
Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

author:The ruffian boss watches entertainment

What kind of "shocking secrets" are hidden behind these seemingly perfect photos?

Do you think everything is so perfect under the lens? Don't be fooled by the appearance of the photo!

Let me uncover the dark behind the photos and show you the cruelty of the real world!

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

Discover the "truth" behind the photos

Wow, that's mean enough!

However, you're right, sometimes photos can really make people look like fairies, but not in reality.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

It's like the puppeteer in "Squid Game", that's the plot of the movie, and it has nothing to do with real life.

In the real world, people are together for a variety of reasons, and looks are just one of them.

There are indeed a lot of mysteries in the photos.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

Sometimes, a small change in angle can make a person look completely different.

Coupled with good lighting and composition, the photo can give people a sense of "wow, this person is so beautiful, isn't it?"

But real life is not that simple.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

In life, we don't just look at the appearance, but also look at the inner qualities, character, shared values, and so on.

The "cruel game" of taking pictures

Well, taking pictures is indeed like a cruel game, sometimes standing in the right position, but the self in the photo is different from what I expected, and I feel like I have been "slapped in the face" by reality.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

Sometimes I think I'm doing a good job, but when I look at the photo, I find that I'm not as beautiful as I imagined.

Some of the photos look like they were cut out of a horror movie, making people feel eerie and reminiscent of ghost stories.

And some of the photos are heartwarming, and that warm feeling seems to melt people's hearts.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

But sometimes, photos that are too intimate can make people feel irritated, with a "don't be so sticky" feeling, like an inexplicable pressure.

Taking pictures is like capturing a moment in life, and sometimes it can show the good side and make people ecstatic;

And sometimes it shows an unsatisfactory side, which makes people feel disappointed and frustrated.

But in any case, photos are only a small part of life and do not fully define a person.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

So, try to enjoy the process when taking photos and don't care too much about the result, after all, the most important thing is real life outside the camera.

Late at night to reveal the story behind the photos

Well, it's late at night, so let's uncover the story behind these photos!

Some people say that everything in the photo is fake, and they think that the photo is retouched and fake.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

But there are also people who say that photographs are a portrayal of reality, that photographs record real moments, real emotions.

In reality, the facts are often not black and white.

In this world full of "underworld", every photo is a story and has its own truth.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

Some photos may have been carefully planned and retouched to make them look beautiful and moving; Some photographs may capture a moment in life, reflecting the scene and emotions of the time.

Behind each photograph is the photographer's heart and emotional investment, as well as the story and emotions of the person being photographed.

Sometimes, photos can feel warm and moving, and other times they can feel sad and heavy.

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

But in any case, photographs are a way to record life, and they are people's observation and expression of the world.

Conclusion: Look at every photo with an inclusive heart

In the world of photographs, there is no right or wrong, only different angles and perspectives.

Let's use an inclusive heart to appreciate every photo and understand the story behind each person.

Perhaps, such a world is a better place!

Others are out of the water hibiscus, I am out of the water mop, no woman can smile out of her husband's shot

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