
India has come to its senses and made a wise decision before Putin's visit to China, or it will join forces with China and Russia to keep warm

author:Wisdom Focus Circle

According to the latest report from Phoenix TV, at the important moment when Russian President Vladimir Putin announced his upcoming visit to China, India, which maintains delicate relations with China and Russia, seems to have shown a clearer and more pragmatic strategic thinking.

On the eve of Putin's visit to China, India handed China a far-reaching olive branch, that is, the military confrontation between China and India in the border areas has begun to gradually ease.

This positive signal not only indicates that tensions on the Sino-Indian border are expected to ease, but also an important opportunity for China-India relations to usher in a positive change.

Against this backdrop, China's new ambassador to India arrived in New Delhi, the capital of India, by special plane on the 14th, which not only filled the year-and-a-half-year vacancy of the post of Chinese ambassador to India, but also symbolized a new chapter in China-India relations.

India has come to its senses and made a wise decision before Putin's visit to China, or it will join forces with China and Russia to keep warm

Upon arrival, the ambassador quickly confirmed the Indian side's previous statement that the overall border situation is under control, which undoubtedly injects more confidence and stability into the future development of bilateral relations.

Experts pointed out that the easing of the border standoff and the appointment of ambassadors are clear signs that positive changes are taking place in Sino-Indian relations.

Although these changes may not immediately promote the overall improvement of China-India relations, they at least show that the two sides have begun to make substantial steps in resolving the border issue, and have laid a good foundation for future dialogue and communication between the two countries.

India's search to improve relations with China is not a whim.

In a recent media interview, Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar made it clear that China and India should show genuine sincerity and work together to resolve a series of outstanding disputes, including the border issue.

He stressed that the proper resolution of these problems is the key to the improvement of bilateral relations.

At the same time, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also expressed similar views, further demonstrating India's determination and actions in resolving the border issue and improving relations with China.

Of course, the improvement of China-India relations is not an overnight process, it will require time, patience and joint efforts on both sides.

As the biggest obstacle to the normalization of Sino-Indian relations, the border issue requires both sides to show sufficient wisdom and flexibility.

However, as the Chinese and Indian forces gradually withdraw from the front line of the standoff, there is reason to believe that both sides are eager to improve their relations and have begun to put them into action.

India has come to its senses and made a wise decision before Putin's visit to China, or it will join forces with China and Russia to keep warm

India's move to signal to China to improve relations ahead of Putin's visit has multiple motives.

In addition to seeking to improve relations with China, India also intends to deepen cooperation with Russia. As a strategic partner of India, Russia occupies an important position in India's foreign policy.

Although India has bought a lot of Russian oil under pressure from the West after the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Russia-India relations still face many uncertainties.

However, if Sino-Indian relations improve, India will be able to reduce its political and military dependence on the West and thus develop its relations with Russia more freely.

It is worth mentioning that India plays a pivotal role in the "Indo-Pacific Strategy" of the United States.

India hopes to counterbalance China's growing influence in South Asia by leveraging U.S. military and political influence in the Asia-Pacific region.

However, despite its good relations with the United States, India remains wary of human rights issues and interference in the internal affairs of other countries.

Especially given the current complex situation and pluralistic political ecology in India, the risk of political infiltration that may be brought about by being too close to the West cannot be ignored.

In addition, India is keenly aware that part of the reason why it is not being suppressed and sanctioned by the West is that China and Russia are sharing some of the pressure on it at the front.

Once China and Russia are hit or weakened, India is likely to be the next target to be targeted by the West.

India has come to its senses and made a wise decision before Putin's visit to China, or it will join forces with China and Russia to keep warm

Therefore, on the occasion of Putin's upcoming visit to China, India's initiative to make overtures to China and seek to ease border tensions is of far-reaching strategic significance.

Not only will this not have much negative impact on its relations with the West, but it shows that India is beginning to be more soberly aware of the potential risks and limitations of its dealings with the West.

and seek closer relations with major powers such as China and Russia to safeguard their own strategic interests.

Under the current international situation, the positive changes in China-India relations have undoubtedly brought about a positive impact on regional and even global stability and development.

As the two largest developing countries, China and India both play important roles in promoting global economic growth, promoting multilateralism and upholding the international order.

Therefore, both sides should cherish this hard-won positive change and continue to work hard to promote the comprehensive development of bilateral relations.

To achieve this goal, China and India need to further strengthen communication and dialogue, enhance strategic mutual trust, and properly handle their differences and disputes.

At the same time, the two sides should also actively expand exchanges and cooperation in the economic, cultural, scientific and technological fields, so as to bring more benefits and development opportunities to the two peoples.

India has come to its senses and made a wise decision before Putin's visit to China, or it will join forces with China and Russia to keep warm

In addition, China and India should work together to maintain regional peace and stability and promote the building of a community with a shared future for mankind.

In the face of global challenges and crises, China and India should work together to address them and make greater contributions to the prosperity and progress of the world.

Looking to the future, the prospects for the development of Sino-Indian relations are broad. With the sustained economic development of the two countries and the continuous improvement of their comprehensive national strength, the status and role of China and India in the international arena will become more prominent.

Therefore, both sides should adopt a more open, inclusive, and cooperative attitude to promote the in-depth development of bilateral relations and make greater contributions to world peace and prosperity.

Finally, it should be emphasized that the improvement of China-India relations is not an overnight process, but requires long-term efforts and persistence on both sides.

In this process, both sides need to remain calm and rational and refrain from taking drastic actions or making inappropriate remarks to avoid causing unnecessary damage to bilateral relations.

At the same time, the two sides should also strengthen nongovernmental exchanges and cooperation, enhance friendship and understanding between the two peoples, and lay a solid foundation for the long-term development of bilateral relations.

Only in this way can China and India work together to create a better future.

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