
How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

author:Sangsang vernacular

In the boundless universe of space, there is a special group - female astronauts. Their lives in space are full of mystery and unknown. One of the most curious and unspeakable questions is: How do they solve menstrual problems in space? What should I do if my menstrual blood doesn't drain?

"This is a big challenge for our female astronauts!" A senior astronaut said with a smile at a symposium.

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

"yes, we're all curious, how did you deal with it?" A young astronaut trainee asked curiously.

The senior astronaut smiled and replied: "Actually, the space agency has already considered this problem for us. They provided us with specialized space hygiene products, such as built-in sanitary napkins and menstrual pants. ”

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

The young astronaut trainee's eyes widened: "I see! What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be drained? ”

The veteran astronaut explained: "In the weightless environment of space, the discharge of menstrual blood will indeed be affected to a certain extent. But we have a special space toilet, which uses negative pressure technology to help menstrual blood drain smoothly. ”

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

The young astronaut intern nodded in understanding: "It seems that the space agency has solved a lot of practical problems for us. ”

In addition to these specialized equipment and supplies, there are other special problems that female astronauts encounter in space. For example, how do you maintain personal hygiene in weightlessness? How do you store and dispose of hygiene products in a small space? These problems need to be adapted and solved.

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

"In fact, the life of our female astronauts in space is not as difficult as everyone thinks." "We have our own way of life and coping strategies, and we are able to adapt well to the space environment. ”

The young astronaut intern agreed: "Yes, I believe that we female astronauts will be able to overcome these difficulties and make our own contribution to the cause of space exploration." ”

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

As space exploration has grown, more and more female astronauts have joined the ranks. Their lives and work in space not only provide valuable data for scientific research, but also provide new perspectives for mankind to understand space.

In this space age, which is full of challenges and opportunities, female astronauts have used their courage and wisdom to break down gender boundaries and become an indispensable part of space exploration. Their stories will inspire more women to bravely pursue their dreams and contribute to the progress and development of humanity.

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?

The life of a female astronaut in space is full of unknowns and challenges. However, it is these challenges that make their lives more colorful. With their practical actions, they have proved the value and ability of women in space exploration. In the days to come, they will continue to work hard for the cause of human space exploration and make greater contributions to the progress and development of mankind.

How do female astronauts solve the problem of menstruation in space? What should I do if the menstrual blood can't be discharged?