
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted

author:Xiao Li Monk
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted
The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted

The big waves wash the sand, and the golden sentence is excerpted

First, a fascinating beginning

In the midst of the busy city, there is a café called "Sea of Wisdom", which is not only a harbor for people to rest and relax, but also a holy place for ideas to collide and exchange wisdom. One day, a special group of people gathered in the café because of a common hobby – collecting and sharing golden quotes. Each person held a small note in his hand with the treasures of their hearts written on it.

2. Reveal the cause of the story

This group of people come from all walks of life, some are writers, some are entrepreneurs, some are students, and some are retired seniors. Although they have different identities, they all have a deep affection for the golden sentence. It turned out that the founder of this café, Mr. Zhang, was a young man who had suffered from life setbacks. When he was at a low point, it was those inspiring golden quotes that gave him the courage to get back on his feet. In order to pass on this power to more people, he founded the "Sea of Wisdom" café and regularly organizes golden sentence sharing sessions.

3. Plot development and climax

The sharing session began, and everyone couldn't wait to share their golden sentences. Writer Xiao Li shared: "Life is like a book, stupid people hurriedly turn it, and smart people read it carefully." This resonated with those present, and everyone nodded their heads in praise. Immediately afterwards, Mr. Wang, an entrepreneur, shared: "Success is not something that will come in the future, but from the moment you decide to do it, it will continue to accumulate." This sentence greatly encouraged the young people present.

As the sharing session deepened, everyone began to exchange their understanding and perception more deeply. Student Xiao Zhang shared a golden sentence about learning: "Learning is not a goal, but a bridge to a destination." "This has led to a lot of thinking about the meaning of learning. Uncle Liu, a retired old man, shared a golden sentence about life: "Life is like a cup of tea, it will not be bitter for a lifetime, but it will always be bitter for a while." This sentence made the people present feel the philosophy of life.

At the climax of the sharing session, Mr. Zhang took the stage and shared his own golden sentence: "The big waves wash the sand, and all that is left is gold." The same is true of life, only through trials and setbacks can we become stronger and more precious. This sentence won the applause and applause of everyone present.

Fourth, a successful conclusion

The sharing session came to an end in a warm atmosphere. Everyone left the "Sea of Wisdom" café with a full harvest and insight. They know that these golden sentences are not only a combination of words, but also the wisdom and strength of life. In the days to come, they will take these golden sentences as a beacon and source of motivation for their own progress, and continue to pursue a higher realm and a better life.

The "Sea of Wisdom" café will continue to serve as a holy place for sharing and exchanging golden sentences, attracting more people to share their wisdom and insights. Here, everyone can find their own golden phrase and make it a valuable asset in their life journey. The big waves wash the sand, the light of the golden sentence

1. The covenant of golden sentences, the sea of wisdom

In the northeast corner of the bustling city, there is a café called "Sea of Wisdom". This café is not known for its unique coffee taste, but for its "Golden Sentence Sharing Session" every Saturday night. Every Saturday, people from far and wide gather here to share and exchange their stories and treasured quotes.

This Saturday's sharing session is about to begin, and the café is already full. Under the soft lighting, people's faces were filled with anticipation and excitement. In the crowd, a young writer, Xiao Yang, clutched a note in his hand with a sentence that inspired him when he was working recently: "True creation comes from the love of life and endless exploration." Yang knows how important this phrase is to himself and the story he is about to share.

The sharing session began, and after the host briefly introduced the rules, he invited the first sharer to the stage. However, at this moment, an old man dressed plainly slowly walked into the café. His appearance immediately caught everyone's attention, as he was not the one who shared the appointment this week. The old man walked to the front of the stage, nodded slightly to the host, and then said softly: "Can I share a golden sentence?" The moderator smiled and nodded in agreement.

Second, the years have precipitated, and the golden sentences have been circulated

The old man's name was Lieber, and he was a retired teacher. He stood on the stage, his eyes revealing a kind of depth and wisdom. He cleared his throat and began to tell his story and golden sentences.

"When I was younger, I met a teacher who changed my life." "He told me: 'Education is not indoctrination, it's about lighting a fire. This sentence has always been with me and has kept me moving forward on the road of education. Li Bo fondly recalled the past with that teacher, so that the audience felt the power and temperature of education.

With Lieber's narration, the atmosphere at the scene gradually heated up. People were moved by his story and golden sentences, and nodded their heads in praise. At this time, Xiao Yang was also deeply inspired, and he realized that although his golden sentences were unique, they lacked a sense of historical weight and depth of life. So, he decided to dig deeper into the stories and insights behind his golden sentences in the following sharing.

In the following sharing, Xiao Yang talks about how he has grown from a young man with a passion for writing to a mature writer. He shared the difficulties and challenges he encountered in the creative process, and how he got out of the difficulties and succeeded with the golden phrase "true creation comes from the love of life and endless exploration". Xiao Yang's sharing aroused resonance and applause from the audience, and they all expressed their desire to learn from Xiao Yang's persistence and courage.

3. Inheritance of golden sentences and relay of wisdom

As the sharing session progressed, more and more wonderful stories and golden sentences were presented. Some people shared their mental journey in the process of entrepreneurship and the motto of "move forward bravely and never say die"; Some people told touching stories about themselves and their families and the feeling that "home is the warmest harbor"; Others shared their hardships in the process of pursuing their dreams and their belief that "dreams illuminate the future".

These stories and golden sentences illuminate the hearts of everyone at the scene like a ray of light. They were moved by these authentic and touching stories, and inspired by these golden quotes full of wisdom and power. At the end of the sharing session, the moderator invited all those present to stand up and read a golden sentence full of positive energy: "No matter how many hardships and setbacks life throws us, we must face it bravely and embrace it positively." Because only in this way can we leave our own gold in the big waves. ”

As the recitation of this golden sentence echoed in the café, the atmosphere reached a climax. People have expressed their desire to keep these golden sayings in their hearts and pass them on. At the same time, they are also looking forward to the arrival of the next "Golden Sentence Sharing Meeting", and looking forward to gathering with more people with wisdom and stories in the "Sea of Wisdom" café, a place full of wisdom and strength.

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