
Looking forward to it! Apple M4 chip, more than a little ahead?

author:Cute Kelsey 4k5h
{"info":{"title":{"content":"翘首以盼!苹果M4芯片,领先不止一点点?","en":"Looking forward to it! Apple M4 chip, more than a little ahead?"},"description":{"content":"苹果M4芯片霸气登场,Mac全线升级,AI时代谁主沉浮?苹果公司最新推出的M4芯片堪称行业顶尖,性能能效双提升,AI算力...","en":"Apple's M4 chip debuts domineeringly, Macs are upgraded across the board, who is in charge of the ups and downs in the AI era? Apple's latest M4 chip is the top in the industry, with both performance and energy efficiency improvements, AI computing power..."}},"items":[]}