
Protecting Dignity and Warmth Together: Reflections Triggered by Street Molestation

author:Resourceful pencil mK
{"info":{"title":{"content":"守护尊严,温暖同行:街头猥亵事件引发的思考","en":"Protecting Dignity and Warmth Together: Reflections Triggered by Street Molestation"},"description":{"content":"在福建泉州的街头,一幕令人心酸的画面被直播镜头无情地捕捉。一名天生无手的女孩,用她坚强的意志和美妙的歌声,在路边开启了她...","en":"On the streets of Quanzhou, Fujian Province, a poignant scene was mercilessly captured by the live broadcast camera. A girl who was born without hands, with her strong will and beautiful singing voice, opens her on the side of the road..."}},"items":[]}