
After 30 years of absence, the third uncle went home

author:Capital Observation Jun

After a 30-year absence, the third uncle went home.

That day, the sun was shining, and I stood under the old elm tree at the entrance of the village, looking at the familiar figure from afar. The third uncle wore a white-washed military uniform, carried a worn-out backpack, and walked hobbly. I ran over excitedly and held his hand tightly, tears rolling in my eyes.

"Third uncle, you're finally back!" I said excitedly.

The third uncle smiled, and there were both vicissitudes and relief in that smile. "yes, it's been 30 years, and I'm finally back." He patted me on the shoulder, his eyes full of emotion.

The third uncle left home to join the army when he was young, and he has been gone for 30 years. During this period, he experienced the baptism of war and witnessed the changes in our hometown. Today, he is a veteran, returning to his roots and returning to his hometown.

However, the third uncle's journey home was not all smooth sailing. In the 30 years since I left home, my hometown has already undergone earth-shaking changes. In order to make a living, the people in the village have gone out to work, leaving only the elderly and children. And those comrades-in-arms who once fought side by side with the third uncle, some have passed away, and some have lost contact.

The day the third uncle came back, just in time for a land dispute in the village. A group of villagers fought over a piece of land, and there was a fierce conflict. The village chief was in a hurry, but he couldn't do anything.

"Third uncle, you are a person who has seen the world, tell me, what should I do about this?" The village chief looked at the third uncle pleadingly.

The third uncle pondered for a moment, and then said, "In this way, I will come forward to mediate and see if I can resolve this dispute." ”

In the process of mediation, the third uncle gave full play to his eloquence and wisdom. He patiently listened to the demands of both sides and then proposed a fair and reasonable solution. Both parties were impressed by his sincerity and finally agreed to his proposal.

The land dispute was resolved, and the third uncle's prestige in the village grew. He decided to use his influence to lead the villagers to develop the economy of his hometown. He first secured a poverty alleviation fund, and then introduced a farming project to encourage the villagers to develop the farming industry.

In the process of launching the breeding project, the third uncle encountered many difficulties. Shortage of funds, lack of technology, market risks...... These problems followed. However, the third uncle was not intimidated by the difficulties, he went to the government departments again and again to win policy support; He also invited experts to come to the village to give lectures and improve the villagers' breeding skills.

Finally, with the joint efforts of everyone, the breeding project was a success. The living standards of the villagers have improved significantly, and the village has taken on a new look.

On this day, I accompanied my third uncle to walk in the village, looking at the clean roads and busy villagers, I couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Third uncle, you are so powerful!" I say it from the bottom of my heart.

The third uncle smiled and said, "It's not that I'm good, it's the result of everyone's unity and joint efforts." I just did my part. ”

Time flies, and the third uncle spent his old age in his hometown. He left this world, but his deeds and spirit remained forever in the hearts of everyone in the village. Under his influence, the young people in the village have devoted themselves to the construction of their hometown, and the life of their hometown is getting better and better.

And the story of the third uncle has also become a legend in the village, passed down from generation to generation.

As time passed, the story of the third uncle spread farther and farther in the village. Whenever night falls, the old people in the village will gather under the old elm tree at the entrance of the village to tell the legendary experience of the third uncle. And I, too, became a loyal listener to these stories.

One day, when I was sorting out my third uncle's belongings, I found a dusty notebook. opened the notebook, which densely recorded the bits and pieces of the third uncle in the past 30 years. I seemed to see his bravery on the battlefield, and I also saw his figure running around for the development of his hometown.

I decided to compile the story of the third uncle into a biography, so that more people can know about this ordinary hero. So, I embarked on a journey to find my third uncle's past.

I found the third uncle's old comrades-in-arms, and they told me many of the third uncle's deeds on the battlefield. They said that the third uncle was the bravest of them all, and he rushed to the front in every battle. I also found the villagers who worked with the third uncle back then, and they told me how much effort the third uncle put in to get the village out of poverty and become rich.

In the process of sorting out these stories, I gradually understood why the third uncle was admired by the villagers. He was not only a brave soldier, but also a good son who loved his hometown.

One day, I met a young man who came back from the city, his name was Xiao Zhang. Xiao Zhang told me that he had heard the story of the third uncle in the city and was deeply moved, so he decided to return to the village to develop and contribute to his hometown.

"The story of the third uncle has given me a lot of encouragement." Xiao Zhang said, "I think the value of a person does not lie in how much he has achieved, but in how much he has contributed to his hometown and the people around him." ”

I nodded, in agreement. Although the third uncle has left us, his spirit will always inspire generations of young people.

In the village, I witnessed Xiao Zhang leading a group of young people to follow in the footsteps of the third uncle and continue to work hard for the development of his hometown. They used modern science and technology, introduced new planting techniques, and developed characteristic agriculture. Life in the village is becoming more and more prosperous, and young people who have gone out to work have returned to their hometowns.

One day, I walked in the fields with Xiao Zhang, looking at the green crops, and my heart was full of hope.

"The third uncle has knowledge under the spring, and he will definitely be proud of us." Xiao Zhang said.

I smiled and said, "Yes, the spirit of the third uncle has become the soul of our village. We will continue to pass on the legacy and make our hometown a better place. ”

The years are like a song, and the story of the third uncle is spread in the village. And his spirit has become the eternal faith of this land. On this field of hope, we continue to move forward, work together, and write a new chapter that belongs to us.

The days slowly flowed through the greenery of the village, and the efforts of Xiao Zhang and the other young people gradually came to fruition. The changes in the village attracted more people's attention, and even city leaders came to visit. On that day, I accompanied Xiao Zhang to welcome the arrival of the leader, and my heart was full of pride.

The leaders walked on the village path, nodding their heads in praise from time to time. They are particularly interested in the special agriculture project, which they believe is a microcosm of rural revitalization.

"Your approach is very innovative and in line with the direction of modern agriculture." The leader said to Xiao Zhang.

Xiao Zhang smiled modestly and said, "This is the result of everyone's joint efforts, we just want to do something practical for our hometown." ”

After the leader left, Xiao Zhang came to me with a determined glint in his eyes. "We must continue to work hard and not let the expectations of the leaders be disappointed."

I patted him on the shoulder and felt his sense of responsibility and mission. "If the third uncle sees you like this, he must be very pleased."

In the summer, the crops in the village are growing well, and there is a scene of good harvest. Xiao Zhang proposed to hold a harvest festival and invite villagers and tourists from the surrounding area to celebrate together. The proposal received an enthusiastic response from everyone, and the village was busy preparing for the big festival.

On the day of the harvest festival, the whole village is immersed in an atmosphere of joy. The villagers put on a self-written and directed show, and the children ran and frolicked in the fields, laughing and cheering.

In the evening, Xiao Zhang and I sat on the ridge, looking at the starry sky and listening to the laughter in the distance.

"Third uncle, you see, how beautiful the village is now." Xiao Zhang looked at the starry sky and said softly.

A warm current surged in my heart, as if I saw the smile of the third uncle. "Yes, third uncle, did you see it? Your dream has come true. ”

Just then, a young villager came running and excitedly told us that the city's TV station wanted to interview Xiao Zhang and report on the development and changes in the village.

Xiao Zhang looked at me with some hesitation in his eyes. "Should I go?"

I replied firmly, "Of course I want to go." This is an opportunity to show our village to more people and show the spirit of the third uncle. ”

On the day of the interview, Xiao Zhang stood in front of the camera and calmly and confidently told the story of the village. He mentioned the third uncle and mentioned the hardships and perseverance we have had along the way. When he said, "We not only want to make the village rich, but also make the village beautiful, so that every villager can live a good life", I saw the tears in the eyes of the villagers outside the camera.

After the interview, Xiao Zhang said to me: "The story and spirit of the third uncle should be known to more people. ”

I nodded, knowing in my heart that although the third uncle had left, his spirit had been deeply rooted in this land and inspired each of us. And our village, under the guidance of this spirit, will also move towards a more brilliant future.

As time went by, the village grew better and better, attracting more young people to return to their hometowns to develop. With new ideas and skills, they have injected new vitality into the development of the village. The roads in the village are getting wider, the houses are getting more and more beautiful, and the people are living happily.

One day, a theatrical evening was held in the village square, attracting many villagers and tourists to watch. At the party, the villagers performed various programs to show the development and changes of the village. In the program, there are also some programs about the story and spirit of the third uncle, so that people can better understand and respect the third uncle.

At the party, I also met a special guest, who was an old comrade-in-arms of the third uncle. He told me that he has been following the development of the village and is proud of its achievements. He also said that the spirit of the third uncle not only affects our village, but also affects their old comrades-in-arms, making them more determined to work hard for the country and the people.

After the party, I accompanied my old comrades-in-arms for a walk in the village. He watched the changes in the village and was filled with emotion. "If the third uncle sees all this, he will definitely feel gratified." He said.

I nodded, my heart full of emotion. Yes, although the third uncle has left us, his spirit will always live in our hearts and inspire us to keep moving forward.

In the village square, there is a statue of the third uncle. Every day, villagers and tourists come here to pay homage to the statue of the third uncle and remember his deeds and spirit. I believe that the story and spirit of the third uncle will be passed down from generation to generation and become the pride and motivation of our village.

In every corner of the village, you can feel the spirit of the third uncle. Whether in work or in life, we will take the third uncle as an example, work hard, and contribute to the development of our hometown. We believe that in the near future, our village will become a better place for people to aspire to.

The years are like a song, and the story and spirit of the third uncle are spread in the village. And we will continue to pass it on, so that the spirit of the third uncle will always shine on our way forward. In this field of hope, we work together to write a new chapter for us.