
In the relationship between the sexes, if the man uses too much force, the woman is really easy to get started, let's find out

author:Uncle Da said things

Is the pursuit of too much force a romance or a trap of love?


In the relationship between the sexes, if the man uses too much force, the woman is really easy to get started, let's find out

Love is a beautiful emotion that everyone desires to have in their hearts, and in the process of pursuing love, men often play the role of active suitors, while women are passive recipients. In real life, we often hear some romantic love stories where the male protagonist pursues the female protagonist too hard and finally wins her heart, and the two come together happily. In the reality of sexual interactions, men pursue too hard but not all are beautiful romances, and sometimes such behavior may make women feel distressed and stressed, and even become an emotional trap.

In the relationship between the sexes, if the man uses too much force, the woman is really easy to get started, let's find out

Is a man's overly aggressive pursuit a kind of romance or a trap?

The pursuit of too much force can easily make women fall into an emotional vortex

In real life, we often meet some men who behave extremely hard when pursuing the girl they like, such as frequently texting and calling girls, sending various surprise gifts, and even confessing loudly in front of everyone, hoping to impress the hearts of girls with their sincerity and dedication. When a woman is faced with such an overly violent pursuit, she often feels troubled and pressured, feeling that she cannot escape such emotional entanglement, and thus falls into a kind of emotional whirlpool.

The pursuit of too much force makes women feel pressure and distress

For the pursuit of men who are too violent, a woman's heart is actually perceived, she can feel the sincerity and dedication of the suitor, and she can also feel the emotional experience of being valued and cherished, and her heart is likely to be touched by such a pursuit, resulting in beautiful expectations and fantasies for love. When the suitor's behavior crosses the psychological boundaries of a woman, making her feel pressure and distress, she is likely to begin to avoid and resist, and even choose to give up this menacing relationship, because deep in her heart, the love she longs for is not from strong external pressure, but a voluntary choice and acceptance from the inside.

The pursuit of overexertion requires a balance of exertion and gentleness

It can be seen that although a man's pursuit of too much force is ostensibly out of love and care for women, there is also a certain risk in it, once it is not able to balance force and gentleness well, and cannot truly understand and respect her inner needs and choices from a woman's point of view, it is likely to make women feel disappointed and dissatisfied, which will backfire and make her have the idea of escaping and giving up. In the process of pursuing love, men need to learn to leave space and tenderness in force, instead of blindly pursuing and possessing, but to respect women's wishes and choices, express their emotions moderately, and pay attention to each other's growth and progress with a tolerant and understanding attitude, so as to truly touch a woman's heart and make her willing to take the initiative to enter this relationship.

Women are moved by sincerity and also need to think rationally

When it comes to the pursuit of a man's force, we tend to focus on the suitor, thinking that all his actions are out of love and care for the woman, and ignore the inner feelings and thoughts of the pursued. In real life, while a woman is moved by the strength of her suitor, she also needs to think and observe rationally, and should not be blinded by the superficial romance, but should observe the essence and heart of the other party with her heart, and see whether he treats herself sincerely, and whether the relationship between them can really go long-term.

When being pursued, there needs to be a balance between emotion and reason

In the interaction between the sexes, both men and women have their own emotional needs and inner expectations, and in the process of being pursued, emotions often dominate, making people have an inexplicable sense of happiness and satisfaction, thus ignoring rational thinking and observation. However, a real healthy relationship needs to be supported by emotion and reason, and can not go far only by virtue of a momentary emotion and passion, in the process of being pursued, women also need to balance their emotions and rationality, maintain an independent and sober heart, observe and think with a rational eye, see their inner needs and thoughts, and whether the other party is truly in line with their own values and outlook on life, so that they can make the right choice and enter a truly beautiful relationship.

The balance of love requires the joint efforts of both parties

It can be seen that balance is very important in the interaction between the sexes, both men and women, both men and women need to find a balance in the process of feelings, not only in the expression and acceptance of emotions need to balance force and gentleness, but also include the balance between emotion and reason, independence and dependence. Only when men and women can communicate honestly, listen to each other's needs and ideas, and respect each other's choices and spaces, can a truly healthy relationship model be established, so that the relationship between the two can be like sunshine, warm and bright, lasting and beautiful.

In the relationship between the sexes, if the man uses too much force, the woman is really easy to get started, let's find out


Love is a beautiful emotional experience, and the pursuit of love is a process full of romance and anticipation. In this process, men and women play different roles and have their own experiences and perceptions. When a man pursues a woman hard, he needs to understand that true love does not come from strong external pressure, but requires the voluntary choice and acceptance of the woman's heart, therefore, he needs to learn to leave tenderness in the force, and truly understand and respect the woman's inner needs. And when a woman is moved by sincerity, she also needs to observe and think with a rational eye, not be blinded by superficial romance, find the inner balance, and enter a truly beautiful relationship.

In the process of pursuing love, both men and women need to understand that the beauty and true meaning of love do not come from the romance and passion of the moment, but require the joint efforts and tolerance of both parties, and need to grow slowly in each other's understanding and support, so as to be able to bloom their own happy flowers. Communication is very important in the process of pursuing and being pursued, it allows men and women to understand each other more deeply, find each other's inner needs, and thus build a truly solid emotional foundation. I hope that every pursuit can become better because of sincerity and tolerance, and I also hope that every heart that is pursued can find its own happiness because of rationality and bravery.