
During the Chinese New Year, I gave 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law

author:Smoke Moon wrote
{"info":{"title":{"content":"过年我给丈人岳母一万块","en":"During the Chinese New Year, I gave 10,000 yuan to my mother-in-law"},"description":{"content":"那年春节,我和老婆商量好了,给我丈人岳母一万块钱。这在我们这儿是个不小的数目,毕竟我俩工资都不高,还要养家糊口。但我认为...","en":"During the Spring Festival that year, my wife and I discussed and gave my mother-in-law 10,000 yuan. That's a lot of money for us, because we don't have a lot of money and we have to support our families. But I think..."}},"items":[]}