
The boyfriend refused to buy the bag and the woman smashed the car to claim compensation

author:Capital Observation Jun

My name is Xiaofang, and I have been with my boyfriend Xiao Zhang for three or four years. That day, we went shopping at the mall together, and I took a fancy to a designer bag, thinking that he should say yes this time. Unexpectedly, he actually refused, saying that he had been short of money recently, and he would talk about it later. As soon as I heard this, the fire in my heart came up all of a sudden.

"Xiao Zhang, what do you mean by that? We've been together for so long, you can't buy me a bag? I asked.

Xiao Zhang looked helpless: "Xiaofang, I really didn't mean to, the company's performance has not been good recently, and I am indeed a little tight on money." I'll make it up to you after a while, okay? ”

The more I thought about it, the more angry I became, and I felt that he was perfunctory to me. At this moment, I saw a luxury car parked on the side of the road, and with a plan in mind, I rushed over, picked up a rock on the ground and smashed it down.

"Xiaofang, what are you doing?" Xiao Zhang hurriedly came over and grabbed me.

"I'll let you not buy me a bag, I'll smash the car!" I shouted hysterically.

When the owner heard the sound, he rushed to see his car being smashed, and immediately became angry: "Who are you two?" Why smash my car? ”

Xiao Zhang hurriedly apologized: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, my girlfriend was impulsive, and we will compensate you for your losses." ”

The owner looked at us, sneered and said, "Compensation? Do you think it's a triviality? This car is a limited edition, can you afford to smash it like this? ”

I was scared, hid behind my boyfriend, and sobbed quietly. Xiao Zhang said firmly: "No matter what, we will be responsible for compensation." ”

The owner glared at us and called the police. The police came and took us to the police station. In the mediation room, the owner of the car made a sky-high claim for compensation. Xiao Zhang was sweating profusely, but I suddenly laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" The owner asked me with a frown.

"I laughed at you for being naïve, thinking that we would really compensate for the money." I said proudly.

The owner was stunned, and Xiao Zhang also looked at me in surprise. I continued, "Actually, I put my diamond ring in the car when I smashed it just now. When the matter of compensation is settled, I will go to you again and ask for my diamond ring back. ”

The owner of the car was so angry that he couldn't speak, and Xiao Zhang also understood my intentions and widened his eyes. In the end, after the mediation of the police, we compensated the owner of the car for part of the money, and the matter was over.

Afterwards, Zhang asked me why I did this. I looked at him seriously and said, "I just want you to know that there are some things that can't be solved with money." We have to face it together and bear it together. ”

Xiao Zhang was silent for a long time, and finally hugged me tightly and said, "I'm sorry." ”

Since then, our relationship has deepened. Although there will be all kinds of contradictions and conflicts in life, we have all learned to understand and tolerate and live together together. And the smashed luxury car has become an eternal pain in our hearts, and it also makes us understand that impulsiveness is the devil, and we must be calm in case of trouble.

As the days passed, we began to appreciate each other more and handle our relationships more carefully. In order to make up for the regret of that day, Xiao Zhang decided to surprise me. It was his birthday, and he had prepared his presents early and mysteriously asked me to close my eyes.

"Xiaofang, open your eyes and take a look, do you like it?" Xiao Zhang said excitedly.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the designer bag I had always dreamed of handed over to me, and my heart warmed up, and tears welled up in my eyes.

"Xiao Zhang, you ...... How did you do that? I asked, choking up.

He smiled: "During this time, I worked overtime and saved enough money to buy bags. I know I wronged you that day, and I hope this bag will make you happy. ”

I hugged him tightly and cried, "Fool, I actually had a lot of things wrong that day. We're all going to have to be more sensible about things in the future, okay? ”

He nodded and gently wiped away tears for me.

Soon after, we received an indictment from the owner. During that time, our lives were once again mired in tension and anxiety. In the face of this lawsuit, we did not have the original impulse, but actively sought legal assistance and prepared to respond to the lawsuit.

In court, we argued on our merits, and in the end, the judge accepted our argument and ruled that we only need to compensate the owner for the cost of repairs. The moment we got the verdict, we looked at each other and smiled, knowing that this turmoil had made us grow a lot.

That night, when we returned home, Xiao Zhang held my hand tightly and said, "Xiao Fang, you have suffered during this time. I believe that as long as we work together, there is no hurdle that cannot be overcome. ”

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes again: "Yes, after these things, we know how to cherish it even more." In the future, we will work together to make life better. ”

Since then, we have been working towards a shared future. We have learned to empathize, to take responsibility, and to never give up in the face of difficulties. Those difficult days made us strengthen our feelings for each other.

A year later, we walked into the palace of marriage hand in hand. At the wedding, we told our friends and family about the turmoil, which caused everyone to laugh. And the smashed luxury car has also become an eternal memory in our hearts, reminding us: life is not easy, and we can do it and cherish it.

Now, we have come out of that haze and are living happily ever after. We are well aware that there will be many unknown difficulties and challenges in the coming days. But we believe that as long as we hold hands and stand shoulder to shoulder, we will be able to overcome everything and write a beautiful chapter that belongs to us.

Our lives are gradually on the right track, Xiao Zhang has made great achievements in his work, and I am also working hard in my own position. Our little home is getting warmer and warmer, and the time after work every day has become the most enjoyable moment for us. We cook together, watch movies together, and plan for the future together.

One weekend, we decided to go on vacation in the mountains to relax our nerves. As the car drove on the winding mountain road, I looked out the window at the rapidly receding scenery, and an inexplicable emotion surged in my heart.

"Xiao Zhang, do you remember the incident when we smashed the car?" I asked suddenly.

He smiled slightly, his eyes firm: "Of course I remember, it was a lesson and a growth. ”

I nodded and said with emotion, "Yes, we were too impulsive at the time, but looking back now, that experience also made us understand each other better." ”

Our conversation was interrupted by a sudden ringing of the phone. Xiao Zhang picked up the phone, and his face suddenly became serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

He hung up the phone and said in a deep voice: "It's from the company, there is an urgent project that I need to deal with, I have to go back immediately." ”

I looked him in the eye and knew he had made a decision: "Go ahead, work is important, I'm waiting for you here." ”

He hugged me apologetically and turned away. I sat alone in the car, watching his back disappear at the end of the mountain road, and a sense of loss welled up in my heart.

That weekend I spent alone in a mountain hut. I looked at the mountain scenery outside the window and thought about Xiao Zhang, both worried and expectant. Worried about his work and looking forward to our future.

A few days later, Xiao Zhang returned, his face full of exhaustion but a sense of accomplishment in his eyes. He hugged me tightly and whispered, "I'm sorry, Xiaofang, I couldn't spend a full weekend with you." ”

I gently patted him on the back and smiled and said, "It's okay, I know you're working for our future." ”

Since then, our lives have become more fulfilling. We are busy in our respective work, working hard for a common dream. Although there are times when there is separation, our hearts are always connected.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, our child was born. Looking at the little life in our arms, we understand what real responsibility is. We are no longer the impulsive young people, but we have learned to think deeply for the family, for the children.

The arrival of the child has brought us more joy and more challenges. We began to pay more attention to each other's communication and cherish every moment together.

The years are quiet, and although our lives are ordinary, they are full of happiness. Those twists and turns and challenges have become valuable assets on the road of our life. We know that as long as we walk hand in hand, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, we will be with us all the way to write our bright future together.

As time goes on, our children grow up and we enter middle age. Xiao Zhang's career is thriving, and I have made a lot of achievements in my work. Our small family is more warm and harmonious, and our life is more and more fulfilling.

One weekend, we decided to take our children to an amusement park to experience the joy of childhood. In the amusement park, we looked at the cheerful smiling faces of children, and our hearts were filled with happiness. At this time, I suddenly remembered the time we had a car smashing storm.

"Xiao Zhang, do you remember the incident when we smashed the car?" I asked.

He smiled and nodded: "Of course I remember, it was a lesson and a growth. We've all grown a lot. ”

I said, "yes, we were too impulsive at the time, but looking back now, that experience also made us understand each other better." ”

Our conversation was interrupted by the laughter of children. We looked at the children with joy in our hearts. At this time, Xiao Zhang's mobile phone suddenly rang. He picked up the phone, his face suddenly becoming serious.

"What's wrong?" I asked nervously.

He hung up the phone and said in a deep voice: "It's from the company, there is an urgent project that I need to deal with, I have to go back immediately." ”

I looked at him and knew he had made a decision: "Go ahead, work is important, I'll wait for you here." ”

He hugged me apologetically and turned away. I looked at his back, and a sense of loss welled up in my heart.

That weekend, I spent the weekend alone at the amusement park with my kids. I looked at the child's smiling face, worried and expectant. I'm worried about Xiao Zhang's work and look forward to our future.

A few days later, Xiao Zhang returned, his face full of exhaustion but a sense of accomplishment in his eyes. He hugged me and the child tightly and whispered, "I'm sorry, Xiaofang, I couldn't spend a full weekend with you." ”

I gently patted him on the back and smiled and said, "It's okay, I know you're working for our future." ”

Since then, our lives have become more fulfilling. We are busy in our respective work, working hard for a common dream. Although there are times when there is separation, our hearts are always connected.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, our children have grown up. Looking at how children live independently, we understand what true growth is. We are no longer the impulsive young people, but we have learned to think deeply for the family, for the children.

The growth of children has brought us more happiness and more challenges. We began to pay more attention to each other's communication and cherish every moment together.

The years are quiet, and although our lives are ordinary, they are full of happiness. Those twists and turns and challenges have become valuable assets on the road of our life. We know that as long as we walk hand in hand, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, we will be with us all the way to write our bright future together.