
The long-distance married woman who took care of her children at home and did not work, was disgusted by her mother-in-law and smashed the dinner table, and the picture made people teary


It is not easy for a woman to marry far away

In this prosperous world, there are always some people who resolutely choose to marry away for love. They leave their familiar hometown and come to a completely unfamiliar environment, just to spend the rest of their lives with their beloved. The effort and hardship involved in this cannot be described in words.

The long-distance married woman who took care of her children at home and did not work, was disgusted by her mother-in-law and smashed the dinner table, and the picture made people teary

Xiaoli is such a woman who bravely pursues love. Five years ago, she traveled thousands of miles away from her parents to her husband's hometown. At the beginning, everything was fresh, and Xiaoli was full of anticipation and longing. However, as time went on, the trivialities of life gradually wore down her enthusiasm.

The long-distance married woman who took care of her children at home and did not work, was disgusted by her mother-in-law and smashed the dinner table, and the picture made people teary

Family trivialities, causing conflicts

Marrying away from home made Xiaoli have to face many family trivialities. She has to learn to adapt to her new habits and get along well with her mother-in-law. This is undoubtedly a difficult task for a girl who has been pampered by her parents since she was a child.

The long-distance married woman who took care of her children at home and did not work, was disgusted by her mother-in-law and smashed the dinner table, and the picture made people teary

In daily life, Xiaoli always carefully handles various family relationships. However, conflicts between people are always inevitable. One day, because of a trivial matter, her mother-in-law became dissatisfied with Xiaoli. The mother-in-law felt that Xiaoli had nothing to do at home, only knew how to take care of the children and did not go out to work, which made her mother-in-law's attitude towards Xiaoli worse and worse.

The mother-in-law smashed the dining table in anger and shocked the four seats

That night, as the family sat around the dinner table, the mother-in-law suddenly stood up in a rage and slammed it into the dining table. The dishes and chopsticks were broken, the dishes were splashed, and the scene was chaotic for a while. The mother-in-law pointed at Xiaoli's nose and scolded: "You lazy woman, you know what's the use of taking care of children at home?" You look at other people's daughters-in-law, who earn money to support their families and take care of their children. ”

Xiaoli was stunned, tears rolling in her eyes. She understands that her mother-in-law is disgusted that she does not work and thinks that she is a burden to the family. Xiaoli held back her tears and silently endured her mother-in-law's accusations.

The reasons behind it are thought-provoking

After the incident, Xiaoli fell into deep thought. She understands that the reason why her mother-in-law is angry is because she feels that Xiaoli has not contributed to the family. In fact, Xiaoli has paid countless days and nights to take care of her children. She gave up her career and sacrificed her youth just to give her children a complete home.

Xiaoli decided to talk to her mother-in-law and let her know how much she had done for the family. However, the conversation did not go as smoothly as expected. The mother-in-law is still prejudiced against Xiaoli, believing that she is lazy if she does not work.

Tearful picture, showing mother's love

Just when Xiaoli fell into despair, a small incident made her see the dawn of hope. That day, the child suddenly had a fever, and Xiaoli was busy alone. When the mother-in-law saw this scene, she had mixed feelings in her heart. She remembered the hardships of taking care of her children back then, and also understood Xiaoli's dedication to the family.

The mother-in-law took the initiative to walk up to Xiaoli, patted her on the shoulder, and said, "Li'er, thank you for your hard work." All these years, I blame you wrong. After saying that, the mother-in-law shed tears. This scene is tearful.

Harmonious family, build a better world

After this incident, the mother-in-law's attitude towards Xiaoli has improved greatly. She began to take the initiative to help take care of the children, so that Xiaoli had time to do what she loved. And Xiaoli also understands that there is always a reward for paying, as long as there is love in the heart, family harmony is just around the corner.

In this family life full of trivialities and contradictions, Xiaoli won the respect of her mother-in-law with her persistence and maternal love. They work together to create a warm and harmonious family where a happy life continues.


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