
Past in the Barracks: Respected comrade-in-arms General He Lei / Fan Mingyin

author:Still reading History 1

Author: Fan Mingyin

Past in the Barracks: Respected comrade-in-arms General He Lei / Fan Mingyin

Comrade He Lei has served as:

Training staff officer of the 38th Group Army Headquarters, acting head of the 335th Regiment of the 112th Division: Commander of the Artillery Regiment of the 112th Division, director of the Operational Command Research Office of the Academy of Military Sciences, deputy director of the Army Construction Research Department of the Academy of Military Sciences, deputy director and director of the Operational Theory and Doctrine Research Department of the Academy of Military Sciences, deputy commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, member of the Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee of the 13th National People's Congress, and deputy to the 13th National People's Congress.


A long military journey, a long comradeship. Whenever I recall that I worked with Lieutenant General He Lei, vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences, in the 335th Regiment and the long-term contacts since then, my mood is extremely uneasy.

In that year, Comrade He Lei was the acting head of the regiment, and I was the political commissar of the regiment. We sincerely cooperated and worked together to create a new situation in team building, and also let me have a good life. He has not been in the team for a long time, but his outstanding contributions to the building of the army and the good image he has established are obvious to all, and there are strong repercussions from top to bottom. He is broad-minded, fair, and sincere, and has played a strong cohesive role in the team; The passion for work, strict self-requirements, comprehensive quality, proficient in business, and the courage to act and take responsibility have left a deep impression on everyone.

Past in the Barracks: Respected comrade-in-arms General He Lei / Fan Mingyin

The hard years and busy work have deepened our mutual understanding and established deep feelings and sincere friendships. After a short time, Comrade He Lei was transferred to the brother team as the head of the regiment. It is logical that I lost a good partner, and the team also lost a good leader, and I deeply regretted it from top to bottom. It is comforting that others are not cold when they go to tea, and the blood of the heroic army will always connect us. No matter what unit he is in, no matter how heavy the work he undertakes, Comrade He Lei is, as always, concerned about the building of the old army and about our work and life. In particular, we have all been transferred out of the old army, and he has entered the high-level leadership organs, assumed important leadership positions, assumed more important work responsibilities, and made more and more remarkable achievements in all aspects, and his social reputation has become higher and higher, and his influence has become greater and greater.

I remember that in the early 90s of the last century, I was transferred across regions to the 141st Division of the 47th Group Army of the Lanzhou Military Region. Unexpectedly, he took advantage of the opportunity to give a lecture at the Xi'an University of Political Science and drove more than 100 kilometers to visit me in Pucheng County, which gave the whole family a big surprise.

When he was appointed deputy commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, I had already retired, and there was no news. However, he took the initiative to call me the day after I reported for duty, and the sudden surprise made me excited for a while, and he quickly reported the good news to several comrades-in-arms who were transferred to the Lanzhou Military Region. What was even more surprising was that he soon won the opportunity to inspect and guide the work of the Xi'an Garrison, and made a special trip to visit my family. I was happy with all this in my heart, and the comrades of the organs also saw it in their eyes, and for a time the compound flourished, and many comrades knew that the new deputy commander was my old comrade-in-arms, and there were many people who greeted me and said good things, and even some comrades even had the unrealistic idea of climbing the high branches through me.

His televised lectures to cadres throughout the region evoked strong repercussions throughout the troops. This has also become a topic of conversation between some cadres of organs and even leaders of individual provincial military districts and me. Although I did not have the opportunity to directly listen to his high-level lectures and receive the study of modern high-tech military knowledge on the spot, I also deeply felt the sensational effect of this lecture and the many glories it brought to me from the enthusiastic feedback of the comrades around me. However, his joyful mood had not yet calmed down, and he was organizationally transferred back to Beijing to take up an important leadership post as vice president of the Academy of Military Sciences.

Although it is gradually distancing to receive his care and care at close range, the consolation is that there are more opportunities to see him in the central news media, hear his voice, and read his masterpieces. Every time he makes a wonderful appearance in an important place, he brings me endless joy and surprises, and every time I hear the heartfelt admiration of the comrades around me, I feel more deeply that the old comrades-in-arms are really suitable to play a role at a higher level and on a larger scale and show their talents.

Past in the Barracks: Respected comrade-in-arms General He Lei / Fan Mingyin

Comrade He Lei is upright and has extremely strict requirements for himself, and I have felt very deeply in my decades of contacts with him. He held leadership positions in several units of the old army and never heard any negative reactions. One year after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, I went to Beijing to do some errands, and I really wanted to see my old comrades-in-arms, but I was afraid that it would affect his work. After several hesitations, he still couldn't help the deep comradeship, and he stepped into the door of the Academy of Military Sciences. The old comrades-in-arms were still so hospitable, and unexpectedly, they not only set up a banquet to entertain me at their own expense, but also invited more than a dozen old comrades-in-arms who had worked together in the 112th Division to accompany me. Among them are my old leaders and colleagues when I worked in the division's political department, as well as old comrades-in-arms who I knew at the division's headquarters and relevant teams. Seeing the old comrades who fought hand in hand in the past, everyone was extremely excited and the atmosphere was very warm. In the fiery era, those past events of the golden years aroused everyone's ideological resonance, and Vice President He's style of acting as an official was even more respected by everyone, and they praised him for his purity of character and noble official morality, and he was a good comrade-in-arms worthy of our trust and respect.

The reason why He Lei's old comrades-in-arms were able to achieve a career in the journey of strengthening the army, achieved dazzling brilliance, and held one important leadership position after another, was respected by people from all walks of life. I think his dedication, character and style have brought us a lot of inspiration, which is worth learning from forever.

The 38th Army Liaoshen Area Comrades-in-Arms Association

Comrades-in-arms of the 38th Signal Corps of the 112th Division of the 112th Army

Manuscripts are provided


Past in the Barracks: Respected comrade-in-arms General He Lei / Fan Mingyin

Author: Fan Mingyin

He joined the army in Xia County, Shanxi Province in 1969 and served successively: Secretary of the Communication Battalion directly under the 112th Division, Deputy Instructor of the Cable Company of the Communication Battalion directly under the 112th Division, Secretary of the Secretary Section of the Political Department of the 112th Division, Officer of the Cadre Division of the Political Department of the 38th Army, Chief of the Secretary Section and Chief of the Cadre Section of the Political Department of the 112th Division, Political Commissar of the 335th Regiment of the 112th Division, Deputy Political Commissar of the 141st Division of the 47th Group Army, Political Commissar of the Yulin Military Division of the Shaanxi Provincial Military Region, and Deputy Director of the Political Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Military Region.

The article is from the official account 38 soldiers, thank you!