
50,000 yuan was lent to a colleague for 8 years, and the arrears were suddenly settled when he was hospitalized

author:Capital Observation Jun

My name is Li Jianguo, and eight years ago, I lent 50,000 yuan to my colleague Lao Zhang. Lao Zhang is a sincere person, he said that his son was admitted to university and urgently needed money. I didn't say a word, and gave him all the 50,000 yuan I had saved.

In the past eight years, Lao Zhang has repaid me part of the money on time every year, but he has never paid it off. As for me, I'm not the kind of person who cares, so I didn't rush him.

Suddenly, one day, I was admitted to the hospital because of high blood pressure. The disease is not serious, but the cost of hospitalization is not low. I was short on money and was worried about the hospitalization fee, when Lao Zhang suddenly appeared in front of my bed.

"Jianguo, I didn't come to see you in time when you were sick, I'm really sorry." Lao Zhang looked guilty.

"It's okay, Lao Zhang, my illness is not in the way." I comforted him.

Lao Zhang took out a thick envelope from his pocket and said, "Jianguo, this is my 50,000 yuan to repay you, and I have repaid you even the principal and interest." ”

I looked at Lao Zhang in surprise and asked him, "Where did you get so much money?" ”

Lao Zhang said with a smile: "My son found a good job after graduating from college, he is sensible, and he knows that I owe you money, so he helped me pay it back." ”

I was moved to tears, I didn't expect Lao Zhang's son to be so promising, and he knew how to repay his father's kindness.

At this moment, the nurse walked in and said, "Li Jianguo, someone has already settled your hospitalization fee for you." ”

I was even more surprised and hurriedly asked the nurse, "Who settled it?" ”

The nurse said, "It's a young man who claims to be a friend of your son." ”

I was stunned, my son is working in the field, how can he know people here? At this time, Lao Zhang suddenly said: "Jianguo, is that young man wearing a suit and looking quite energetic?" ”

I nodded, and Lao Zhang smiled and said, "That's right, that's my son." He knew that you were hospitalized, so he specially asked for leave to come back to help you settle the hospitalization fee, and said that he would like to thank you for lending me money back then. ”

When I heard this, I was moved beyond words. Lao Zhang's son not only repaid his father's kindness, but also helped me pay back the hospitalization fee, what a good person has a good reward!

After a few days in the hospital, I recovered and was discharged. Lao Zhang and his son came to pick me up, and the three of us talked and laughed on the way home, as if we had become a family.

This incident made me understand that kind people will always meet kind people, and as long as you have good thoughts in your heart, you will always get good rewards. Although I am older, I will always remember this story and tell it to more people. Let them know that there are still many good people in this world.

In the days after I was discharged from the hospital, Lao Zhang's son Zhang Hao became a frequent visitor to my house. Not only did he come to see me from time to time, but he also brought his own story. Zhang Hao is very successful in his work, but he always said modestly: "Uncle Li, if it weren't for your help, I might not be able to get to where I am today." ”

One day, Zhang Hao came to my house in a hurry, his face full of anxiety. I asked him what was going on, and he hesitated and said, "Uncle Li, I have a colleague whose father is sick and needs money urgently. I wanted to help him, but something went wrong with the project I was working on and money was a bit tight. ”

I immediately understood what he meant and said, "How much you need, just say." ”

Zhang Hao said embarrassedly: "Uncle Li, I'm not here to borrow money from you. I just wanted you to help me figure out how to find a connection and help my colleague's father find a good doctor. ”

I nodded, relieved by Zhang Hao's kindness. I told him, "Don't worry, this is on me." ”

After some contact, I helped Zhang Hao's colleague find an expert. Zhang Hao was grateful and said, "Uncle Li, you are always so warm-hearted, how can I thank you?" ”

I patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Silly boy, what kind of thanks do we have to talk about?" As long as you remember that helping others is helping yourself, that's enough. ”

As the days passed, the father of Zhang Hao's colleague was under control. As a token of appreciation, he personally came to my house and presented a pennant. At that moment, I felt the joy of helping others.

Soon after, my son was transferred back to the city from out of town. He heard the story of me and Zhang Hao and was deeply admired. He said, "Dad, you're such an amazing person, and I'm so proud of you. ”

At that moment, the joy in my heart was beyond words. I told him, "Son, you have to remember that kindness is a tradition and we have to pass it on." ”

With the passage of time, my relationship with Lao Zhang and Zhang Hao has become closer and closer. We supported each other and got through many difficulties together. And my son joined us and became a part of helping others.

On a sunny day, the four of us met to go on a trip to the countryside. On the way, we met an old man who had fallen. We didn't say a word, and immediately got out of the car to help. The old man looked at us gratefully and thanked us repeatedly.

We had a great time that day. On the way back, I looked at the regressing scenery outside the car window, and my heart was full of emotion: life is like a journey, and we will always meet all kinds of people. As long as we are kind, we can reap full of emotion and happiness.

I will continue to tell this story so that more people know that the power of kindness is endless. And my friendship with Lao Zhang and Zhang Hao will also continue with this kindness.

There are always some unexpected twists in life, which make people sigh at the magic of fate. That day, I was looking through past photos at home, reminiscing about the bits and pieces with Lao Zhang's family, when I suddenly received a strange phone call.

"Hey, is it Uncle Li Jianguo?" A young man's voice came from the other end of the line.

"It's me, you're it?" I asked, confused.

"I'm Zhang Hao's colleague, my name is Xiao Wang. Zhang Hao gave me your phone number, and he said that if you need any help, you can find me. Xiao Wang said on the phone.

I was stunned for a moment, and then I understood Zhang Hao's intentions. This kid is always so considerate of others.

"Thank you, Xiao Wang. There is nothing you need help with at the moment, you and Zhang Hao are both good children, and we have time to come and sit at home. I said with a smile.

It didn't take long for Zhang Hao and Xiao Wang to come to my house together. It turned out that Xiao Wang had encountered some relationship problems recently and wanted to ask me about this person who came over. I listened patiently to what he had to say, and then gave my own advice.

"Uncle Li, you're right. I listen to you and try to understand her and tolerate her. Xiao Wang said gratefully.

Zhang Hao also smiled on the side: "Uncle Li, you are not only our friend, but also our mentor and friend. ”

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, my grandson Xiaojie has also grown up. He was influenced by me and Zhang Hao, and he also became a helpful child. Whenever I see Xiaojie helping others, I will think of the good times I had with Lao Zhang's family.

One day, I was walking in the park when I received a call from Lao Zhang: "Jianguo, where are you?" We have an old friend who wants to meet you. ”

I curiously came to the agreed place and found that Lao Zhang, Zhang Hao and Xiaojie were all there. They smiled mysteriously and pulled me to an old man.

"Old Li, do you remember me?" The old man asked.

I took a closer look and suddenly exclaimed: "You are Lao Liu!" I haven't seen you in years, why are you here? ”

It turned out that Lao Liu was my old colleague, and we worked together when we were young and had a very good relationship. But because of some misunderstandings, we lost contact. I was thrilled to see this reunion.

We old people sat together, reminiscing about the old days, and laughing. Zhang Hao and Xiaojie listened on the side, interjecting a sentence or two from time to time.

At that moment, I felt the beauty of friendship and understood the true meaning of life. Life is an encounter, whether it is Lao Zhang's family or Lao Liu, they are all precious treasures in my life.

The years are like a song, and we continue to move forward in the long river of time. And those stories of kindness, friendship and family affection will always be remembered in our hearts and become our motivation to move forward.

I will continue to tell this story to more people. Let the power of kindness be passed on, and let this world be filled with warmth and love. And my friendship with Lao Zhang's family and Lao Liu will be like that towering tree, withstanding the wind and rain of the years, and becoming more and more deeply rooted and leafy.

One day, I was looking through a photo album of Lao Zhang and Lao Liu when they were young, reminiscing about the good times we had working together. Suddenly, the phone rang. I picked up the phone, and Lao Zhang's voice came from the receiver: "Jianguo, come quickly, Lao Liu, he ......"

My heart tightened suddenly, and I immediately asked, "What's wrong with Lao Liu?" ”

Lao Zhang's voice trembled a little: "He suddenly fell ill and is now in the hospital." ”

I hurried to the hospital and saw Lao Liu lying on the hospital bed, his face pale. I walked to his bedside, held his hand and said, "Lao Liu, you must hold on, we will always be by your side." ”

Lao Liu reluctantly squeezed out a smile, and said in a weak voice: "Jianguo, thank you for coming to see me." I know my physical condition, so don't worry too much. ”

I looked at Lao Liu with mixed feelings in my heart. I know that he has always been a strong man, but this time he was really sick.

During the days in the hospital, Lao Zhang, Zhang Hao, and Xiaojie and I took turns to take care of Lao Liu. We chatted with him and told him about the past, hoping to bring him some comfort. Although Lao Liu's condition has not improved, he has always maintained an optimistic attitude, which makes us feel very admired.

One day, I was sitting on a bench in the hospital, watching the sunlight shine in through the window, and my heart was filled with emotion. At this time, Lao Zhang came over and sat next to me.

"Jianguo, do you think Lao Liu can survive this time?" Lao Zhang asked softly.

I sighed and said, "Lao Zhang, I don't know either. But I know that we have to be there for him all the time and give him strength. ”

Lao Zhang nodded and said, "Yes, we have to give him strength." Just like he did back then. ”

The two of us sat silently, looking at the sunlight outside the window, our hearts full of worries and prayers for Lao Liu.

At this moment, the door of Lao Liu's ward opened, and the doctor walked out. We immediately stood up and looked nervously at the doctor.

The doctor looked at us and shook his head slightly. My heart sank suddenly, knowing that Lao Liu's situation was not optimistic.

Lao Zhang stepped forward, held the doctor's hand tightly and said, "Doctor, please save him." We all need him. ”

The doctor looked at us, a flash of sympathy in his eyes, but in the end he just shook his head slightly.

At that moment, I felt a sharp pain welling up from the bottom of my heart. I know that Lao Liu may really not survive.

Lao Zhang and I returned to the ward and saw that Lao Liu had fallen into a deep sleep. We stood silently beside his bedside, looking at his pale face, our hearts filled with grief.

A few days later, Lao Liu finally left us. At the funeral, I stood in front of his grave with Lao Zhang, Zhang Hao, and Xiaojie, silently praying for him.

I looked at Lao Liu's tombstone and felt a lot of emotion in my heart. I know that he will always be in our hearts and be our driving force.

Time is like a song, life is like a dream. We can't predict the future, but we can cherish the present. Lao Liu's departure makes us cherish each other more and understand the preciousness of life more.

And those stories of kindness, friendship and family affection will always be remembered in our hearts and become our motivation to move forward. Let's continue to pass on these stories and fill this world with warmth and love.