
"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

author:The principal chases the drama

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others!

In the fashion industry, there is an old and mysterious proverb: "If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich". It's not just a proverb about material inheritance, it's also a deep fashion philosophy and family wisdom. Today, as a veteran fashionista, I will unveil the mystery of these "four things" for you and take you to appreciate the fashion charm behind them.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

First of all, the first of these "four things" is the jewelry inherited by the family. In the fashion world, jewelry has always been seen as a symbol of status and taste. However, real jewelry is not only a pile of gold and silver jewelry, but also a carrier of family history and cultural heritage. Imagine wearing a pearl necklace from your grandmother, or a gold watch from your father's youth, and that unique family sense and fashion charm that no new piece of jewelry can match. Therefore, we must treasure such jewelry and not give it away easily, because it represents the glory and inheritance of the family.

"Xiao Zhang, do you know the origin of this ring on my hand?" I gently stroked the quaint silver ring and asked my friend Xiao Zhang.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

"I don't know, it looks very old." Xiao Zhang came over curiously.

"This is a token of love that my grandfather gave to my grandmother when he was young. It bears witness to the love and loyalty of our family. So, no matter how the fashion trend changes, I will not give it away. I explained with a smile.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

The second object is the fashion artwork of the family's collection. In the world of fashion, a work of art is not only an element to decorate a space, but also a symbol of personality and taste. The fashion artworks treasured by the family often carry the stories and emotions of the family, and are an important part of the family culture. These works of art may be a famous painting, a sculpture, or even an ornament with special significance. They have witnessed the rise and fall of the family, as well as the pursuit and love of beauty among family members. Therefore, such works of art should also be cherished in our hearts and not easily displayed.

"Lili, look at this sculpture, isn't it very artistic?" I pointed to a sculpture in the corner of the living room and introduced it to my friend Lili.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

"It's really beautiful, I've never seen such a unique sculpture." Lili exclaimed.

"It's one of my family's treasured pieces of fashion art, and it's unique and meaningful. Every time I see it, I can feel the history and culture of the family. So, I'll never give it away. I said proudly.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

The third object is a fashion souvenir with special significance. In everyone's life, there will always be some special moments and experiences, which are often accompanied by some fashion souvenirs with special significance. For example, your first pair of high heels, your wedding dress, your photo with your family, etc. These memorabilia are not just the items themselves, they are a part of your life, and they carry your memories and emotions. Therefore, such fashion souvenirs should also be cherished and treasured, and should not be given away easily.

"Do you remember the sneakers we bought together in college?" I pulled out a pair of old sneakers and asked my friend Xiao Chen.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

"Of course I remember, it was a testimony of our youth!" Xiao Chen excitedly took the sneakers and stroked the wear marks on them.

"Yes, these shoes have accompanied us through many unforgettable moments. Every time I see it, I can remember those carefree days. So, I would never give it away. I said with emotion.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

Last but not least, there are fashion books and magazines from the family's collection. In the fashion industry, books and magazines are an important way to learn about fashion trends and tastes. The family's collection of fashion books and magazines often records the family members' love and pursuit of fashion. These books and magazines may be classics of an era, or they may be the precious manuscripts of a designer. They not only have historical value, but also contain fashion wisdom and inspiration. Therefore, we should also treasure such books and magazines and not give them away lightly.

"You know what? This magazine was treasured by my grandfather when he was younger. I pointed to a yellowed fashion magazine and introduced it to my friend Xiao Liu.

"If you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich"! Put away these four things at home, and don't give them to others

"Really? It looks so old! Xiao Liu flipped through the magazine curiously.

"Yes, this magazine chronicles the fashion trends and trends of that era. Every time I open it, I can feel my grandfather's love and pursuit of fashion. So, I would never give it away. I said firmly.

To sum up, the phrase "if you don't give away four things, your children and grandchildren will be rich" is not only a simple proverb, but also a profound interpretation of family culture and fashion inheritance. In the fashion industry, we should not only pursue fashion trends and tastes, but also cherish and inherit the culture and history of our family. Only in this way can we truly appreciate the charm of fashion and benefit our children and grandchildren.