
Chen Meng's singles is the rule, and Wang Manyu's defeat is also the rule, and it is selected according to the rules, and there is no dispute

author:Lost victory
{"info":{"title":{"content":"陈梦单打是规则,王曼昱落选也是规则,是按规则选拔,没有争议","en":"Chen Meng's singles is the rule, and Wang Manyu's defeat is also the rule, and it is selected according to the rules, and there is no dispute"},"description":{"content":"文案|失去的胜利编辑|失去的胜利2024年5月14日,乒协公示了巴黎奥运会名单,这一消息引发了广泛关注。在名单中,陈梦获...","en":"Copywriting|Lost VictoryEditor|Lost VictoryOn May 14, 2024, the Table Tennis Association announced the list of the Paris Olympic Games, which attracted widespread attention. In the list, Chen Meng won..."}},"items":[]}