
3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

author:Taoshen anime


Beneath this glamorous surface, there are many hidden truths in the influencer industry. Young people devote themselves to it with dreams, but they often fall into the double-edged sword of capital. Many people think that becoming an influencer means having a free life, but the harsh reality is that they are often used, controlled and exploited by capital. In order to make huge profits, companies ruthlessly manipulate the lives, images, words and deeds of Internet celebrities, and make them into a false image in order to make more profits.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!


In this situation, Internet celebrities seem to have become pawns in the capital game, their every move is strictly controlled by the company, they have lost a lot of freedom, and it is difficult to even express their personal thoughts and opinions. Their efforts and wisdom are not only exchanged for vanity and fame, but also for bondage and oppression. With more and more exposure, the experience of Internet celebrities has gradually surfaced, which has attracted widespread attention from the society, and has also made people begin to re-examine the darkness hidden behind this seemingly glamorous industry. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg, and more facts are waiting to be revealed.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

In the following content, we will dig deeper into the root causes of these problems and uncover the truth about more influencers being used by capital, as well as the control and exploitation they are subjected to. At the same time, we will also explore the resistance and struggle of influencers in this situation, as well as the dilemmas and challenges they face, through specific case studies. Let's dive deeper and learn more about this seemingly dazzling yet confusing industry.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

Haiyang: The Internet celebrity kidnapped by the company

When Haiyang stepped into the Internet celebrity industry, he had a yearning for freedom and dreams. However, he soon discovers that being an influencer is not as glamorous and free as he imagined. When he was still an unknown little person, a large company noticed his potential and took the initiative to extend an olive branch to him. For Haiyang, this is an opportunity that cannot be turned down.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

He was tempted by the company to sign a contract with a high contract. However, he soon discovers that this so-called partner does not really care about his growth and development, but sees him as part of a money-making tool. From the day he signed the contract, his life became completely controlled and arranged by the company. He was required to behave in accordance with the company's directives in his actions, speech and image, and his freedom and authenticity were completely denied.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

In order to pursue higher profits, the company has carried out strict control and exploitation of Haiyang. His schedule was so full that he hardly had any time to rest. The company requires him to post a certain amount of content every day, regardless of whether he is inspired or not, or whether he is in good or bad shape. He had to cater to the company's demands and falsely pretend to be happy, positive, and free.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

What made Haiyang even more frustrated and desperate was that the company was constantly using his image and fame to sell various products and services, whether he wanted it or not. He was forced to endorse some inferior products, and he himself could not guarantee the quality and effectiveness of these products. This feeling of exploitation caused Haiyang to gradually lose his enthusiasm for the industry and begin to doubt whether the freedom and dreams he pursued were real.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

In the face of the company's ruthless exploitation and bondage, Haiyang decided to fight for the termination of the contract for the sake of his freedom and dignity. He is no longer willing to be kidnapped by the company, he hopes to regain the courage and freedom to chase his dreams. In order to earn the termination fee, he began to actively look for other opportunities to negotiate cooperation with other companies. He no longer passively accepts orders from the company, but actively chooses partners and looks for institutions that really care about his growth and development.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

At the same time, Haiyang also began to actively seek legal assistance, hoping to terminate the contract with the company through legal means. He is no longer willing to be manipulated and exploited by the company, he wants to fight for a sky of his own. He understands that this will not be easy, but he is willing to put in all the effort and price for it.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

This is Haiyang's story, and it is also a true portrayal of many Internet celebrities. They are kidnapped by the company, deprived of their freedom and authenticity, and can only act according to the company's instructions. However, like Haiyan, they also have the right to fight for their dignity and freedom. In the following content, we'll delve into more influencer stories and struggles, revealing the dark side of the industry. Let's look forward to the rest of the content and see how influencers fight for their freedom and dignity.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

Li Ziqi's struggle and rebellion

In a capitalist economic system, conflicts of interest between capitalists and workers are inevitable. As an Internet celebrity with a huge fan base, Li Ziqi has enjoyed great success under the control of capital, but he has also been exploited by capital.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

As a girl from the countryside, Li Ziqi has risen rapidly in the field of Internet celebrities and has become a representative of Chinese cultural export. Her videos have been highly recognized abroad, known as the "Oriental version of the food expert", and have gained a large number of fans in China.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

However, Li Ziqi's success does not come from her unique talent and hard work, but from the control and manipulation of capital. Her video content is often arranged and developed by the company, and the company also strictly manages and shapes her image. All of her actions, remarks, and image must meet the company's standards or face penalties.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

In addition, Li Ziqi was also forced to sign a long-term contract, which not only restricted her freedom, but also stipulated that she could not operate and promote independently. This means that even if Li Ziqi wants to start her own business or promote her own products, she is not free to choose partners, or even use her own name and image. All her actions must be approved and instructed by the company.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

Li Ziqi's experience has triggered questions and reflections on the capitalist economic system in society. Although Li Ziqi's success is enviable, she has also become a victim of capital. Her freedom and dignity were denied, and she was not free to choose her own lifestyle and career direction. For ordinary people, this kind of bondage and control may be endured, but for a young person with dreams and pursuits, it is an unbearable oppression.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

However, Li Ziqi was not defeated by this control and exploitation. After a period of observation and reflection, she began to gradually break free from the company's control and try to explore and realize her dreams freely. She began publishing her own videos, exploring her own ideas and inspirations, freed from the company's shackles and control. Although she still faces many difficulties and challenges, she has always stood up for what she believes in and what she pursues.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

Li Ziqi's struggle and resistance present the image of a young man who has the courage to challenge and pursue freedom. Her experience teaches us that capital can control and exploit our freedom and dignity, but as long as we are firm in our beliefs and pursuits, we can break free from shackles and control and realize our dreams. Under the capitalist economic system, we need to be more sober and vigilant, protect our rights and dignity, and not allow ourselves to become victims of capital.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

The controversy and controversy caused by the success of Lang Gaixian

We see the cruelty and ruthlessness of the capitalist system. However, in this context, the prodigal fairy has become a controversial focus. As a typical representative of the capitalist economic system, the success of Lang Gaixian is not only enviable, but also has caused many controversies and disputes.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

Some people believe that Lang Gaixian's success is based on his blind following of capital and fooling his fans. His video content, while seemingly authentic and natural, is actually carefully planned and produced. His success does not come from real talent and hard work, but from the compromise of capital and the deception of fans. This view has sparked questions and criticism of his authenticity in society.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

On the other hand, there are also those who believe that Lang Gaixian's success is based on his unwavering pursuit of his dreams and sincere feedback to his fans. The content of his videos may be carefully curated, but the life scenes and emotional experiences presented in them are real. His success stems from his pursuit of dreams and sincere communication with his fans, a view that is supported and recognized by part of society.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

In the midst of such controversies and disputes, the image of Lang Gaixian gradually became blurred, and he was projected by people with various images and meanings. His success is not only a manifestation of personal value, but also a symbol and symbol of an era. This kind of controversy and controversy is not only a challenge to the prodigal fairy, but also a question and reflection on the entire capitalist system. It is in this controversy and controversy that we see various conflicts of interest and moral dilemmas under the capitalist system.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

However, behind the success of Lang Gaixian, there is another more confusing story, that is, You Su's use and betrayal of him. You Su was originally a member of the team of Lang Gai Xian, and she has worked with Lang Gai Xian for many years to create many popular video content. However, in the eyes of the outside world, they are a perfect pair, but few people know that You Su secretly used and betrayed the Lang Stomach Fairy.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

According to insiders, You Su once obtained the key information and resources of Lang Gao Xian through various means, and chose to betray him at a critical moment, putting him in embarrassment and predicament. This kind of unscrupulous behavior is shocking, and it has also aroused doubts and condemnation in society about the true face of the tourists. Lang Gaixian once pinned all his trust and hope on You Su, but he suffered such a heavy betrayal, such a story is embarrassing.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

As the truth is gradually revealed, the conspiracy and betrayal of You Su are finally known to the public. The prodigal fairy was also hit and hit like never before in this turmoil. He had to re-examine his success and values, and redefine his dreams and pursuits. This incident has not only become a story of life experience, but also a reflection and warning of an era.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!

However, it is in stories like this that we see the complexity of human nature and the cruelty of society. Under capitalism, everyone is fighting for their own interests and survival, but at the same time they can also fall victim to the interests of others. In such stories, we need to be more sober and vigilant, protect our rights and dignity, and not allow ourselves to fall prey to the interests of others.

3 Internet celebrities kidnapped by capital: miserable, tens of millions of debts!


The story of the prodigal fairy and the wandering is not only the fate of the two individuals, but also the epitome of the whole society. Their stories show us that success doesn't come easily, and that there are often countless wrestles and frauds behind it. Under the capitalist system, we need to be more sober and vigilant, constantly reflect and warn ourselves, protect our rights and dignity, and not let ourselves fall victim to the interests of others.