
That year, you said that you only had table tennis in your heart, and later met Sun Yingsha!

author:Around the corner I met Love L
{"info":{"title":{"content":"那年你说心里只有乒乓球,后来认识了孙颖莎!","en":"That year, you said that you only had table tennis in your heart, and later met Sun Yingsha!"},"description":{"content":"前言:2024年,乒乓球界迎来了一段佳话。两位顶尖选手头哥与孙颖莎(莎),在乒乓球的世界里相互碰撞、共同成长,他们之间的...","en":"Foreword: In 2024, the table tennis world will usher in a good story. The two top players, Brother Tou and Sun Yingsha (Sha), collide with each other and grow together in the world of table tennis."}},"items":[]}