
The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

author:The heart is clear

I'm Li Li, an ordinary worker, and my busy work takes up most of my time. On this day, I decided to give myself a vacation, drive alone to the countryside for a walk, breathe fresh air, and put aside the stress of work and life for a while.

The weather was nice and sunny, and I was humming a little song all the way and was in a very good mood. The mountain road winds and falls, lined with dense woods, and the air is refreshingly fresh. I thought to myself, this kind of time is really rare and should be enjoyed.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

Suddenly, the car stopped at a turn, the engine made a strange noise, and then turned off completely. My heart sank and I tried to restart a few times, but all failed. The cell phone signal is also very weak, and I can barely send a few text messages. I felt a little flustered, but I calmed down and started thinking about what to do.

I immediately thought of my ex-husband Zhang Qiang. Although we are divorced, we are still in touch because we have children. I sent him a distress message asking him to come and help. Zhang Qiang replied to the message, saying that he would come as soon as possible. I breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that even though we weren't husband and wife anymore, he would still care about me.

At the same time, I also sent a message to my current husband, Wang Wei. Wang Wei is a very responsible person, and our relationship has always been very good. He was in a meeting at the time, but when he saw my message, he immediately interrupted the meeting and called me, reassuring me not to rush, saying that he would contact the rescue team and get to my location as soon as possible.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

As the minutes ticked by, the sky grew darker. I was sitting alone in the car and was starting to feel a little scared. The trail is hardly passing, except for the occasional birdsong and the sound of the wind blowing the leaves. I kept looking at my phone, hoping to see the rescue message.

About an hour later, Zhang Qiang's car finally came into view. After he got out of the car, he looked at my car, frowned slightly, and said impatiently: "How did you do it, every time this kind of thing happens?" Although the tone was a little polite, I knew he was willing to help. I smiled helplessly and said, "The car suddenly broke down, and I can't help it." ”

Zhang Qiang briefly checked the condition of the car and found that the problem was not big, but it needed a tow truck to repair it. He sighed and said, "I'll take you to the nearest repair shop." I nodded, grateful for his help.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

At this moment, Wang Wei's car also arrived. He led the rescue team, with tools and food, and seemed very professional and attentive. When he saw me, he immediately stepped forward and hugged me and comforted: "It's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid." "His gentleness and thoughtfulness reassured me.

The rescue team began to busily inspect and repair my car, while Wang Wei stayed by my side, handing me water and food, and constantly asking me if I was feeling unwell. I looked at him, and a warm current welled up in my heart, and I felt extremely happy and relieved.

This sudden event made me deeply feel the difference between my ex-husband and my current husband. Although Zhang Qiang was willing to help, his attitude and approach made me feel alienated and indifferent. Wang Wei's carefulness and care made me feel real love and warmth. I silently thanked fate in my heart for allowing me to meet such a good husband.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

The story continues, but the experience of this day has given me a new understanding and understanding of life. I have learned that true love is not only sweet words in life, but also selfless dedication and silent protection at critical moments.

When I think back to that day, I still have lingering palpitations. The rescue team was busy repairing my car, and I, accompanied by Wang Wei, gradually calmed down. Wang Wei kept holding my hand and comforting me softly, and his care and thoughtfulness made me feel warm and reassured.

It took about an hour for the rescue team to finally fix the car. Looking at the restarted engine, I felt a sense of relief and relief. We thanked the rescue team and set off for home. Wang Wei suggested that he drive, and I readily agreed and gave him the driver's seat.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

On the way home, Wang Wei drove the car all the time, and I sat in the passenger seat, thinking about what happened today. Although there were no dangers, this experience gave me a new perspective on life and marriage. Wang Wei's selflessness and carefulness made me feel his love for me, and Zhang Qiang's attitude made me see the gap between us.

When I got home, Wang Wei personally cooked a sumptuous dinner for me. He is usually very busy at work and rarely has time to cook himself, but today he made a special dish of mine to relax me. I sat at the dining table and watched his busy figure, filled with gratitude and love.

At dinner, Wang Wei asked me how I felt today. I told him frankly that today's experience scared me, but his presence made me feel reassured and warm. Wang Wei smiled and said: "No matter what happens in the future, I will be by your side and protect you." When I heard this, I was so moved that I almost burst into tears.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

At night, we lay in bed, and I snuggled into Wang Wei's arms, feeling his warmth and heartbeat. At this moment, I felt extremely happy. Wang Wei gently stroked my hair and whispered, "Lili, I know you have been through a lot, but please believe me, I will always be by your side and never give up." ”

I raised my head, looked into his eyes, and said affectionately, "Wang Wei, thank you." Thank you for showing up when I needed it most, and thank you for your continued care and attention to me. Wang Wei kissed my forehead gently and said, "We are husband and wife, this is what I should do." ”

As the days passed, my relationship with Wang Wei became deeper and deeper. Every time I think back to the experience of that day, I feel a wave of warmth and emotion. I know that there will be many accidents and challenges in life, but as long as we love each other, any difficulties can be overcome.

However, life is not always so peaceful and rosy. One day, I received an unexpected phone call that shattered our peaceful life.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

I was busy at work that day when I suddenly received a call from my mother. She told me anxiously on the other end of the phone that my father had a heart attack and was in the hospital. When I heard the news, my heart suddenly rose to my throat, and I hurriedly asked for leave and rushed to the hospital.

When I arrived at the hospital, I saw my mother and younger brother waiting anxiously outside the ward. As soon as my mother saw me, she couldn't hold back her tears. I hugged her tightly and comforted, "Mom, don't worry, Dad will definitely get better." "Even though I was very scared, I tried to stay calm and give support and comfort to my family.

When the doctor came out of the operating room, he told us that the operation was successful, but my father needed to be hospitalized for a period of time. We were relieved to hear the news.

During those days in the hospital, my mother and I took turns taking care of my father. After Wang Wei learned about the situation, he would take time to accompany me to the hospital every day, and sometimes bring some things that my father liked to eat. His carefulness and thoughtfulness made me feel extremely warm and touched.

During my father's hospitalization, my mother and I had more time to communicate. My mother told me that she and her father also went through many ups and downs when they were younger, but it was these difficulties that strengthened their relationship. She told me that no matter how difficult life is, cherish the people in front of you and learn to be tolerant and understanding.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

I listened to my mother's words and was deeply moved. Yes, marriage is not only the union of two people, but also the embodiment of responsibility and commitment. Everyone will have shortcomings, but as long as you love each other, you can overcome all difficulties.

My father was finally discharged from the hospital, and his health gradually recovered. Our lives are back on track, but this experience has made me cherish my relationship with Wang Wei even more. I know that there is still a long way to go, but as long as I have him by my side, I am not afraid of any wind and rain.

Life has returned to peace, and my relationship with Wang Wei has become stronger after these twists and turns. We decided to take this opportunity to go out on a trip and relax. Choosing a weekend, we drove to a remote town with beautiful scenery and fresh air, a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

The first day of the trip was very pleasant, we visited the local places of interest and tasted the authentic food. In the evening we stayed in a cosy little hostel. The owners of the hostel are an elderly couple who were very welcoming to us and told us a lot of stories about the history of the town. Listening to those stories, Wang Wei and I both felt comfortable, as if we had returned to the carefree time of our childhood.

However, the unexpected always comes suddenly. Early the next morning, we were ready to continue the tour, but we didn't expect the weather to be beautiful and it rained heavily. We spent the morning in the hostel and the rain showed no signs of abating. The boss suggested that we stay in the hotel and wait for the rain to stop before going out, but Wang Wei felt unwilling and wanted to brave the rain to see a nearby hilltop scenic spot.

Although I was a little worried, I couldn't resist his enthusiasm and decided to go with him. We put on raincoats, brought umbrellas, and set off in the pouring rain. There were hardly any people on the road, just the two of us struggling to make our way on the muddy mountain road. The rain hit our faces, and it was bitterly cold, but we felt inexplicably excited in our hearts.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

Halfway up the mountain, the sky suddenly became darker and the wind became stronger. We took shelter from the rain in a small pavilion for a while, and Wang Wei said excitedly: "Hold on a little longer, and we will soon be able to see the most beautiful scenery!" I smiled and nodded, silently praying in my heart that the rain would stop soon.

However, just as we were about to move on, the silence was shattered by a hurried phone ringing. It was my mother who called, and she told me in a panic on the other end of the phone that something big had happened in the family, and that my brother had been in a car accident and was now in the hospital.

Hearing this, my brain buzzed and I could barely stand on my feet. Wang Wei immediately supported me, and after asking about the situation, he decisively decided to go down the mountain and rush back immediately. We hurriedly packed our things and began to descend the mountain in the face of the wind and rain. On the way, I had mixed feelings, worried about my brother's safety, and regretting my decision to take the risk.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

Back at the hotel, we checked out immediately, and Wang Wei drove me all the way to the hospital. On the way, he kept reassuring me, saying that my brother would be fine. I nodded, but my heart was uneasy.

When I finally arrived at the hospital, I saw my mother and father waiting anxiously outside the ward. When my mother saw us, she burst into tears: "Lili, your brother's condition is very bad, the doctor said that he would have to have surgery, and the risk is very high. ”

I hugged my mother tightly, and my heart hurt like a knife. I felt a little dizzy, but fortunately, Wang Wei has been supporting me and giving me strength and support.

The doctor came out soon and told us that the operation was still going on, but the situation was not promising. Hearing this, my heart sank to the bottom and I could barely breathe. Wang Wei held my hand tightly and whispered: "Lili, no matter what happens, I will be by your side, and we will face it together." ”

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

The lights in the operating room finally went out, and the doctor walked out, his face solemn. He told us that although his brother's condition is stable, he still needs further observation, and it is difficult to say whether he will be able to fully recover.

Hearing this news, we were both relieved and worried. My mother almost fainted from crying, and Wang Wei and I held her up and comforted her, saying, "Mom, my brother will be fine, we have to believe him." ”

For the next few days, we stayed in the hospital almost every day. Wang Wei still takes care of me and my family, and his warmth and support make me feel extremely relieved. My brother's condition is gradually improving, and although it will take some time to recover, at least he is out of danger.

This experience made me deeply realize that the ups and downs in life are everywhere, but true happiness is to have someone to accompany and support. Wang Wei's selflessness and carefulness made me feel extremely happy, and my brother's recovery also made me realize the importance of my family again.

During my brother's recovery, Wang Wei was not only busy, but also told us jokes from time to time to relieve our tension. He was always so considerate and made me feel deeply loved and warm.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

One evening, Wang Wei and I were walking in the corridor of the hospital, and I looked at him affectionately and said, "Wang Wei, thank you." Thank you for always being there for me during my most difficult times and thank you for your care and care for my family. ”

Wang Wei smiled, hugged me gently, and said, "Lili, we are husband and wife, this is what I should do." No matter what happens, I will be there for you and face it with you. ”

At that moment, I felt extremely happy and satisfied. Wang Wei's love made me understand that true happiness is not only the romance of the wind and snow, but also the carefulness and thoughtfulness in ordinary life, and the firmness and trust of mutual support in the wind and rain.

Although the recovery process of the younger brother was long, he passed the most dangerous stage without danger. As he got better day by day, Wang Wei and I finally breathed a sigh of relief. The experience of that time made me cherish my current life even more, especially my feelings for Wang Wei.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

On the day my brother was discharged from the hospital, our family got together to celebrate his recovery. Mother cooked a big table of good dishes, and we sat around in a warm and warm atmosphere. Looking at the happy smiling faces of my family, I feel extremely satisfied and happy.

After dinner, Wang Wei and I sat on the balcony and admired the stars in the night sky. With a light breeze, we quietly enjoyed this rare moment of tranquility. I leaned on Wang Wei's shoulder and whispered, "Wang Wei, thank you." You've done so much for me and my family during this time, and I really don't know how to express my gratitude. ”

Wang Wei gently stroked my hair and said softly: "Lili, we are husband and wife, we don't need to say thank you." As long as you and your family are well, I will be satisfied. ”

When I heard this, my eyes moistened. Wang Wei's selflessness and love make me feel extremely lucky. I know that no matter what difficulties I encounter on the road in the future, as long as I have him by my side, I will not be afraid.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

Life is back on track, and my relationship with Wang Wei is getting deeper and deeper. We decided to have children, hoping to witness our love with a new life. Although the process of pregnancy was hard, Wang Wei was always by my side and gave me endless support and encouragement.

On the day the baby was born, Wang Wei was so nervous that his palms were sweaty. He held my hand and accompanied me through every moment of production. When the baby's cry rang out, we all shed tears of excitement. Looking at that little life, I feel immensely happy and satisfied.

Wang Wei carefully held the baby, his eyes full of joy and love. He whispered to the baby, "Baby, welcome to this world." Mom and Dad will always love you and protect you. ”

Looking at this scene, a warm current welled up in my heart. I know that our family will be happier and happier, and a bright future awaits us.

One day, I was sitting in my study, thinking about all these years, and suddenly I felt the urge to record it. I turned on my computer and started writing our story. From the time we met to the time we fell in love, from the ups and downs to the challenges of life together, I have recorded all of these in the hope that in the future our children will be able to read these and understand our love story.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

I wrote at the end of the article: "No matter how hard life is, as long as there is love, there is hope." Thanks to Wang Wei and this family, I can find warmth and support in the wind and rain. On the road ahead, we will walk together, and every step is full of love and happiness. ”

After the article was written, I posted it on my headline number. Unexpectedly, this article has attracted a lot of attention and heated discussions. Many readers left messages expressing their blessings and touches to us. One reader wrote: "After reading your story, I believe in the power of love and family. May you be happy forever. ”

Seeing these messages, I feel extremely relieved and satisfied. I know that our story is not only our experience, but also a kind of strength, a kind of hope, encouraging more people to believe in love and pursue happiness.

The wife was trapped in the wilderness, but she didn't expect that the current husband and the ex-husband would be very different

The experience during this period has made me understand that true happiness is not only the sweetness of life, but also the mutual support and understanding in the wind and rain. No matter what the future holds, I believe that as long as we love each other, we can overcome all difficulties and meet a better future.

At the end of the story, Wang Wei and I stood at the door of the house with our baby, smiling and facing every day in the future. The sun shines on our faces, warm and bright. We know that no matter how bumpy the road ahead, as long as there is love, there is hope. We will walk through every spring, summer, autumn and winter together, and welcome every new morning.