
Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

author:Holly Commentary

At present, the two most popular mobile games, one is "Glory of Kings", and the other is "Peace Elite", also known as "Eating Chicken".

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to combine two games into one?

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

Have you ever struggled to juggle two games due to time issues?

Now, the same IP mobile game "Dawn of the Stars" under the Honor of Kings has achieved the combination of the two mobile games.

In layman's terms, we can also play chicken in king mode.

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

In fact, as early as 2018, Honor of Kings tried to launch a chicken game, and it was still relatively popular when it was first launched.

Now this chicken mode is a true 3D masterpiece.

Presumably there are already a lot of friends who understand, and even many friends who have obtained the qualifications to try, so is it difficult to operate this mobile game? What are the functions that are similar to what we understand as eating chicken?

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

First of all, everyone is familiar with the word "shrinking circle", right? All friends who have played chicken are familiar with it.

Shrinking the circle is the core of this game, and it is natural that this feature is also available in this new game.

Through this picture, you can clearly see where the safe zone is.

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

And if we zoom in on the image, you can see that there are a lot of markers, such as a gold coin for the realm, a tower marker, a purple mark, and a yellow pillar marker.

These symbols all mean different things, with coins representing shops, yellow areas representing areas with more abundant resources, and purple representing "airdrops".

How's it going, does it feel like you've come up here?

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

Of course, we don't have the ability to "skydive" in this game.

And our starting place of birth is chosen by ourselves, you can see that there are bright spots in this picture, there are black places, and the bright places mean that we can designate a place to choose, when making a place of birth.

Yellow means that the materials are more abundant, but the same reason is definitely more competitive, so in this game you can choose a place with more abundant resources, and then start the battle, you can also choose a place with fewer resources and more remote places to take the jungler development route.

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

Of course, the indispensable thing about this mode is that when we beat our opponent, we can lick his "bag".

How many of you can resist the temptation to lick a bag when playing this game mode?

So combat is also one of the fastest ways for us to get resources, but of course only if you can win the other side.

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

And the difference between this mode and Glory of Kings is that he can only perform three rows at the moment.

If you're on your own, you'll be matched with two teammates.

So the best choice is to find two friends to open the black together, so that we can achieve unity of opinion, to fight together, to fight together, to develop together.

So the social skills of this game are also possessed.

Reborn in the king, I play chicken, shrink the circle, run poison, lick the bag, and be familiar with the operation

In addition, in this game, each of our players can also wear a skill, which we can understand as a summoner skill for the time being.

At present, there is Cai Wenji's treatment, Zhuge Liang's ultimate, Zhen Ji's ultimate, red buff, etc.

All in all, in short, the heroes you see, the skills you use are all familiar to our king friends, and then you can also experience the joy of eating chicken, this mode will be popular.