
The pregnant daughter-in-law took the wrong meal and opened it with tears in her eyes

author:Smoke Moon wrote

My name is Xiaofang, I am twenty-eight this year, and I have been married to Daniel Zhang for five years. We live in the countryside and live with our in-laws. On that day, I was six months pregnant, with a big belly, helping the family cook.

In the afternoon, I went to the kitchen to get food as usual. Looking at the heat coming out of the steamer, I didn't feel tired. But at this moment, an unexpected thing happened.

I took the wrong meal and took the meal for my in-laws to my room. I didn't notice it until I opened the lunch box and saw the food inside, and I was stunned. That's my favorite braised pork, but my parents-in-law never eat meat, they eat vegetarian dishes.

My heart tightened, how can this be good? I'm pregnant with a child, and I can't let them worry, but I can't give them this braised pork. I sat on the edge of the bed, tears rolling in my eyes.

At this time, Daniel Zhang walked in, looked at me with teary eyes, and hurriedly asked me what happened. When I told him that I had taken the wrong meal, his eyes widened and he didn't know what to do for a while.

The two of us were silent for a while, and Daniel Zhang suddenly thought of a solution. He said, "Well, I'll go and tell my parents that I really want to eat braised pork today, and ask them to give me this meal." ”

I wiped away my tears and said worriedly, "But will they be unhappy?" After all, we are juniors, and we should let them. ”

Daniel Zhang comforted me: "Don't worry, they will understand." Besides, I'll eat less meat and buy them more supplements in the future. ”

So, Daniel Zhang took the braised pork to his in-laws. I was in the room worried that they would be upset.

After a while, Daniel Zhang came back and told me that my in-laws understood our difficulties very well, and not only gave us braised pork, but also comforted us vigorously and told us not to take it to heart.

I breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Daniel Zhang gratefully. He smiled and patted my belly and said, "Now the baby can grow meat boldly and boldly." ”

In the evening, I carefully brought the braised pork to my in-laws, but they insisted that Daniel Zhang and I eat it. I said, "Mom, Dad, you should eat some too, pregnant women can't eat too much meat." ”

Only then did the in-laws pick up the chopsticks, pinched a small piece and tasted it. Watching them eat with relish, Daniel Zhang and I looked at each other and smiled.

After this incident, our family relationship became more harmonious. Although there will always be some hiccups in life, as long as we understand each other and support each other, we will always get through it. And this deep affection is the precious wealth of our family.

In the days that followed, my in-laws cared for me more and always shared the housework for me as much as possible. Daniel Zhang is also competitive, going out early and returning late every day, working hard, hoping to give our mother a good living condition.

One day, the primary school in the village held a temple fair, which was so lively that my in-laws and I decided to join in the fun. Daniel Zhang was busy with work and couldn't go with us. At the temple fair, all kinds of small vendors fill the streets and alleys, and toys, snacks, and handicrafts are dazzling. I was fascinated by a stall selling sugar gourds, and the red sugar gourds made me drool.

I turned to look at my in-laws, they smiled and nodded, and I bought a bunch of sugar gourds. Eating the sweet sugar gourd, I feel like I have returned to my childhood. At this time, a familiar figure caught my attention, and that person was my best friend Xiaoli.

I pulled my in-laws and walked towards Xiaoli. When Xiaoli saw me, she was surprised and said, "Xiaofang, why are you here?" I heard you were pregnant, and I thought you were resting at home. ”

I laughed and said, "It's so boring to stay at home, come out and hang out." To introduce, this is my parents-in-law. ”

Xiaoli greeted her in-laws politely, and then said mysteriously: "I just saw a fortune teller, who is said to be very accurate, why don't we try it?" ”

I looked at her curiously, and my in-laws found it interesting and agreed. We followed Xiaoli to the fortune teller's stall. The fortune teller, a kind old man, looked at my stomach and smiled, saying, "This lady, you are pregnant with a boy, and you will surely be smart and bright in the future." ”

I smiled happily, and my in-laws were full of joy. The fortune teller looked at my palmistry again, and then said, "Madam, your palmistry is very blessed, your family is harmonious, and your husband and wife are very affectionate. ”

We thanked us and left the stall, and I thought to myself that this fortune teller was quite right. On the way home, my in-laws excitedly discussed my future grandson, while I silently prayed in my heart that the child would grow up healthy and happy.

As the days passed, my belly grew bigger and my movements became more and more inconvenient. My in-laws took good care of me, and Daniel Zhang felt sorry for me and gave me a massage every night so that I could sleep comfortably.

Finally, the due date is approaching. That night, I suddenly felt a wave of abdominal pain, and my in-laws and Daniel Zhang rushed me to the hospital. After a long wait, I finally heard the child's crisp cry.

The doctor walked out of the delivery room with the baby in his arms and said with a smile: "Congratulations, it's a boy!" ”

Our family hugged each other excitedly, tears of happiness rolling in our eyes. At this moment, we know that no matter how many difficulties we encounter in the future, as long as we are united, we will definitely be able to overcome them. And this strong family affection will accompany us through the long road of life.

In the hospital room, I held our little baby and looked at his pink little face, my heart was filled with joy and gratitude. Daniel Zhang was teasing the children on the side, while her in-laws were busy stewing soup and cooking rice, and the family was happy.

A few days later, we returned home with our children. When the people in the village heard that I had given birth to a son, they all came to congratulate me, and the house was bustling. The in-laws were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths, and Daniel Zhang proudly picked up his son and showed off to every visiting family and friend.

One day, I was sitting on the edge of the bed breastfeeding my baby when my in-laws walked in with a hint of hesitation on their faces. I hurriedly asked, "Mom, Dad, what's the matter?" ”

My mother-in-law sat down, took my hand and said, "Xiaofang, you see that the child has also been born, and we are also old, and we want to help you take care of the child, but I am afraid that I will not be able to do it." ”

I understood what they meant, and my heart warmed, and I said, "Dad, Mom, don't worry, we will ask a nanny to help." You just have to enjoy your family and don't work too hard. ”

The father-in-law nodded and said with emotion: "We haven't done anything big in our lives, we just hope that your little couple can live well and this child can grow up healthy." ”

I smiled, tears welling up in my eyes. This is home, no matter what difficulties you encounter, there is always the support and understanding of your loved ones.

As the child grows older, the family's expenses gradually increase. Daniel Zhang decided to quit his old job and find a better paying job in the city. Although I was reluctant to let him go, I also knew that it was for the sake of the family and the children.

That day, when I sent Daniel Zhang to the station, he hugged me and whispered: "Fang'er, I will come back as soon as possible, you have to take care of yourself and your children at home." ”

I held back my tears and nodded, "Don't worry, I will." You also have to take care of yourself outside and don't get too tired. ”

Watching Daniel Zhang's figure disappear into the crowd, my heart was empty. But I know that this is only a brief separation, and we all have to be strong for a better future.

When the child was full moon, I took him to the temple fair, hoping that he would also feel the excitement and happiness. At the temple fair, I met Xiaoli again, she looked at the child in my arms and said enviously: "Xiaofang, you are so happy, you have such a lovely son." ”

I smiled, and my heart warmed. Yes, I am very happy, with a husband who loves me, a loving pair of in-laws, and a healthy and lovely child. In this simple and warm little village, our family is walking hand in hand through every ordinary and beautiful day.

In the days that followed, although my in-laws were older, they still insisted on helping me share the housework and take care of the children. They always say that it is their responsibility and their pleasure. I, on the other hand, found a sewing job in the village, which could support the family and take care of the children, the best of both worlds.

Daniel Zhang found a good job in the city and sent money home every month. Every time he called back, he would ask about the child and tell me to take care of myself. I know that his heart is also full of longing for his children, but he can only endure this loneliness for the sake of our family.

The child grows day by day, his eyes are as bright as stars, and his laughter is as crisp as silver bells. Every time I hear his laughter, I feel like the world lights up. My in-laws always held the child in their arms, told him stories from the past, and told him how happy our family was.

However, life is always full of uncertainties. One day, I was sewing clothes at home when I suddenly heard news from the village that there was an earthquake in Daniel Zhang's city. I was stunned, and the needle and thread in my hand fell to the ground. I hurriedly packed up, handed over the child to my in-laws, and rushed to the station myself.

At the station, I waited anxiously, my heart full of fear. I don't know if Daniel Zhang is safe, I don't know if he is injured. I prayed over and over again, hoping that he would be safe.

Finally, I waited for Daniel Zhang. He looked a little tired, but not hurt. I hugged him tightly, tears welling up in my eyes. He gently patted me on the back and said, "Fang'er, don't worry, I'm fine." ”

When I got home, I settled Daniel Zhang and stewed him a pot of chicken soup. He drank the soup and told me that the reconstruction of the city had begun and that he was going to help. Although I was worried, I knew that it was his responsibility and his love for the city.

The in-laws looked at Daniel Zhang and said with emotion: "Yong'er, you are our pride. "I looked at them with gratitude. I know that no matter how many difficulties life throws at us, we can face it together and get through it together.

The child grows up day by day, he is smart, lively and cute. He likes to listen to his in-laws tell stories and learn how to sew with me. He always said that when he grew up, he should be as brave as his father and as hardworking as his mother.

In this cozy little village, our family continues to live an ordinary and happy life. I know that no matter how difficult the future may be, we can walk through it together because we have love and a home.

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