
The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

author:Sweet potato entertainment

As the most shining "golden boy and girl" in the Chinese entertainment industry, Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing's marriage can be described as a carefully cultivated garden of happiness. In 2009, they announced their divorce, ending their 15-year marriage, leaving behind a 10-year-old son, Enli.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

More than ten years later, in May 2024, Yi Nengjing and Yu Chengqing will meet at their son Enli's college graduation ceremony, becoming the focus of attention of many media and fans. Can this former "golden boy and girl" regain their good relationship? What will be the role of their only son, Enley? Let's get closer to this once happy and now conflicted family, and unravel the entanglements and expectations in their hearts.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Enli's growth history

Enley can be said to have spent his entire childhood and adolescence in the shadow of his parents' separation. Since he was a child, he has had to travel between two families and face intricate family relationships.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Fortunately, despite the divorce of their parents, Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing have always loved this son. Even if Yu Chengqing has a successful career and fame and fortune, he has never neglected his son's growth; Although Yi Nengjing suffered a heavy emotional blow, she still nourishes Enli's heart with maternal love.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Under the care of his parents, Enli gradually grew into a sunny and positive boy. Despite the twists and turns of life, he has never been trapped in a dark cage, but has been brave and brave towards a bright future with an independent and confident attitude.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Enley's experience as a student is a testament to his outstanding talent. During his four years at NYU, he completed his first major study in just three years. And at next year's graduation ceremony, we will witness the completion of this important stage of Enli's life.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Mother Yi Nengjing is sincerely proud of her son. On May 15, as Enley's graduation ceremony was approaching, she flew from Taiwan to New York, ready to be there to spend this important moment with her son.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Yi Nengjing's current life is almost entirely focused on her daughter and son. In just 8 years, she has gone from a divorced mother who has been hit hard to the sunny road of life: she and her new husband Qin Hao have a happy marriage, they have a lovely daughter, and the family of three is happy. Of course, Yi Nengjing has never forgotten her eldest son Enli.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

The father regained his affection

At the same time, Yu Chengqing was not far behind, and he personally flew to New York to celebrate his son's graduation from college. The former idol singer is now 62 years old and still has a busy work and life.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Soon after Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing divorced, they married Zhang Jiaxin and had a son and a daughter. He devoted most of his time to building a new family, which can be described as alienating and neglecting Enli. It wasn't until the arrival of two new lives that Yu Chengqing realized his father's responsibility, so he gradually attached importance to his parent-child relationship with Enli.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came
The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

In recent years, as Yu Chengqing himself has entered the "sunset red" time of his life, he has cherished the bits and pieces of getting along with his son more and more. In the subway station in New York, the father and son even had an intimate interaction: Yu Chengqing waved vigorously to Enli, and his eyes were full of thoughts for his son; And Enli also shared this heartwarming moment of father-son reunion on social media.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Now, Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing are both coming to New York with great expectations to attend Enli's graduation ceremony. This will be their reunion after 15 years, and naturally it has become the focus of countless people's attention.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Many fans are secretly looking forward to it, hoping that Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing can regain their love for the year at this special moment, join hands in the same frame, and give the best gift for their son's graduation. After all, they used to be the most promising "golden boy and girl" in the entertainment industry, but now they have parted ways for various reasons.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

It is curious whether they will be able to rebuild the old good. Perhaps it is precisely because of this expectation that many netizens have left messages to speculate about their next move after seeing the news that Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing have arrived in New York.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Looking back on the ups and downs of this marriage, it is not difficult to find that an important reason for the final divorce is that Yu Chengqing was accused of failing to mediate and guide the conflict between his daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. At that time, public opinion was in an uproar, accusing Yu Chengqing of failing to fulfill his responsibilities as a good husband.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

To this day, the regrets of this marriage are indeed sighing. Whether they can be reunited now depends on whether both parties are willing to let go of the past and understand and tolerate for the sake of their son.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Family affection is emerging

However, regardless of whether the parents can reconcile or not, in the heart of their son Enli, the power of family affection is emerging and shining. This sunny boy is indomitable on the road of growth, relying on the indelible love of his parents.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Although the divorce of his parents made Enli feel the pain of living in two places, he is still young and full of positive energy. Undoubtedly, this is due to the love and support of our parents. Even in the haze of divorce, Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing did not give up their care and companionship for their son, and nourished Enli's growth with love.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

It is the deep love of his parents that gives Enli a unique, confident and sunny personality. Because of this, deep in Enli's heart, there will always be love for his parents. It is not difficult to understand that Enli also has sincere expectations and blessings for the reunion of his parents.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Because he knows that love is eternal and unchanging. Even if the relationship between the parents broke down, even if they each started a new family, their love for their son is indelible. This family affection will always be the most precious treasure in Enli's heart.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

So when Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing arrived in New York, Enli's heart was naturally full of joy and expectation. In front of his friend's camera, he opened up and expressed his ardent hope for his parents' reunion: "I really miss my parents and I especially hope that they will be present at my graduation ceremony, which will be my best graduation gift."

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

The warmth of family affection is as warm as the sun, even if it was once covered by heavy clouds, but one day, its brilliance will surely shine again on our lives. For Enley, the reunion of his parents is the best blessing in his life.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

With the blessing and support of his parents, Enli can move so calmly and confidently to a new stage of life. And the parents can finally get together at this special moment and feel the joy of their son's growth. All this is warmed and nourished by a loving heart, so why not be afraid of the ravages of wind and rain?

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Of course, in addition to Enli, there are countless fans and friends who have infinite expectations for the reunion of Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing. Because in their hearts, this former "golden boy and girl" will always be the most perfect pair.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Back 15 years ago, the marriage of Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing was once regarded as a "model story". From acquaintance, acquaintance to love, the love road was smooth sailing, and they became husband and wife in 2000.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

At that time, their golden boy and girl faces, outstanding talents, and sweet love were all enviable. Who would have thought that 9 years later, this couple, who was envied by countless people, would not be able to escape the "seven-year itch", and finally chose to break up and divorce.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

For the rupture of this "model couple" back then, countless fans were heartbroken. They left messages one after another: "Your love was so innocent and beautiful back then, how did it come to today? What a shame!" We hope that you can reconcile again and grow old together!"

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

After many years, when it was reported that Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing would get together at their son's graduation ceremony, it immediately became the most high-profile focus topic in the industry. Countless netizens and fans began to look forward to it, hoping that the former "golden boy and girl" could take this opportunity to rebuild and regain the beautiful love of the year.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

After all, how many couples can touch everyone's hearts as deeply as they once did? As the "model couple" of yesteryear, they are destined to bear more people's expectations. Now there is finally hope to come back together, which naturally makes the majority of fans excited and enthusiastic.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

A complex network of family affection

However, looking back at the course of history, it is not difficult for us to find that this relationship eventually came to an end because it was too tortuous. The fuse of Yu Chengqing and Yi Nengjing's divorce was largely caused by the contradictions and entanglements between the new and old family members of both parties.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Yi Nengjing did not regain her marriage for a long time after the divorce. Many years later, she married Qin Hao, and gave birth to a lovely daughter at an advanced age in 2017, forming a new family of three.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

Yu Chengqing's new family is more complicated: he married Zhang Jiaxin, who was 19 years younger than him, and soon gave birth to a son and a daughter. As a result, Yu Chengqing has 3 children in just a few years.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

In the face of such a complex family network, Enli naturally needs to move between them. As a parent's child, he had to deal with 3 siblings at the same time; As a son, he had to juggle between his parents' two new families.

The picture is so touching! Yu Chengqing went abroad to visit his son, and Enli posted a video to show that his father came

This has undoubtedly brought great pressure and resistance to Enli's growth path. How to find oneself and achieve independence in these complex family relationships is a daunting challenge for this young man.

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