
Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

author:Good luck accompanies you

Hello everyone, I'm Ma Weidu, today let's talk about the things we used to impulsively bring home over the years, some of them have become treasures, and some have become burdens. Life is like a journey, and sometimes, you have to learn to let go in order to go further.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

I remember the old saying, "Home is not a collection, it's a welcoming haven." This is especially important when we are shopping. We always want to move the good things we see home, but sometimes, this "good" becomes a "burden". For example, the decoration that looks fashionable and only finds that there is no place to put it when you buy it, or the high-tech gadget that looks practical and is idle after one use.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

I once heard from a friend that he bought an antique tea set, put it in his home, and wiped it every day, only to find that the guests at home preferred to go to the café for coffee. He said: "My tea set has now become a home ornament, and I occasionally take it out to bask in the sun, and I have the right to appreciate it." This story teaches us that sometimes, it is a waste to focus too much on the value of an object and forget its true place in life.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

Also, those so-called "investment products", such as jade and stamps, seem to maintain and increase their value, but the market is volatile, and we who are not professional are often easily fooled. Collecting is not a gamble, you have to be discerning and patient, otherwise, those beautiful wrapping paper may be more expensive than what you bought.

I remember Steve Jobs said, "Simplicity is beauty." The same applies to our lives. Everything in the house should be a part of life, not a burden. So, when you're hesitant to take something home, ask yourself: Does this really bring convenience and happiness to my life?

The old people often say, "Be content and be happy." This quote reminds us to cherish what we have and not blindly pursue it. Sometimes, letting go of unnecessary things and making room for more smiles can not only hold more smiles, but also free the mind.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

Friends, we are all walkers of life, and we know how to make trade-offs in order to walk more steadily. The next time you visit the mall or shop online, think about this. Don't let "good things" become "hot potatoes", but let them become small blessings to improve the quality of life.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

In closing, I would like to say that home is our safe haven, not a warehouse. Let us learn to sift and cherish, so that every object has its value. In this way, whether it is moving, or living, it will become easier and more enjoyable.

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it

This is today's sharing, I hope you like it, if you think it makes sense, you might as well forward it to your friends around you, so that they can also benefit. Life is so real, it's simple. See you next time!

Ma Weidu dared to say: Some things must not be moved home, it is really beneficial to listen to it