
Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

author:Hiri Bunsha

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Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

The blazing sun was shining on the earth, everything was chirping in the forest, and everything looked so beautiful. However, it was in such a harmonious and quiet afternoon that Li Yong received a diagnosis that completely changed the trajectory of his life.

The doctor's words were like thunder in the sky, hitting Li Yong's heart hard, as if he had lost all his strength and fell into endless confusion and helplessness in an instant.

It turned out that he had throat cancer!

As a hot host of CCTV, he is at the peak of his career, and he also has a happy family, which is undoubtedly the heaviest blow to him. Li Yong was terrified, everything in front of him seemed to have lost its original color, and the whole world fell into endless darkness.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

The fear and pain in his heart could not be described in words, and the threat of losing his life at any moment made him feel more hopeless than ever.

However, Li Yong did not choose to escape, he quickly adjusted his mentality and decided to face the challenge of the disease positively. He decided to give his all to the treatment and bravely fight against the invasion of the disease.

After a period of treatment, the condition did not improve, but worsened. In the end, Li Yong resolutely decided to go to the United States to seek better medical help. When his life was coming to an end, he affectionately said to his wife, Harvin: "Please don't bring my body back to China, I hope to be able to contribute more to society." ”

This decision not only completely reversed the public's stereotype of him, but also triggered people's in-depth thinking about his tortuous and legendary life.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

In the minds of many people, Li Yong is undoubtedly a highly praised CCTV hosting superstar. The variety shows he hosted are all loved by the audience, especially the "Very 6+1", which was once popular all over the country, which can be called a classic in the history of Chinese television.

Li Yong's unique hosting style is unique in the world, he not only has excellent typhoon charm, but also is good at using superb emotional intelligence speaking skills, like a spring breeze and rain in the communication with the audience, narrowing the distance between each other.

His gestures reveal a calm and elegant temperament, and his calm and generous speech and demeanor seem to show his extraordinary hosting talent. Therefore, he has been entrusted by Beijing TV many times to host the CCTV Spring Festival Gala.

However, Li Yong's dream when he was young was not to host, but to become a singer. Born into a musical family, he has been deeply influenced by music since he was a child, and his love for music has been deeply integrated into his blood.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

He once had an incomparably brilliant dream and looked forward to the future: with extraordinary singing skills and a handsome and upright appearance, he only needs perseverance and hard work, and I believe that he will be unique in the brilliant singing world.

However, fate always seems to like to joke with people, and a small vocal cord injury forced Li Yong to reluctantly give up his beloved music career. He had no choice but to continue his studies and was eventually admitted to the Communication University with excellent results.

After graduating from university, Li Yong finally got his wish and stepped into the door of CCTV and began his brilliant career as a host.

At work, Li Yong has always maintained a diligent and meticulous attitude, and quickly won the warm praise of the audience and became a veritable host superstar.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

While her career is thriving, Li Yong's personal life is also happy and happy. His wife, Harvin, was his first love in college.

Looking back on the past, Li Yong tried his best and used all his tenderness and affection to finally win Harvin's heart. He was not only respectful to Haven's parents, but also cared for Haven himself.

Harvin saw all these in his eyes, and was deeply moved by Li Yong's infatuation.

So, the two fell in love, loved sweetly, and finally tied the knot and built a love nest together. Soon after their marriage, they ushered in the crystallization of love - a lively and lovely daughter.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

Since then, this cosy family of three has been filled with endless joy. Whenever he gets off work, Li Yong always rushes home eagerly to share the joy of family with his wife and daughter. He sometimes plays with his child in his arms and makes her happy; Sometimes they would hold hands with Harvin and stare at each other with a smile.

The family is happy and happy.

The thoughtfulness and care of her family has become Li Yong's most solid spiritual pillar. No matter how hard and tiring the work is, as long as he returns home and sees the innocent and cheerful smiles of his wife and children, he feels that all the fatigue disappears in an instant.

In this way, they support each other and rely on each other in a dull but happy time.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

However, in this happy life, a sudden bad news completely broke the family's tranquility like a thunderbolt from the sky.

It was a sunny afternoon, and the sky was blue. Li Yong had just finished recording a program and walked out of the recording site happily. He originally thought that this was just a routine physical examination, but when he opened the examination report handed to him by the doctor and saw those shocking words, Li Yong felt as if he had been drained of the strength of his whole body.

In that report, it was clearly written: Diagnosed with throat cancer!

This result is like a sudden thunderbolt in the clear sky, and for Li Yong, whose career is in full swing, it is undoubtedly a heavy blow like a storm, and it knocks his heart. In an instant, he felt as if he was in the whirlpool of the world, his mood was messy and restless, and his whole person fell into an unprecedented panic.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

As a high-profile host, Li Yong has witnessed countless similar scenes in front of the TV screen, but when reality cruelly comes, the helplessness and fear are indescribable pain and heartbreaking.

After this news completely destroyed his mental defense, panic, grief, panic and other emotions stirred in Li Yong's heart, making him feel extremely difficult to breathe. He seems to see that his young and promising life has come to a standstill, and he may even sacrifice the happy life of his wife and children because of this.

However, Li Yong did not sink because of this. As a resilient man and loving father, he must hold up a blue sky for his family.

Since then, Li Yong has embarked on a long and arduous road to fight cancer. No matter how mercilessly the disease tortured him, he always gritted his teeth and persevered. However, when his wife Haven and daughter were not around, he could not hold back the fear in his heart, and curled up on the hospital bed in pain, tears welling up in his eyes.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

However, in order to avoid a bigger blow to her parents, Li Yong chose to take the initiative to hide her illness. In fact, both he and his wife, Harvin, chose to remain silent, and both chose to hide the truth in order not to worry their two elderly parents.

In fact, Li Yong's father had already noticed some clues. The son's body is getting thinner and thinner, his face is as pale as paper, and he is like two people in the past, but every time he asks about his condition, the son always reluctantly squeezes out a smile and pretends to answer "It's okay" strongly.

As a father who loves his son deeply, he naturally sees through his son's lies. However, until the last moment, Li Yong still did not tell her parents the truth, so as not to cause them more pain.

Despite this, seeing his son becoming more and more emaciated and his condition deteriorating, Li Yong's father was still heartbroken and couldn't sleep at night. However, he was eventually kept in the dark and was concealed by his dearest son.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

In the face of the ruthless erosion of the disease demon, Li Yong, a former famous CCTV host, was full of endless fear and despair. However, the motivation for him to regain the hope of survival and the courage to be tenacious came from the unwavering companionship of his wife Harvin! .

Harvin's existence is like a seafaring lighthouse in Li Yong's life, no matter how rough the wind and waves are, she will always be his last island of refuge. When Li Yong fell into deep pain and despair, Ha Wen always waited silently by his side, firmly giving him strength and encouragement, just holding his hand gently was enough to make Li Yong feel indescribable warmth and comfort.

With such a real friend by her side, Li Yong naturally ignited the hope of embracing health again. Whenever he was depressed, Harvin would always give him solace in his heart; Whenever he was weak, Harvin would not hesitate to push him to exercise properly in the corridors of the hospital.

Harvin has always created a positive living atmosphere with practical actions, and has continuously instilled in Li Yong the courage and fighting spirit to overcome the disease.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

It is precisely because of such selfless support and encouragement from his wife and daughter that Li Yong was able to grit his teeth and go on firmly, never bowing to the disease. Their love became his last spiritual support.

In the case of poor treatment in China, Li Yong gradually made up his mind and decided to undergo an operation in order to completely eliminate the root cause of the disease. It is reported that a hospital in the United States has successfully cured patients with similar diseases, so Li Yong decided to go to the United States without hesitation to find that glimmer of life.

As a beloved wife, Ha Wen is obliged to choose to fight side by side with her husband Li Yong, never abandon him, and write a touching chapter of the modern "red line wife" with practical actions.

"Please don't bring my body back to my homeland, I hope to be able to make some modest contribution to society." At the last moment of his life, Li Yong affectionately expressed these touching words to his wife Harvin.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

This decision undoubtedly gave people a new understanding of him. It turned out that under the torture of illness, Li Yong once felt extreme fear and panic, and the despair of losing his life at any time made him miserable.

However, at the end of his life, he seems to have finally understood the true meaning of life and learned to face life and death calmly.

He knows that birth, aging, and death are natural laws, and no one is immune to them, so why not seize the last opportunity to contribute to the community as much as he can, and thank the world for its blessings!

After in-depth deliberation and weighing, Li Yong firmly signed an agreement to donate his body, hoping to help more people in need in this way.

Before Li Yong died, he said to Harvin: Don't transport my body back to China, and now I finally explain the reason

This move undoubtedly brought a huge psychological burden to his beloved wife Harvin. In the traditional concept of the Chinese nation, few people are willing to donate the remains of their loved ones. However, Harvin did not complain about this, but resolutely supported her husband's decision and faithfully fulfilled Li Yong's deathbed will.

In order to achieve this goal, Haven had to take on all the responsibilities of dealing with Li Yong's aftermath alone, and at the same time endured a lot of criticism and doubts. However, she has always kept a low profile and never confided her inner pain to others.

On the contrary, she did her best to raise her daughter to adulthood, take good care of Li Yong's parents, and fulfill her duties as a child and spouse to the best of her ability.

In Chinese society, "filial piety" is revered as the noblest moral code. However, in today's society, should we also learn to adopt an attitude of tolerance and understanding, and accept different values? Although Li Yong's choice is slightly "unique", the meaning of life behind it is also worthy of our admiration and deep thought.