
After "raising" my son, I realized that children without ambition will never learn what hard work is

author:Uncle Da said things

The father found that his son lacked motivation, was addicted to mobile phones and food, had no plan for the future, and felt anxious and helpless


Parents' love for their children is selfless, inclusive, and hopes that they can grow up healthy and happy. However, on the path of children's growth, they often encounter various problems and confusions, leaving parents feeling helpless and anxious. Recently, I had a problem with this, and my son seemed to be in some trouble, which made me very worried.

After "raising" my son, I realized that children without ambition will never learn what hard work is

1. I was disappointed and frustrated by my son's performance

Since I was in junior high school, I have been a little surprised and disappointed by the changes in my son. In the past, although he was naughty, he always had great curiosity, full of yearning and desire to explore the world. Nowadays, he seems to have become a little lazy and negative, and he has lost a lot of interest in learning, and he always feels that nothing can motivate him.

After "raising" my son, I realized that children without ambition will never learn what hard work is

2. Addicted to mobile phones and food, lacking self-discipline and planning

And what worries me more is that he is addicted to his phone and food. Whether at home or at school, as long as he has a little free time, he will pick up his mobile phone, watch some non-nutritious videos and games, and even waste a lot of study time. In terms of life, his self-control has become worse and worse, especially for food, he can always eat several servings, and he has no interest in vegetables and fruits.

After "raising" my son, I realized that children without ambition will never learn what hard work is

3. Aware of the problem, but unable to make a change

I used to try to communicate with him and hope that he would realize his problem and try to make some changes. And he did realize his own problems, and even at some times, he felt powerless because of this, and began to feel inferior and self-blamed. However, he was unable to find a suitable way to solve these problems, which made me feel very anxious and helpless.

After "raising" my son, I realized that children without ambition will never learn what hard work is

Fourth, parents need to pay attention to guiding their children's growth

That's where some of the dilemmas in a child's growth lie. Today's society, whether it is study or life, is under tremendous pressure, and these pressures can easily make children feel tired and helpless, resulting in some negative emotions. As parents, what we need to do is not only to pay attention to the child's academic performance, but also his inner world, guide him to the correct outlook on life and values, and help him overcome various difficulties and challenges.

5. Listening and understanding is more important than simple accusations

Some of the child's manifestations are a reflection of his true inner thoughts. When he is addicted to mobile phones and food, maybe it's because some kind of craving in his heart is not being satisfied, when he becomes passive and helpless, maybe it's because he has encountered some difficulties that he can't solve. At this time, what he needs most may not be simple blame and criticism, but our listening and understanding, and giving him appropriate care and help.

6. Companionship and support are more important than simple attention

When a child encounters problems and difficulties, what he needs most is our companionship and support. One day, he will take the initiative to communicate with us and tell us about his troubles and troubles, and at this time, we need to not only listen, but also give him some advice and encouragement. When he has some new ideas and understandings, we can also discuss with him and plan his future together, believing that such companionship and support can become the most solid backing for his growth.


In the face of various problems and challenges in children's growth, parents' hearts will also be filled with all kinds of anxiety and helplessness. However, we need to believe that both we and us can become stronger and braver, and we can also reap more growth and harvest as a result. When we feel that we can't face it alone, we can also seek some help appropriately, communicate with professional organizations or personnel, and face this journey of growth together.

In the face of his father's worries, the son did not feel depressed because of this, but in his heart, he had more determination and courage, began to think about his own problems, and tried to make some changes. And in this process, we also slowly walked into his inner world and faced the bits and pieces of his growth path together, and therefore, we have a deeper understanding that the most important thing in children's growth is the companionship and understanding of their parents, and they also slowly become mature and strong in their growth.