
Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

author:Sister Qing talks about stories
Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

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As a girl, when I see this problem, I must first clarify whether the problem to be solved is "playing games" or "going to Internet cafes", or "hiding from you". If you don't want him to "hide it from you", then do you agree with him when he goes out to play games; If you don't want him to "go to an Internet café", then think about whether you let him play at home; If you don't want him to play games, then try canceling your entertainment and see if you can tolerate it. If a person can tell the truth well and will not be punished, he will not lie. Since he would rather lie than tell the truth, there must be irreconcilable differences of opinion between you.

There are also people who say that people who play games are not motivated, unproductive, and degenerate, and I want to say that people who are not motivated will not be motivated if they do not play games, and people who are motivated will not become unmotivated because of playing games. When two people interact, they should take care of each other and support each other while retaining their personal privacy space. Is it only allowed for girls to watch dramas, go shopping, and watch Taobao, and boys are not allowed to play games?! Is this reasonable?

The following is the opinion shared by netizens, which is simply too true and may bring new answers, let's take a look.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

I completely agree that it doesn't matter if you lie in bed and play with your mobile phone, it doesn't matter if you watch TV, as long as you start to play a game, you will have nothing to do.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

Now everyone is quite capable, but to live, I will be with you, and you will have to give in to me.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

I really want to have such a girlfriend [dog head]

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

I think so too, how simple a man who just loves to play games in Internet cafes is!

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

It's definitely because you don't let him play, so you should be glad that you are the cheapest form of entertainment to go to an Internet café to play games.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

When she works on her own, she demands fairness and requires her partner to work as well. But when you're working, she's selectively ignoring.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

Home is a haven where people feel relieved and comfortable, and I think maybe it would be better to let him come back to play.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

In reality, there are a few girlfriends who understand this truth, and in the end, they are not forced to quit the game.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

If you have a wife like this, what more can a husband ask for?

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

The point is to lie, there is a computer at home to play, whether her boyfriend is playing in an Internet café or at home, it is fine, but why lie.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

I work overtime every day, work hard, and I won't complain if I don't have time to go home every day.

After reading the views shared by many netizens, do you think that your boyfriend should go to an Internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend? Welcome to leave a message to discuss. Now that you've seen this, give it a thumbs up to the little hands that make a fortune.

Why would a boyfriend rather go to an internet café to play games without telling his girlfriend than play games at home?

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