
Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

author:Xiao Li said entertainment

Live debut: The singers' self-examination

When the lights of the first live broadcast went out, the excitement on the stage gradually calmed down, and the starting singers returned to their corners one after another and began to review their performances. @Chante_Moore Sitting in front of the computer, replaying every action and every note on the stage, as if trying to find out his own shortcomings from the details. His eyes are focused and serious, as if in dialogue with himself, asking "Did I live up to my expectations?" ”

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Netizens left messages and ridiculed: "Brother Chante, don't be too nervous!" Your voice is unique, and we love you! "But also

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Some netizens solemnly pointed out: "There are indeed a few pitch problems, looking forward to the perfect interpretation next time!" ”

Rankings revealed: different mindsets

At the moment when the rankings were announced, the atmosphere in the live broadcast room suddenly became tense. Everyone prayed silently in their hearts that their performance would be recognized. When @Naying's name appeared at the forefront, she smiled slightly, as if everything was expected. The members of @SecondHRoses high-fived each other to celebrate their performance.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Seeing this, netizens ridiculed: "That sister is stable!" is worthy of being a veteran singer! But some netizens were upset with other singers: "Second-hand roses are also great!" Their musical style is unique and deserves more attention! ”

Go it alone or find a different path?

Faced with rankings and audience evaluations, singers began to think about their future direction. Do you want to continue to stick to your own style and move forward alone? Or try something new and take a different approach? @楊丞琳 is deep in thought, knowing that her musical path will not be easy, but she is not willing to change easily. And @汪苏泷 expressed his willingness to try new music styles and bring a different listening experience to the audience.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Netizens also expressed their opinions: "Sister Chenglin, your voice is so beautiful, just stick to yourself!" But some netizens suggested: "Wang Sulong, you can try some cross-border cooperation, maybe there will be new sparks!" ”

The struggles and choices of the singers

On the path of music, each singer has his own struggles and choices. @海来阿木Jeb hails from a remote region, and his music is full of ethnic characteristics. On stage, he interprets music in his own way, but is also faced with the problem of how to integrate with modern music. @Faouzia Van Xia is an international singer with a variety of musical styles, but she also needs to think about how to find her niche in the Chinese market.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Netizens have offered them advice: "Hailai Amu, you can try to add some modern elements to let more people know about your music!" Some netizens cheered for Fan Xia: "Fan Xia, your music is very distinctive, I believe you can also find your own stage in China!" ”

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

Controversy and expectation coexist

With the end of the live broadcast, netizens had a heated discussion about the singers' performance and future direction. Some people support singers sticking to their own style, believing that this is the only way to maintain the purity of music; Singers were also advised to try new elements, believing that in this way they could attract more audiences. This state of coexistence of controversy and expectation is the charm of the music industry.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?

And we, as viewers and listeners, should also give enough support and encouragement to the singers. Whether they choose to go it alone or find another way, we should respect their choice and expect them to bring more wonderful performances. At the same time, we can also express our opinions and suggestions in the comment area, interact with the singers, and witness the power and beauty of music together.

Netizens are hotly discussed: Who will win the "emoji" battle of singers?