
In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

author:It is very ornamental

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people! A fourth-tier town that relies on mining to support its economy, the entertainment industry here used to be thriving. Our protagonist is a partner in a bar, and his story is not only about the glamour of the bar, but also about the hidden protection and responsibility behind it.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

Well, the background of our story is set in a small fourth-tier city not long ago, although this city is small, because of the support of the mining area, the economy was once quite good. There are many mobile people here, there are many opportunities, and naturally the entertainment industry is prosperous. Against this backdrop, our protagonist and his buddy decide to open a bar.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

It's a small bar, but it's a hot spot in the area. The protagonist's partner is a bit of an idle guy, and part of the reason he opened this bar was to find something for him to do. This friend has a different past – he was a detective, which gave him a special role in running the bar.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

The bar is always buzzing at night, but under the management of our protagonist's friend, there is a rare order here. He stood in the grandstand on the second floor in a neat black suit, his eyes shining in the dark.

This is because of his past reconnaissance training, but also because of his kind and bright heart. His gaze seemed to penetrate everything, and the petty thieves who wanted to steal chickens and dogs in the bar were nowhere to be hidden under his gaze.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

At that time, methamphetamine was popular in night clubs, and many similar establishments were closed down as a result. But there were occasional skirmishes in our bars, but there was never a serious crime. Thanks to our detective-turned-friend, he was able to stop the slightest disturbance and keep the guests safe.

What is admirable is his special protection of minors. Whenever he sees young girls in school uniforms, he arranges for staff to protect them in the dark and make sure they are not disturbed. If some delinquent teenagers try to lead these girls to play abusively, he will not hesitate to check their ID cards and persuade them to leave immediately, and if necessary, contact their parents directly.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

This special management method not only ensures the safety of our bar, but also gradually forms a unique cultural atmosphere. People are here not only for drinking, but also for peace of mind and respect. And this culture has gradually been accepted and respected by the surrounding businesses and customers, and has even become a kind of benchmark in the nightlife of this small town.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

The bar is thriving, but other sides of the town are also revealing the darker side of society. Just like the untold stories behind the bustle of the bars, there is also a side to the city that is not well known to the outside world. Those who have been neglected, the homeless, the poor, have been deliberately erased from the splendor of the city.

Once, a homeless man was sleeping in a corner of the park and was chased away by security. Although this incident is small, it has caused some people to be dissatisfied. Our main friend, who is also one of the partners in the bar

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

He was once inspired by the saying, "If you drive the poor home, they will not be poor?" This sentence touched him deeply, and he always believed that the prosperity of a city should not be based on ignoring the disadvantaged.

This phenomenon has gradually attracted their attention. They try something new in the bar, offer free dinner for those who are homeless, and provide a temporary haven on some cold days. Such an attempt could not solve the problem at the root, at least at that moment they did their best to make the cold side of the city a little warmer.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

Over the past few years, they have witnessed the transformation of the city. From a small town that relied on mining to a bustling entertainment industry to a community that began to face and solve social problems.

In the process, their small bar has also been constantly adapting and growing, gradually transforming from a simple entertainment venue to a socially responsible space.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

Their efforts may be just a drop in the bucket, but at least they're trying. They learned a lot and felt a lot. Every progress in society is not a vigorous change, but requires everyone's small efforts and continuous attention.

In this era of prosperity, we should pay more attention to those who live on the margins of society. Even the tiniest individuals make up an important part of our society. Each person has a unique value and meaning to exist and should not be ignored or excluded because of their low economic, professional or social status.

In the prosperous era, it is also necessary to tolerate the little people!

Our society should be inclusive, giving everyone the space and opportunity to develop, so that everyone can feel the warmth and respect of society.