
Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

author:Target Xiao Wu

北京时间5月17日讯,NBA‬季后赛‬西部‬半决赛‬的比赛继续‬进行,森林狼‬回队‬主场迎战掘金队‬第六场,本场赛前大比分森林狼2−3落后,这一场在自己主场不容有失,上一场缺席比赛的森林狼首发控卫康利本场及时复出,这给球队攻防两端都带来巨大影响,尤其是解放了爱德华兹,本场爱德华兹彻底放开手脚,首节便爆发,个人得分打平掘金全队, 其次是对掘金穆雷的防守,本场穆雷彻底迷失,半场10投1中,大失水准,森林狼半场便领先19分,最终依靠首节巨大的领先优势,第三节半节不到便进入垃圾时间,森林狼队以115−70大胜掘金队,系列赛大比分‬3:3战平‬,将在‬掘金‬主场‬进行‬抢七‬大战‬。

Post-match stats and ratings

Timberwolves (3-3): Edwards 27 points, 4 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 steals, Conley 13 points, 4 rebounds and 5 assists, Gobert 8 points, 14 rebounds and 2 assists, Towns 10 points, 13 rebounds and 5 assists, McDaniels 21 points, 4 rebounds and 2 blocks, Reed 10 points and 11 rebounds, Lee Kyle 4 points, 3 rebounds and 3 assists
Nuggets (3-3): Jokic 22 points, 9 rebounds and 2 assists, Pope 9 points, 4 rebounds and 3 assists, Murray 10 points, 2 rebounds and 5 assists, Gordon 12 points, 8 rebounds, 4 assists and 3 blocks, Porter 8 points and 6 rebounds


1:爱德华兹‬‬‬‬‬‬(评分:10分)全场投篮17投8中,三分9中4,砍下27分4板4助攻3抢断,本场胜利的英雄,首节一个人打掘金全队,抢七就抢七吗? As for winning so much? Looking forward to your tie-break...... Plus or minus +43

Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen
Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

This ball is a replica of Durant's dwarf ball

2:麦克‬丹尼尔斯‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬(评分:9分)全场投篮10投8中,三分5中3,砍下21分4板1助攻2盖帽。 I couldn't stop and attack in the last three games, and I finally proved myself today.

Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen


Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen


Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

5:约基奇‬‬‬‬‬‬(评分:7分)全场投篮19中9,三分‬4中‬0,拿下22分9板2助攻,上一场十八般‬武艺‬‬打‬遍‬对面所有人‬,本场‬给自己‬放个假‬吧‬! 名字‬就‬已经‬表明‬要‬约G7了……

Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

6:穆雷‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬(评分:1分)全场投篮18中4,三分‬2中‬0,拿下10分2板5助攻‬; 本场‬超级‬低效‬,整个‬季后赛‬出除了‬绝杀‬和‬暖‬宝宝‬‬‬并不出彩

Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen
Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

It's not a layup at all


Hang up and beat the Timberwolves 115−70 to beat the Nuggets, the biggest contributor was exposed, and the seven facts were thoroughly seen

今日总结: 本场最大功臣‬—爱德华兹‬,爱德华兹‬本场‬真是‬予取予求‬啊‬,康利的‬回归‬彻底‬解放了‬自己‬,首节‬和‬掘金‬全队‬打平‬,43的‬正负值‬更是‬体现了‬你的‬场上‬影响力‬,沧海横流‬,方显‬英雄本色,期待你的‬下‬一场‬表现‬。