
My mother's domestic violence left me in danger, and after many years, she helped me get out of trouble

author:Smoke Moon wrote

At that time, I was still young, and my home seemed to be forever in shadow. That day, I hid behind the door and watched my mother with tears on her face and her clothes in tatters, while my father was drunk on the bed. From that moment on, I knew that this home was not as warm as other people's homes.

A few years later, as an adult, the shadow of domestic violence is still with me. In the dead of night, I would think of my mother's desperate eyes, and I would secretly resolve to get her out of this predicament.

One day, I met a retired policeman named Uncle Li at the village commissary. He saw the anguish in my heart and asked me, "Boy, do you have something on your mind?" Tell Uncle Li, maybe I can help you. ”

I told Uncle Li about the situation at home, and he was silent for a while, and then said, "Boy, you have to have the courage to face all this. In this way, Uncle Li will teach you a few tricks so that you can protect your mother at a critical moment. ”

Under Uncle Li's teaching, I learned some self-defense techniques. Soon, by chance, I was able to put these skills to use.

That day, my father came home drunk and did something indiscriminately to my mother. I rushed over to my mother, and shouted to my father, "Don't bully my mother anymore!" ”

My father's eyes widened and he lunged at me like a wild beast. I used the self-defense technique taught me by Uncle Li to subdue him. At that moment, I seemed to see the glint of hope in my mother's eyes.

However, it's not that simple. After being subdued by me, my father, holding a grudge, found an opportunity to kick me out of the house. I wandered away with only one thought in my heart: I wanted my mother to live a good life.

A few years later, I moved to a city and got a job. In my spare time, I am constantly learning and improving myself. Finally, I had enough strength to go home and pick up my mother.

When I knocked on the familiar door, my mother looked at me in surprise: "Son, why did you come back?" I smiled and said, "Mom, I'll pick you up and live a good life." ”

In the tears of our mother, we left that home full of shadows. In the city, I bought my mother a new house and let her live a happy life.

One day, my mother said to me, "Son, do you know? When you left home, I was so worried. But now that I see you so promising, my mother can't be happier in her heart. ”

I held my mother's hand tightly and was full of emotion: "Mom, it was you who gave me the courage to dare to face the difficulties of life. In the future, I will definitely make your life better. ”

Since then, our mother and son have supported each other and faced the ups and downs of life together. Those shadows of the past have long been dispelled by the sun. And the story of my mother and I is also quietly blooming in this city.

After my mother settled in her new house, our lives gradually got back on track. Every day when I come home from work, I walk and chat with my mother, and her smile grows. However, fate always seems to play a joke on us, and just when we thought we could finally live a peaceful life, a sudden illness broke the peace.

That night, my mother suddenly felt a sharp pain in her chest, and I immediately rushed her to the hospital. The doctor told me that my mother needed surgery, but it was very risky. I took my mother's hand and told her not to be afraid, I would always be there for her. The mother smiled and nodded, a smile full of trust and courage.

Outside the operating room, I waited anxiously. At this time, a familiar figure appeared in front of me, and it turned out to be Uncle Li. He comforted me: "Don't worry, boy, your mother will survive." I looked at Uncle Li gratefully, praying silently in my heart.

After a long wait, the surgery was finally successful. The mother, though still very weak, has stabilized. I breathed a sigh of relief and said to my mother, "Mom, you must get well quickly, and I will take you to many places to play." ”

The mother smiled and nodded, her eyes shining with happiness.

While my mother was recovering, I quit my job to focus on taking care of her. One day, my mother suddenly said to me, "Son, in fact, my mother has always had a wish to see the sea. I immediately agreed to her: "Mom, when you are well, we will go to see the sea." ”

A few months later, my mother recovered, and we set out on a journey to see the sea. Standing on the seashore, my mother looked at the boundless ocean excitedly and sighed with emotion: "Son, thank you, Mom finally saw the sea." I held my mother's hand tightly and silently vowed in my heart that I would let her live a happier life in the future.

When I returned to the city, I got a job again. Her mother, on the other hand, began to learn to draw, which she said had always been her dream. Whenever I see my mother drawing intently, my heart is filled with joy.

One day, my mother suddenly told me that she wanted to hold an exhibition to show her work. I fully supported her decision and started to help her prepare for the exhibition.

On the day of the exhibition, a lot of people came. My mother's work was well received by everyone. Looking at my mother's smiling face as she introduced her paintings, I knew that the pain and shadows of the past had long been left behind by us.

Today, my life with my mother is getting better and better. We support each other and pursue our dreams together. And those tribulations have become the most valuable wealth in our lives. In this city of love, our story continues.

The success of her mother's exhibition made her a name for herself in the community, and her paintings even attracted the attention of some art collectors. Our lives changed as a result, my mother began to accept commissioned paintings, and I became her assistant outside of work.

One day, my mother took an invitation letter and said to me excitedly: "Son, there is an art salon this weekend, and I am invited to be a guest, you can accompany me." I looked at my mother's expectant look and nodded, "Mom, of course I'll go with you." ”

At the art salon, the mother won the respect of everyone present with her unique artistic perspective and rich life experience. She talks and laughs freely, full of confidence, as if she has changed a person. I sat down the stage, looking at my mother, who was shining brightly on the stage, and my heart was extremely proud.

After the salon, a middle-aged artist came up to her mother and said, "Madam, your paintings are full of life and moving. I thought, if you want, I can recommend you to an international art exhibition. The mother was so excited that she couldn't speak, but held the artist's hand tightly.

For the next few months, my mother and I were preparing for that international art show. After some selection, my mother's paintings were sent abroad. The days of waiting were long, but the mother was fulfilled and happy like never before.

Finally, the invitation to the art exhibition arrived. My mother and I embarked on a flight to a foreign country. Abroad, we saw various styles of art, and my mother's horizons were broadened, and she told me that it was the most unforgettable experience of her life.

At the opening ceremony of the art exhibition, a large number of people gathered in front of my mother's paintings. They praised their mother's work in different languages, and her mother responded to everyone with a smile. I watched from the sidelines, my heart full of gratitude. Be grateful that life has given us so much suffering, and that it ultimately brings hope and light.

After the art exhibition, we returned to China. My mother told me that she wanted to start an art studio to help people who, like her, had lost their dreams to regain their dreams. I fully supported my mother's decision and prepared a studio for her.

The studio was established, and my mother became the "teacher" of many people, and she used her experience and enthusiasm to infect everyone who walked into the studio. I, on the other hand, watched silently, watching my mother realize her dreams and watching her go further and further on the road of life.

In this way, our mother and son are moving forward hand in hand on the road of art, creating our own beauty together. Those hardships of the past have now become the driving force for us to move forward. In this world full of color, our story continues to be written.

As the days drifted by her mother's brush, her studio gradually became lively. Everyone in the studio is chasing their dreams, they use colors and lines to paint the world in their hearts, and their mother is their staunchest supporter and guide.

One day, a young painter walked into the studio, his eyes full of confusion and struggle. He told his mother that he loved painting, but his family wanted him a stable job, and his heart was full of conflict. The mother listened quietly, and then said to him gently: "Child, life sometimes gives us many choices, but the most important thing is to listen to your inner voice. If you really love painting, then be brave enough to pursue it. ”

The young man listened to his mother's words, and a determined glint flashed in his eyes. He began to study painting harder, and his mother became his mentor, guiding him to the path of art.

The people in the studio are working hard for their dreams, and their works are gradually exhibiting in the community and the city, and are being loved by more and more people. Her mother's name also began to spread in the art world, and her story, like her paintings, became a soot to the hearts of many people.

One day, I received a letter from abroad inviting my mother to participate in an international art competition. Mother looked at the letter with a glint of anticipation in her eyes. She told me that she wanted to participate in this contest and wanted more people to see her work and hear her story.

I am so proud of my mother, and I know that her hard work and perseverance all this time is for this day. I accompanied her to prepare the work and watched her sketch the world on the canvas one by one. Each of her works is full of power and emotion, as if telling the story of her life.

On the day of the international art competition, my mother and I stood on the stage of the competition. Mother's work has attracted the attention of countless people, who are deeply moved by her paintings and moved by her story. When my mother's name was announced as the winner, I watched the tears glint in her eyes, and I knew that this was the best reward for her years of hard work.

Back in China, my mother's studio became even more lively. Her story and her paintings inspire more people to pursue their dreams. Under the influence of my mother, I also began to record our stories in writing, so that more people know that even in the most difficult moments, as long as there are dreams and perseverance, life will always give hope and light.

Our story continues in this city, and my mother's paintings and my words have become our common language, telling the world in our hearts. The shadows of the past have long since been dispelled, replaced by endless sunshine and hope. In this world full of color, our story continues.