
The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

author:Rich Mango 3y2i

Copywriting|Rich Mango 3y2i

Rich Mango 3y2i

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

The ratings of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" soared after the broadcast, but it caused dissatisfaction among the audience.

The pace of the episodes is slow, and a large number of irrelevant plots drag down the main line.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

Bad stalks are frequent, and the audience questions the quality of the screenwriter.

The character's behavior does not conform to the previous work, and the actor's acting skills regress.

The plot deviates from the theme of costume conspiracy, and the audience calls for the series to be improved.

One of the outstanding issues is the slow pace.

The plot progresses like a snail strolling, which makes the audience feel disgusted.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

The play is full of a large number of irrelevant plots that have little to do with the main line, such as the plot of the modern library that seems inexplicable, Wang Qinian's family trivia takes up a lot of space, and Xiao Fan has an embarrassing parody show from time to time.

Not only did these contents fail to add color to the series, but instead dragged down the overall rhythm and made the audience feel lengthy.

Bad stalks and doubts about the screenwriter are also coming and going.

The bad jokes and outdated jokes in the play are really difficult to compliment and seriously affect the viewing experience.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

It is said that the screenwriter has been polishing for two years, but the quality of the script that can be presented is a big disappointment.

The audience generally thinks that the screenwriter is playing with these rotten stalks, lacking the innovative spirit that should be done, and wasting everyone's expectations in vain.

There are also a lot of problems in character performance and acting.

Some of the characters behave very differently from their predecessors, completely losing their former charm.

The performance of some of the actors also seems to be quite tired, and their acting skills seem to have regressed, and they cannot be compared with the wonderful performances in the previous work.

This made the audience who has always loved and supported this show very disappointed.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

Judging from the theme and plot arrangement, the second season seems to have a misplaced theme.

The plot is upside down, and it is gradually distancing itself from the costume conspiracy style of the first season.

The audience has issued calls for change, expecting the series to be adjusted in time, improve the quality, and return to the style everyone loves.

In this era of fierce competition in the film and television industry, the audience's eyes are bright, and their requirements for the quality of dramas are getting higher and higher.

Although "Celebrating More Than Years 2" has a good reputation and high attention of its predecessor, if it can't meet the audience's expectations and improve these problems in time, then the audience's dissatisfaction will only continue to rise.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

After all, only by treating film and television works with high standards and strict requirements can domestic dramas continue to make progress and truly win the hearts of the audience.

Looking back on the classic dramas that have been highly acclaimed, they have all achieved the ultimate in plot, rhythm, character building, etc.

For example, "Langya Bang", with its compact plot, superb acting skills, and profound theme, immerse the audience in it and have endless aftertaste.

Another example is "The Legend of Zhen Huan", which has become a classic in the hearts of the audience through delicate character portrayal and wonderful plot development.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

And "Celebrating More Than Years 2" obviously has a long way to go to reach such heights.

Not only "Celebrating More Than Years 2", many domestic dramas have similar problems in recent years.

In order to pursue commercial interests, some dramas ignore the quality of content, resulting in empty plots and chaotic logic; In some dramas, there are mistakes in the casting of actors, allowing some actors whose acting skills are not up to par to play important roles, which affects the overall performance level.

All these phenomena deserve our deep consideration and vigilance.

We hope that the production team of "Celebrating More Than Years 2" will listen carefully to the voices of the audience and take active action to adjust and improve the series.

The ratings are soaring all the way! But the call for not watching "Celebrating More Than Years 2" is getting louder and louder, the question is?

in order to make this drama shine again and live up to the expectations of the audience.

I also hope that the entire domestic drama industry can take this incident as an opportunity to reflect on its own problems, continuously improve the level and quality of creation, and bring more excellent works to the audience.

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