
When I was in high school in '94, I lost 83 yuan, and the next day my female classmate said that she picked it up and asked me to go to her house to withdraw the money

author:Happiness Breeze I
{"info":{"title":{"content":"94年读高中,丢了83块钱,隔天女同学说她捡到了,让我去她家取钱","en":"When I was in high school in '94, I lost 83 yuan, and the next day my female classmate said that she picked it up and asked me to go to her house to withdraw the money"},"description":{"content":"1994年的秋天,我踏入了高中的校园,心中充满了对未来的憧憬和对知识的渴望。我叫张新伟,一个来自华北小镇的普通学生,家境...","en":"In the fall of 1994, I stepped into the high school campus with a vision for the future and a thirst for knowledge. My name is Zhang Xinwei, an ordinary student from a small town in North China, and my family background..."}},"items":[]}