
My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

author:Flying Fish Reading Club
My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

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Du Zhiren, a talented young man who is about to graduate from the prestigious Harvard University.

However, because of the poverty of his family, he had to face the dilemma of high tuition fees, as if he was walking in front of a mountain on the road to study.

In order to continue his dream, he sought assistance from the Taiwan authorities and successfully obtained a loan.

He also tried to ask Chiang Kai-shek, a close comrade-in-arms of his father, for financial assistance, but the income was only a measly $500.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

In despair, he pinned his last hope on his brother-in-law, the famous physicist Yang Zhenning. However, unexpectedly, Yang Zhenning actually refused Du Zhiren's request.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to an international student who is in a foreign country and has no money.

After losing all hope, Du Zhiren chose to end his life by suicide, and he left this world at the age of 22, a tragedy that shocked and regretted countless people.

To unravel the mystery of why Yang Zhenning refused to fund Du Zhiren, we need to trace his deep ties with the Du family.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

In 1944, after graduating from Southwest Associated University, Yang Zhenning, as a young and promising intellectual, chose an ordinary and challenging career as a middle school teacher. And Du Zhili was one of his students.

When they met for the first time, Du Zhili left a deep impression on Yang Zhenning - this young man from a famous family, elegant manners, introverted personality, especially his diligent and tireless spirit, deeply moved Yang Zhenning.

Five years later, in 1949, Yang Zhenning embarked on the road to the United States for further study with an endless thirst for knowledge. At the same time, Du Zhili also came to visit his younger brother who was studying in the United States. They meet again at the only Chinese restaurant in Princeton.

At that moment, it was as if an invisible force held them together, and each spoke highly of each other's talents and qualities. The joy of reunion made them forget that they had been teachers and students, and exchanged contact information with each other.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

Since then, their friendship has become more and more vigorous like a blazing flame in the baptism of time. In just a few months, they became confidants who talked about everything.

Soon after, the friendship gradually sublimated into a spark of love. Their appreciation for each other gradually evolves into deeper emotions.

After all, the game of fate was played to the extreme on this day in 1950

After only knowing each other for less than a year, Mr. Yang Zhenning and his wife Ms. Du Zhili held a grand wedding in the United States!

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

This beautiful bride, Ms. Du Zhili, was not only wise, but also born into a famous family, and her father was the famous war hero, General Du Yuming.

However, the joy of the newlywed did not last long, and Mr. Yang Zhenning fell into heavy mortgage pressure, and the family's financial situation also fell into difficulties.

The tricks of fate are always so merciless. The year after his unfortunate death, Mr. Yang was awarded the Nobel Prize for his outstanding achievements in the field of physics. This is undoubtedly the most glorious moment in his life, however, deep down, Du Zhiren's departure undoubtedly left a deep shadow on him.

If he had been able to lend a helping hand at that time, he might have been able to change Du Zhiren's fate. However, there is no "if" in this world for us to speculate, and there is no regret medicine that can restore the lost life.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

When Mr. Yang Zhenning won the award, his heart must have been full of ecstatic emotions, and at the same time, he was silently suffering endless self-blame for his decision to refuse to help his brother-in-law's son.

Since then, Du Zhiren's death may have become a scar in Mr. Yang Zhenning's heart that can never be erased.

Mr. Du Zhiren is undoubtedly the perfect embodiment of talent, intelligence, diligence and studiousness. With his otherworldly intellect and unwavering perseverance, he successfully achieved the dream of a non-math student and was admitted to Harvard University, one of the top universities in the United States.

It's just one step away from the other side of your dreams.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

However, the high tuition fees are like an insurmountable mountain, blocking the path of this young and promising young man to Harvard. The family's financial situation can be described as poor, and they simply cannot afford such a huge expense, so his dream is in a dilemma.

Du Zhiren, who was desperate, could only pin his last hope on his father's former comrade-in-arms Chiang Kai-shek. After all, General Du Yuming was Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man.

With a glimmer of hope in mind, he wrote a letter asking for help.

As expected, Mr. Chiang Kai-shek generously donated $1,000 as a grant. Sadly, however, the money was embezzled in transit, and only $500 actually arrived in the hand.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

This measly $500 is not enough to pay for tuition and living expenses in a foreign country, which is a drop in the bucket.

Displaced and penniless, Du Zhiren once again fell into the abyss of incomparable despair! At this time, the only remaining hope in his heart seemed to be that he was reluctantly pinning his hopes on his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning.

So, Du Zhiren resolutely mustered up the courage to write a letter full of sincerity and expectation, and poured out his heart and asked for help from the talented Yang Zhenning.

However, fate once again cruelly played tricks on this young and strong student, Yang Zhenning not only did not give him the slightest sympathy and assistance, but indifferently refused his request, and did not even leave a simple reply.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

For an international student in a foreign country who is destitute, this is undoubtedly a worse blow. Du Zhiren lost all hope of regaining his dream, he was close to the other side of his dream, but he could no longer overcome the obstacles, and his dream came to naught.

Everything went in the worst direction, and Du Zhiren completely fell into a desperate situation in his life.

This talented, intelligent and hard-working young man was only one step away from realizing his dream, but he was ruthlessly blocked from Harvard University because of his family's financial difficulties.

In order to raise enough funds to complete his studies, he first sought help from the Taiwanese authorities and successfully obtained a loan;

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

Later, he extended a helping hand to Chiang Kai-shek, an important comrade-in-arms of his father, but in the end he received only $500, which was far from enough to cover the high cost of tuition and living expenses.

The last hope can only be pinned on his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning. However, Yang Zhenning surprised everyone's expectations and categorically rejected his request, leaving him alone in a foreign land, isolated and helpless.

In the face of such a desperate situation and a bleak future, Du Zhiren completely lost the courage and hope to continue to move forward.

After a brief inner struggle, he made a heart-wrenching decision to commit suicide by poisoning himself in order to end his short and bumpy life. At the age of 22, he died young, which made everyone sigh and regret his once shining bright future.

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

What happened to Du Zhiren is certainly deplorable, but life still needs to go on, and we have no right to rearrange his fate. After all, life is what it is, and it often opens a tiny window for us when we feel hopeless.

The wisdom of life tells us that as long as life remains, we can never give up easily. Even if you suffer setbacks again and again, you must grit your teeth and persevere, regain your spirits, and bravely start all over again.

In the course of life, you will inevitably encounter various difficulties and challenges, such as not being able to successfully complete your studies, and may even face difficulties such as unemployment and bankruptcy.

However, aren't these so-called challenges and difficulties the grind of our lives? They exist only to temper our unwavering willpower and determination to move forward!

My brother-in-law was admitted to Harvard University, but he committed suicide because he had no money to study and take medicine, why didn't his brother-in-law Yang Zhenning help

Therefore, when we are at a low ebb, we must not lose confidence in life, let alone let ourselves easily fall into despair. Only by learning to bravely meet every challenge and embrace a new beginning can we thrive in the face of adversity and draw a steady stream of new strength!

Always remember that if you persevere, the light of hope will surely illuminate the road ahead!