
After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

author:Min Min said gossip

In the vast history of China's revolution, there are countless exciting stories. Comrade Chen Yi's experience is one of the unforgettable memories. Have you ever heard of a revolutionary hero who accidentally escaped death because he misheard two words in a dialect?

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

In China in the thirties of the 20 th century, it was the white-hot stage of the civil war between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party, and various political struggles and military conflicts broke out one after another. Chen Yi, who later became the foreign minister of the People's Republic of China, was still a passionate CCP cadre at that time, holding the important position of secretary of the special committee of southwest Jiangxi. His story is full of dramatic twists and thrilling temptations on the edge.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

The cause of the incident can be traced back to the "AB Regiment" incident. In 1926, the right wing of the Kuomintang secretly established an anti-communist organization called the "AB Group" in Nanchang, intending to infiltrate and sabotage the power of the Communist Party. By 1927, the organization had been destroyed in the Jiangxi counteroffensive of the Chinese Communist Party, and many of its members were arrested. The turmoil did not subside.

In 1930, Jiangxi set off an even more serious resurgence of the "AB Regiment". This time, Li Shaojiu, director of the General Political Department of the Red Army, was appointed chairman of the Anti-Rebellion Committee, but his rise to power brought a series of tragedies. In the name of the rebellion, Li Shaojiu began a purge of the so-called "internal traitors", and in fact, many innocent people were involved in this ruthless political struggle.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

Against this backdrop, Chen Yi was sent to deal with the Tomita incident, an intra-party conflict caused by a misunderstanding. When he arrived at the scene, he first publicly stated: "You cannot be convicted arbitrarily without hard evidence." This remark directly pointed to Li Shaojiu's improper anti-rebellion action, which made Chen Yi immediately become a thorn in Li Shaojiu's side.

Li Shaojiu was not only jealous of Chen Yi, but also became a threat because of his outspokenness. He coveted Chen Yi's possessions, including a white horse and a German-made pistol. Li Shaojiu began to spread rumors within the party that Chen Yi was a traitor in the Kuomintang, and this rumor soon aroused doubts and panic among some people.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

In the tense atmosphere, Chen Yi was once summoned to a meeting, and he had a premonition that this might be a trap, so before leaving, he said to his wife Xiao Juying: "If I haven't returned home at six o'clock, you should hurry back to my hometown." Xiao Juying tearfully agreed, but she didn't expect this parting to become a permanent secret.

The meeting ended unexpectedly successfully, but on the way back, Chen Yi encountered a group of "unknown" people, which turned out to be the assassination arranged by Li Shaojiu. The assassins had planned to kill Chen Yi in a remote mountain forest and then blame the alleged "Kuomintang spies."

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

Fate seems to have played a joke at this moment. One of these assassins was Chen Yi's fellow countryman, and in the dialect they used, there were two key words that Chen Yi misheard. These two words were originally "immediate action", but Chen Yi understood it as "immediate return". This misunderstanding made Chen Yi realize that something was wrong, and he wittily excused himself to escape and avoid a fatal assassination.

Chen Yi, who escaped, did not flee immediately, but decided to sneak back to his office secretly and collect enough evidence to expose Li Shaojiu's conspiracy. On a dark and windy night, he quietly infiltrated the document room and found a series of documents left by Li Shaojiu to frame innocent people.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

Over the next few days, Chen Yi began secretly contacting trusted comrades, including his old comrades-in-arms and some local leaders. Together, they hatched a counterattack aimed at Li Shaojiu and his small team. Through a series of well-planned operations, they not only succeeded in capturing Li Shaojiu, but also cleared his influence in one fell swoop.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

Although this turmoil has subsided temporarily, it is only one of countless life and death tests for Chen Yi. His life, like his performance on the battlefield, is full of variables and challenges. In the years that followed, whether on the battlefield of military or politics, Chen Yi showed extraordinary courage and wisdom.

After Chen Yi was deceived into a trap by a traitor, his life hung by a thread, and he escaped because he didn't understand the dialect and misheard two words

It was these hardships that forged Chen Yi's rock-solid revolutionary will and extraordinary leadership skills. From a young student to an important leader of the new China, Chen Yi's story is not only a dramatic adventure of life and death, but also a legend of perseverance and faith. His life is an inspiration and inspiration to future generations, showing us that wisdom and courage can help us find life in the face of adversity, and that even in the darkest moments, we can see the dawn of hope.