
Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

author:Good luck accompanies you

In this fast-paced era, we often spin like spinning tops, as if we can only keep up with the pace by rushing forward. However, Mr. Mo Yan's sentence "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back" is like a beacon that illuminates our way forward in the wind and rain. Today, let's talk about this seemingly simple, but actually profound truth.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

First of all, we need to understand that the back road is not a symbol of cowardice, but a wise choice. Just like the ancients said: "Take precautions and prevent troubles." "Leaving a way out is to give yourself a buffer zone and a possibility to deal with the changes in life calmly. It's not about giving you up on hard work, it's about giving you a place to breathe and the strength to get back on your feet when you encounter a setback.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

Imagine if you were a mountaineer with a steep mountain in front of you and a safety rope behind you, you wouldn't be held back by fear of the unknown, even if there are many difficulties ahead. Because you know that at all times, there is a safe haven to rely on. This is the value of the back road, it is our guarantee, and it is also our courage.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

Moreover, leaving a back road is also an attitude towards life. It tells us that we don't have to strive for perfection in everything, and we don't have to be demanding to be the best. Life is not a straight line, there are always ups and downs, highs and lows. Give yourself some space, allow yourself to make mistakes, and allow yourself to get tired so that we can get up faster after a fall and move on with more enthusiasm.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

"Life must be happy, don't make the gold bottle empty to the moon." This quote tells us to enjoy the present moment, but also leave some room for the future. Just like planting a tree, we should not only enjoy its green shade, but also know how to prune it and give it space to grow. In the same way, we must also learn to let go at the right time, so that our hearts have a place to breathe and time to enjoy the scenery along the way.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

Finally, we need to understand that staying behind does not mean being comfortable, but about moving forward better. It keeps us awake in the midst of the storm and knows where to go, and it also keeps us vigilant in good times and prevents complacency. It's like a crutch, not essential, but it gives us the most solid support at critical moments.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

So, whether you're a young person in your youth or an elderly person, you might as well leave yourself a way back. It's not about giving up, it's about sticking to it for better; It is not cowardice, but the embodiment of wisdom. Let us not only move forward bravely, but also turn around flexibly in the journey of life, and use this wisdom to write our own wonderful chapter.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"

Life is like a marathon, leaving a way out is a signal to cheer yourself on. Let's move forward steadily, enjoy the process, and meet the challenges with a calm mind and a wise strategy. Remember, at all times, don't forget the harbor that can be docked at any time, and that is the back road left for yourself.

May you have the determination to overcome obstacles on the road of life, as well as the wisdom to take a step back and open the sky. Like, retweet, comment, share the wisdom of life, let us leave more beautiful moments in life together.

Mo Yan said: "No matter what stage of life you are in, you must leave yourself a way back"