ”

I shook my head and said, "Don't say that, you didn't make the right choice at that time." Everyone has their own pursuits, but our paths at that time were different. ”

Xiao Fang was silent for a while, and then said, "You know, I've always wondered why you didn't keep me back then?" ”

I thought for a moment and replied, "At that time, I knew that your heart was no longer with me. Even if they are barely together, they will not be happy. ”

Xiao Fang listened, and a trace of emotion flashed in her eyes. She held my hand tightly and said, "Thank you, you're a good person." ”

We spent some time with each other in the hospital. Xiaofang's condition gradually improved, and I was relieved. During this time, I got to know her again, and also made me understand that there are many things in life, but there is no absolute right or wrong.

One day, Xiaofang suddenly told me that she was planning to move to another city, where she had relatives and could take care of each other. I know that this is for my own good, and she doesn't want me to delay my life because of her.

On the day of separation, we didn't speak, just silently hugged each other. Then, she turned away, leaving behind a faint smile.

I stood there and watched her back fade into the crowd, feeling mixed feelings. This farewell may be goodbye. But I know that we will all cherish this wonderful memory and face the future life bravely.

Time is like a song, life is like a play. This relationship with Xiaofang is like a play, although it has twists and turns, but it still ends successfully after all. And she and I also found our own happiness in this scene.

Life goes on, and my wife and I spend our old age together. And Xiaofang, also in another city, started her new life. We are all using courage and strength to interpret the meaning of life. This is life, no matter the wind and rain, we must move forward bravely.

Time passes silently like flowing water. In the blink of an eye, it has been a few years since Xiaofang moved to another city. These days, I often think of her, think of that past, and I can't help but feel a little emotional.

One weekend, I received a strange letter with my name on it, but it was from someone I didn't know. Puzzled, I opened the envelope, and I was shocked by the contents. It turned out that this was a letter from Xiaofang's relatives, telling me that Xiaofang had passed away due to illness, and before she died, she entrusted her relatives to send me this letter, expressing her gratitude and apologies to me.

I froze, and the letter in my hand slipped to the ground. Even though we've lost touch over the years, my heart still aches when I hear the news. I sat there and couldn't calm down for a long time.

My wife came over, saw my lost appearance, and asked softly, "What's wrong, what's going on?" ”

I raised my head with tears in my eyes and said, "Xiaofang, she's gone." ”

My wife was silent for a moment, then held my hand tightly and said, "She's gone, but she'll want to see you doing well." ”

I nodded, knowing in my heart. However, after the loss of a once important person, the grief in my heart cannot be expressed in words.

A few days later, I decided to go to Xiaofang's grave to see her. It was a sunny afternoon, and I came to her grave with a bouquet of flowers. On the tombstone, Xiaofang's smile is still so bright, as if to tell me that she is not in pain when she leaves.

I sat down at her grave and said softly, "Xiaofang, you're gone, but I'm sure you'll be better off in heaven." The relationship we had will always cherish in my heart. ”

At this time, a gust of wind blew, blowing the leaves next to the tomb, as if Xiao Fang was responding to me. I smiled, tears streaming down my face.

After returning from the cemetery, I became more appreciative of the people around me. I know that life is short, and we should cherish everyone we meet and cherish every time we spend together.

As the days passed, I was still busy in the factory, but I missed Xiaofang a little more. And my life has become more fulfilling because of this thought.

Time is like a song, life is like a play. Xiaofang's departure made me more deeply appreciate the fragility and transience of life. And the relationship we had has become the most precious memory of my life.

Now, I am in the twilight of my life, but the emotion in my heart is still the same. I will keep Xiaofang in my heart forever, grateful for the happiness and growth she has brought me. And life still has to go on. On this long road of life, I will go on bravely with Xiaofang's blessings.

As time passed, I gradually entered the twilight of my life. In my retirement years, I have more time to reminisce about the past and think about life. And Xiaofang, she is like a landscape in my life, although she is gone, she still leaves a deep imprint in my heart.

I would often sit on a park bench and watch the sun go down, imagining what it would be like if Fang was still alive. Sometimes, I would say to the sky, "Xiaofang, how are you doing now?" I'm doing well, my children are very filial, and my wife takes good care of me. It's just that sometimes I still think of you. ”

One day, I received a package with an unfamiliar name from the sender. When I opened the package, inside was a thick photo album with the words "Our Memories" written on the cover. I flipped through the photo album, and there were photos of Xiaofang and me when she was young, as well as some photos of her life in her later years. Looking at these photos, I feel as if I have returned to that era, the time when she was there.

At the end of the album, there is a letter, which is Xiaofang's handwriting. In the letter, she wrote: "My dear, I know that I have been away from you for a long time, but I have been silently watching over you in heaven. I'm really happy to see you having a happy life. Thank you for the love you used to give me, it was the best memory of my life. I hope you will always walk bravely on the road of life. ”

After reading this letter, I burst into tears. I know that although Xiaofang is gone, her love has always been with me. I caressed the album as if I could feel her warmth.

Since then, I have cherished my time with my family even more and everyone I have met. I understand that life is short, and we should cherish every moment and cherish every gathering.

Time is like a song, life is like a play. Xiaofang's departure made me more deeply appreciate the fragility and transience of life. And the relationship we had has become the most precious memory of my life.

Now, I am in the twilight of my life, but the emotion in my heart is still the same. I will keep Xiaofang in my heart forever, grateful for the happiness and growth she has brought me. And life still has to go on. On this long road of life, I will go on bravely with Xiaofang's blessings.