
In the early years of New China, nearly 3 million bandits were eliminated: why did so many bandits emerge after the founding of the People's Republic of China?


After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the whole society has entered a new era, however, in the dawn of this era, there are still some dark corners, that is, those bandit forces that have been lurking in the shadows of society for a long time. In the impression of many people, these bandits seem to appear out of nowhere, but in fact, they are stubborn diseases left over from the old era, like a stubborn scar, always reminding us to remove them completely.

In old China, due to the long-term war and turmoil, the society was disordered and the government was powerless, which gave opportunities to those bandits, thieves and scattered armies. Either for survival or ambition, they have taken refuge in the mountains and forests and established their own spheres of influence. Sometimes they go out of the mountains to harass the people, and sometimes hide in the mountains to escape the world, which has become a major hidden danger in the local area. In the early days of the founding of New China, these bandit forces still existed, and they even colluded with the remnants of the Kuomintang in an attempt to sabotage the construction of New China and pose a threat to the nascent regime.

Faced with such a situation, New China did not choose to retreat, but decided to completely exterminate these bandit forces with a thunderous force. This was an extremely arduous struggle, and it was also a battle to demonstrate the determination and strength of New China. From 1949 to 1954, it took us more than four years and a large number of troops to go deep into the mountains and forests where the bandit forces were hiding, and waged a desperate struggle with them.

In the early years of New China, nearly 3 million bandits were eliminated: why did so many bandits emerge after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

In this battle against bandits, we did not take a one-size-fits-all approach, but adopted different strategies according to different situations. For those who were coerced and forced to participate, we did not blindly suppress and suppress them, but gave them the opportunity to turn over a new leaf. We go deep into the people, understand their hardships and predicaments, and guide them to the right path and become builders of a new society. As for those bandit leaders and backbone elements who are stubborn and do all kinds of evil, we will resolutely crack down on them and bring them to justice in order to set an example.

In the process of suppressing bandits, we did not limit ourselves to military operations alone, but started from various aspects to comprehensively dismantle the foundation of the bandit forces. First of all, we cut off the economic resources of the bandits. The long-term existence of these bandit forces is largely due to their stable economic resources. Through land reform and the confiscation of the property of the bully landlords, we have completely destroyed the economic base of the bandit forces so that they can no longer act as recklessly as before.

Second, we have strengthened the building of political power at the grassroots level and improved the governance capacity of local governments. In the past, the corruption and incompetence of local governments allowed bandit forces to take advantage of them. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, we have strengthened the building of political power at the grassroots level and improved the governance capacity of local governments, so that the bandit forces can no longer act recklessly at the local level as before. At the same time, we have also strengthened the building of the militia and enhanced the people's awareness of prevention and self-defense capabilities, so that the bandit forces can no longer harass the people as easily as before.

In the early years of New China, nearly 3 million bandits were eliminated: why did so many bandits emerge after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

Finally, we have also psychologically dismantled the bandit forces. We go deep into the people to understand their psychological needs and motivations, and guide them to realize their mistakes and harms through propaganda, education, psychological counseling, etc., so that they can consciously give up resistance and move towards the right path. This kind of psychological offensive played a very important role in the process of suppressing bandits, and many bandit elements who were originally stubborn and stubborn finally chose to surrender and turn themselves in.

After four years of arduous struggle, we finally won a complete victory in the struggle against bandits. We have succeeded in wiping down those bandit forces that have been lurking in the shadows of society for a long time, thus laying a solid foundation for the prosperity and stability of the country. The victory in this struggle against bandits not only demonstrated the determination and strength of New China, but also demonstrated the wisdom and courage of the masses of the people.

When we look back on that period of history today, we can't help but feel emotional. The bandit forces that once raged for a while have now disappeared, and New China is constantly developing and growing. This history tells us a truth: only by unswervingly cracking down on crime and evil forces can we maintain social harmony and stability; Only by relying on the strength and wisdom of the masses of the people can we overcome all difficulties and challenges. At the same time, this history also makes us cherish the hard-won peace and tranquility even more, and more firmly devote ourselves to the great cause of building a beautiful motherland.

In the early years of New China, nearly 3 million bandits were eliminated: why did so many bandits emerge after the founding of the People's Republic of China?

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