
The size S drug test results are out! It was found that he had taken illegal drugs, and the team gave a prescription to prove his innocence

author:Lost victory
{"info":{"title":{"content":"大小S验毒结果出炉!测出有服用违禁药物,团队拿处方来证明无罪","en":"The size S drug test results are out! It was found that he had taken illegal drugs, and the team gave a prescription to prove his innocence"},"description":{"content":"文案|失去的胜利编辑|失去的胜利黄子佼爆料大S滥用药物,指其利用他人身份证开处方取药,存在违法嫌疑。大小S尿检结果出炉,...","en":"Copywriting|Lost Victory Editor|Lost Victory Huang Zijiao broke the news that Da S abused drugs, accusing him of using other people's ID cards to prescribe medicines, and was suspected of violating the law. The size S urine test results are out,..."}},"items":[]}