
Singer Mao Amin: One year after her husband died of illness, she left an inheritance of 26 billion, and her choice was tearful

author:Lao Zhang said history
{"info":{"title":{"content":"歌手毛阿敏:丈夫病逝1年后,留下260亿遗产,她的选择令人泪目","en":"Singer Mao Amin: One year after her husband died of illness, she left an inheritance of 26 billion, and her choice was tearful"},"description":{"content":"一、怀念往昔,热泪盈眶2024年5月的某一个周日,备受瞩目的金鸡奖颁奖典礼盛装起航。在主持人郑重其事的开场白之后,终于迎...","en":"1. Nostalgia for the past, tears in my eyes On a Sunday in May 2024, the high-profile Golden Rooster Award Ceremony set sail. After the host's solemn opening remarks, finally welcomed..."}},"items":[]}