
In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

author:Observer's Diary

According to in-depth reports by the Taiwan media, Russian President Putin's state visit to China has aroused widespread attention and discussion on the island. During this visit, the leaders of the two countries signed an important joint statement, the contents of which have produced strong repercussions on the island of Taiwan.

The key reason is that Russia's rhetoric on Taiwan has changed significantly from the past, a change that even alarmed former US President Donald Trump, who speculated that the joint statement may have hinted at China's full expectations for Taiwan.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

However, we need to understand the true meaning of this statement, rather than over-interpreting it based on superficial textual changes.

According to the authoritative information released on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Russian side once again reaffirmed its position on the Taiwan issue of upholding the one-China principle and unequivocally recognized Taiwan as an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China.

This statement not only demonstrates Russia's respect for China's core interests, but also demonstrates its determination to firmly oppose any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities.

At the same time, China's support for Russia is also all-round, not only supporting it in safeguarding its national security, stability, prosperity and development, but also resolutely supporting it in defending its national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and opposing any interference in its internal affairs by external forces.

Compared with the joint statements issued in the diplomatic activities of the Chinese and Russian heads of state in the past, we can find that there have indeed been new changes in the Russian side's expression on the Taiwan issue this time.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

Specifically, the Russian side emphasized that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the "People's Republic of China", not just part of "Chinese territory".

This subtle but important difference reflects the deepening of understanding and close cooperation between China and Russia on the Taiwan issue.

Looking back at history, we can see that during China's visit to Russia in March 2023, the joint statement issued by the two sides also made clear statements on the Taiwan issue.

In the statement, the Russian side reiterated its adherence to the one-China principle, recognized Taiwan as an inalienable part of China's territory, and clearly expressed its opposition to any form of "Taiwan independence."

At the same time, Russia firmly supports China's measures to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Earlier, in February 2022, when Putin visited China at the invitation of the Chinese side, the joint statement issued by the two sides was more concise and clear, directly reiterating the position of adhering to the one-China principle and opposing "Taiwan independence".

While the terms "China" and "People's Republic of China" may be considered synonymous in everyday life, they are profoundly different in their political context.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

This difference stems from the historical background of the Taiwan issue and the complexity of cross-strait relations. After the Kuomintang retreated to Taiwan, they raised the banner of the "Republic of China" and considered themselves representatives of "China".

After the two sides of the strait reached the "consensus of '92," the "one China, each with its own interpretation" proposed by the Kuomintang also reflected this complexity. Therefore, any country's statement on the Taiwan issue needs to be carefully considered in order to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts.

Russia's unprecedented proposal that Taiwan is an inalienable part of the People's Republic of China not only has profound political significance, but may also have an important impact on the future direction of the international community.

First of all, this statement will further compress the so-called "international space" of the "Taiwan independence" elements and make their separatist acts even more isolated and helpless in the international community. Second, it also provides the international community with clearer guiding principles when dealing with the Taiwan issue, which is conducive to maintaining regional peace and stability.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

In addition, Russia's new Taiwan-related statement has also effectively dealt a blow to the United States' long-standing distorted interpretation of UN General Assembly Resolution 2758. Over the past period, the United States has frequently hyped up the resolution in an attempt to create a "one China, one Taiwan" situation by distorting its meaning.

However, Russia's clear statement is undoubtedly a powerful response to such an act and further consolidates the international community's consensus on the one-China principle.

From this point of view, some of the contents of the Sino-Russian joint statement do indicate that China has taken an important step forward on the Taiwan issue. Trump's assumption that China intends to take Taiwan in its entirety is justified but not entirely accurate.

The real intention of the Sino-Russian joint statement is to further consolidate and develop the strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and jointly safeguard regional peace and stability. At the same time, this also reflects the common stand and determination of China and Russia on the Taiwan issue.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

However, it should be emphasized that China's overall policy toward Taiwan has not undergone a fundamental change. Peaceful reunification remains the first choice of the Chinese government, and the use of force or other means will only be considered as a last resort.

The Chinese Government has always been committed to resolving the Taiwan issue through peace, consultation and negotiation, and has made tremendous efforts to this end. At the same time, China also resolutely opposes any interference in China's internal affairs such as the Taiwan issue by any external forces, which is the consistent and firm position of the Chinese Government.

Overall, the issuance of the Sino-Russian joint statement sends a clear signal on the Taiwan issue and demonstrates the strategic coordination and common positions of China and Russia in regional and international affairs.

This statement not only helps to enhance mutual trust and cooperation between the two countries, but also injects positive energy into regional peace and stability.

However, the settlement of the Taiwan issue still requires all parties to remain calm, rational and restrained, and to resolve differences and disputes through peaceful dialogue and consultation. Only in this way can we truly achieve long-term peace and stability in the region and the common well-being of the people.

In the Sino-Russian joint statement, there was a major change in the rhetoric on Taiwan, and Trump said that China wants to take Taiwan

At the same time, we should also realize that the common position of China and Russia on the Taiwan issue is not isolated. In recent years, with the changes in the global political landscape and the intensification of geopolitical tensions, more and more countries have begun to realize the importance of maintaining regional peace and stability.

Against this background, the strategic coordination and common position of China and Russia have undoubtedly set an example for the international community and provided new ideas and directions for resolving regional disputes and issues.

Finally, it should be pointed out that although the Sino-Russian joint statement has taken an important step forward on the Taiwan issue, resolving the Taiwan issue still requires long-term efforts and persistence.

In this process, all parties need to remain patient and determined, and persist in resolving differences and disputes through peaceful dialogue and consultation. meantime

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