
The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

author:Versatile oranges

"The son goes ugly to Teng Jinxiu, and the sacred cow goes down to the earth to order the country." In this ancient and long Chinese culture, each vintage has its own specific meaning and expectation. When we talk about 2024, the year that the ancients called "the dragon takes off", it may be a little different for the friends of the ox, because it brings specific taboos and expectations.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

At the beginning of this article, I would like to quote an old saying: "Know yourself and know your opponent, and you will not be defeated in a hundred battles." "2024, as the Year of the Dragon in traditional Chinese culture, is indeed worth exploring for those who belong to the ox and its taboo and financial fortune. In the traditional Chinese zodiac culture, each zodiac has its own unique character and fortune, the ox people, hard-working, honest, just like the cattle in the field, silently cultivating, looking forward to a bumper harvest. However, the arrival of the Year of the Dragon is undoubtedly a test for those who belong to the ox.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

We know that our friends are down-to-earth and calm, but in 2024, the Year of the Dragon, which is full of changes and opportunities, Ox people may encounter all kinds of difficulties and setbacks. This does not mean that their luck is bad, on the contrary, it is precisely because of these difficulties that they may show extraordinary perseverance and perseverance, but the uneasiness and doubts during this period are unavoidable. This is like the cloud in the ancient poem: "Don't worry about the road ahead without knowing yourself, no one in the world knows you." In the special year of 2024, every friend of the ox needs to maintain a normal heart and face challenges bravely.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

So, in such a special year, where is the fortune of the ox? According to traditional Feng Shui doctrines, direction is closely related to fortune. In 2024, the direction of fortune is mainly due north. Due north, like a cold snap in winter, it is cold, but it is also full of life. Friends who belong to the ox, if they can grasp the opportunity in the direction of due north in this year, just like farmers grasp the spring sowing, they may be able to harvest full of wealth.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

But it's worth noting that the due north direction is not a panacea. In this year of change, the ox also needs to formulate their own development plan according to their actual situation, combined with other factors, such as family, career, health, etc. As the ancients said: "Heaven is strong, and a gentleman is constantly striving for self-improvement." "Only by constantly improving ourselves can we remain undefeated in all kinds of challenges.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

Here, I would like to quote a quote from the wisdom of the ancients: "There are times in life when you have to have it, and there are times in life when you don't have to ask for it." "Although 2024 is a special year for ox people, fate is not set in stone. Everyone has the power to change their own destiny, as long as we work hard, we can always find our own fortune in every corner of life.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

To sum up, 2024 is indeed a year that needs special attention for those who belong to the ox. In this Year of the Dragon, the Ox may face various challenges and difficulties, but as long as you keep a normal heart, face it bravely, and formulate a reasonable development plan based on your actual situation, you will definitely be able to reap full of wealth.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes

Finally, I would like to conclude with a sentence of wisdom from the ancients: "The road is long, and I will go up and down to seek." "I hope that every friend of the ox can find his own financial fortune in the special year of 2024 and reap full of happiness and success. At the same time, I also wish you all good health, all the best and all your wishes in the new year.

The year 2024 is a taboo for the bulls, and the year 2024 is for the bulls and fortunes