
New round of Sino-US trade war: US tax hike, China counterattack, who is the real loser?

author:Yang Yang Shi
{"info":{"title":{"content":"中美贸易战新回合:美国加税,中国反击,谁是真正的输家?","en":"New round of Sino-US trade war: US tax hike, China counterattack, who is the real loser?"},"description":{"content":"自美国总统特朗普上台执政以来,其对华强硬政策可谓是昭昭天下。在贸易领域,美方不遗余力地对中国产品大加征税,力图扼杀中国制...","en":"Since US President Donald Trump took office, his hardline policy toward China has been made clear to the world. In the field of trade, the United States has spared no effort to impose heavy taxes on Chinese products, trying to stifle China's system..."}},"items":[]}