
"Guo Jingjing's best friend" Wu Minxia: After rejecting Huo Qishan, she married an ordinary man

{"info":{"title":{"content":"“郭晶晶好闺蜜”吴敏霞:拒绝霍启山后,嫁给了一个普通男人","en":"\"Guo Jingjing's best friend\" Wu Minxia: After rejecting Huo Qishan, she married an ordinary man"},"description":{"content":"吴敏霞,这位风光无限的跳水皇后,曾经拒绝了豪门霍启山的追求,嫁给了一位普通男人!这背后的故事,不仅仅是一段简单的爱情故事...","en":"Wu Minxia, the diving queen with infinite scenery, once rejected the pursuit of the wealthy Huo Qishan and married an ordinary man! The story behind this is more than just a simple love story..."}},"items":[]}