
Why do men like to chase married women, is it because of true love? Or is it for another purpose?

author:The people wear Mei Ai
{"info":{"title":{"content":"为什么男人喜欢追已婚女人,是因为真爱吗?还是别有目的?","en":"Why do men like to chase married women, is it because of true love? Or is it for another purpose?"},"description":{"content":"亲爱的朋友们,听我说句大实话哈!如果一个男生明知道你是有夫之妇,还跟你搞暧昧,那他大概率只是把你当“鱼塘”里的一条鱼,根...","en":"Dear friends, listen to me tell the truth! If a boy knows that you are a married woman and still has an affair with you, then he is likely to just treat you as a fish in the \"fish pond\"."}},"items":[]}