
Until you die, you must keep in mind the six principles of life.

author:Affection between the mountains and rivers
{"info":{"title":{"content":"到死都要牢记人生六大原则。","en":"Until you die, you must keep in mind the six principles of life."},"description":{"content":"在一个宁静的小镇上,生活着一位名叫李明的老人。他年近九十,但精神矍铄,步履稳健。每当人们问及他长寿的秘诀时,他总是微笑着...","en":"In a quiet town, there lives an old man named Li Ming. He was nearly ninety years old, but he was in good spirits and walked steadily. Whenever people ask him about the secret of his longevity, he always smiles..."}},"items":[]}