
The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

author:Winter solstice plum fragrance

U.S. aircraft carriers are frequently displayed in the South China Sea, as if they are constantly patrolling in front of their neighbors, which is particularly glaring. In the Taiwan Strait, the tension has intensified with the change of politicians. Lai Qingde's possible assumption of office has caused the powder keg of cross-strait relations to accumulate more and more, and it is about to explode.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

Although Lai's appointment does not directly mean that war is about to start, his political stance will undoubtedly stir up the already uneven waters. The tension between the two sides of the strait is not only an internal contradiction, but also a game played by external forces. The United States attaches more importance to Taiwan than it can imagine, and it is constantly intervening in cross-strait affairs in an attempt to gain an advantage on this big chessboard. If a conflict does break out, the United States will almost certainly intervene, not just to protect Taiwan, but also for its own strategic interests.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

According to the latest report from the Quincy Institute, the United States is strengthening its military presence around China, including strengthening the first and second island chains, and is not hesitating to pledge nuclear weapons support to Japan. The Philippines' medium-range missile systems and support for other Asian countries show American ambitions and tactics. The United States seems to be laying out a wide net, waiting for the right moment to trap China in it.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

Behind this strategy is fear and precautions about China's rise as a global superpower. The Taiwan issue is playing a key chess piece in this. If Taiwan falls into Chinese hands, it will not only be a strategic defeat for the United States, but also a significant regression of global political influence. As a result, the Quincy Institute predicts that the United States and its allies will form a strong front when conflict erupts.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

And for China, it is not alone in the face of the threat of a possible multinational alliance. The support of Russia and North Korea is likely to be its strong backing. The complexity of geopolitics makes this possible conflict not only a matter between the two sides of the strait, but also an international game involving multiple parties.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

In theory, the military alliance of the United States seems unbreakable. But in reality, distance and resource constraints make such alliances less efficient and responsive. For example, while Japan, South Korea, and Australia may be staunch supporters of the United States, they face their own economic and political pressures and may be wary of direct military involvement.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

Similarly, India, Vietnam, and the Philippines, despite border and maritime disputes with China, may see an opportunity to intervene in the conflict, but they must also weigh their own domestic and foreign political and economic consequences. Actual military assistance may be significantly discounted by the internal problems of these countries.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

At this point, the future of the Taiwan Strait seems to be full of uncertainties. On the one hand, the military deployments and political tactics of the United States and its allies show that they are ready to take a tougher stance against China; On the other hand, China cannot simply abandon the goal of national reunification. Such complex international relations and geopolitical contradictions can lead to an unpredictable conflict.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

In the end, this tension may not erupt in the form of war. A country's military and political strategy is often dictated by more considerations than just a single strategic interest. And for ordinary people, this constant state of military tension and political controversy has become a part of their lives. This ongoing uncertainty not only affects regional stability, but also has far-reaching implications for global politics.

The united war has broken out! The 7-nation coalition aimed its guns at China, and the 2 major allies came to the aid of 10 countries

The current situation in the Taiwan Strait seems to be a protracted chess game, with each side waiting for the other to make a mistake. Although the spark of conflict can be ignited at any moment, it is more likely to be a protracted strategic war of attrition than a direct military confrontation. In such a situation, the biggest loser may not be any one country, but regional and even global peace and stability. The international community needs to reassess its approach to the situation in the Taiwan Strait, rather than simply increasing military deployments or supporting one side over another. What we need is a new way of thinking, one that can really solve problems and not just perpetuate confrontation.

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