
Incompetent! The Lakers refused to trade Rivers for Mitchell, and James issued a warning to Pelinka

author:Poetry says sports

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Incompetent! The Lakers refused to trade Rivers for Mitchell, and James issued a warning to Pelinka
Incompetent! The Lakers refused to trade Rivers for Mitchell, and James issued a warning to Pelinka
Incompetent! The Lakers refused to trade Rivers for Mitchell, and James issued a warning to Pelinka

Pelinka's dilemma: The Lakers' trade fog

1. The Lakers who missed the opportunity: Pelinka's whimsy

In this star-studded basketball world, the Los Angeles Lakers, a long-established basketball giant, always attract the attention of fans around the world. However, in recent years, the Lakers' operations have been a big surprise. General manager Pelinka's series of decisions make people sigh at his "whimsy".

Looking back over the past few seasons, the Lakers' operations in the player market have been a disaster. DeRozan and Irving, two of the hottest stars in the league, have both had scandals with the Lakers, but in the end they both passed by Pelinka's hesitation and slamming. DeRozan's scoring ability and Irving's single-handedness skills are both desperately needed by the Lakers, but Pelinka has always been able to hesitate at critical moments and make fans sigh.

This hesitation is not only reflected in the introduction of star players, but also in the ambiguity of the team's future plans. The Lakers always seem to be pursuing short-term interests and ignoring the long-term development of the team. This short-sighted behavior makes the future of the Lakers uncertain.

2. Mitchell's joining rumors: Pelinka's hesitation

Just when fans were feeling confused about the future of the Lakers, a rumor about Mitchell's joining once again pushed the Lakers to the forefront. Mitchell, a promising young shooting guard, has already proven himself in the league. His joining will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the Lakers.

However, faced with such an opportunity, Pelinka once again fell into hesitation. The Cavaliers listed Lakers guard Doc Rivers as one of their chips, leaving Pelinka in a dilemma. Although Rivers is young, he has already shown great basketball talent and basketball IQ. Pelinka sees him as the future core of the team and is naturally reluctant to let go easily.

However, with the team in dire need of reinforcements, it is undoubtedly a loss to give up such a rare opportunity. Fans are outraged by Pelinka's hesitation, and they believe that Pelinka should seize every opportunity that can make the team better, instead of always hesitating and missing out on opportunities.

3. James' warning: Where is the future of the Lakers?

Amid the anger of the fans, James, the star of the Lakers, also stepped forward. He issued a stern warning to Pelinka, telling him that if Lakers management hasn't made much of a move this offseason, then there is no guarantee that he will return to the Lakers after jumping out of contract.

James's words are undoubtedly a major blow to Pelinka. As the star of the Lakers, James has always been the core of the team. His statement means that the future of the Lakers is already full of uncertainty.

James's anger is not groundless. He has been working hard for the future of the team, but Pelinka's various operations have disappointed him. The Lakers always seem to be pursuing short-term interests and ignoring the long-term development of the team. This short-sighted behavior has made James worried about the future of the Lakers.

James' goal has always been to win more championships in order to compete with Jordan. However, under Pelinka's leadership, the Lakers seem to be moving further and further away from that goal. James' warning is not only a knock on Pelinka, but also a reminder to Lakers management. They have to revisit their decisions and find the right path for the future of the team.

4. The future of the Lakers: Where is the road?

Amid James' warnings, the future of the Lakers became uncertain. They must re-examine their decisions and find the right path.

First, the Lakers need to be clear about their goals. They are a basketball team with a long history and should strive for higher honors and achievements. Rather than always pursuing short-term interests and ignoring the long-term development of the team.

Second, the Lakers need to change the way they operate in the player market. They can't be as hesitant and fusher as they used to, but they have to be decisive and bring in players who can really help the team get better.

Finally, the Lakers need to build a stable coaching staff and management. Only then will they be able to remain competitive in future competitions and bring more victories and accolades to the fans.

In this world of basketball full of challenges and opportunities, the Lakers need to face the future bravely. Only by keeping working hard and changing can they return to the top and become the basketball team that drives fans around the world crazy again.

The cry of Lakers fans: our team, our dreams

As a loyal Lakers fan, I've always loved this team deeply. From the time of Kobe Bryant to the arrival of LeBron James, every up-and-down of the Lakers tugged at my heartstrings. However, in recent times, I have been deeply disappointed and even a little angry by the Lakers' operations.

1. Missed opportunities and regrets

Looking back over the past few years, the Lakers' maneuvers in the player market have always been confusing. They always seem to be chasing the big names, but in the end they always miss out on opportunities for various reasons. DeRozan and Irving, these players who have had scandals with the Lakers, eventually passed by because of Pelinka's hesitation and picking. Whenever I see these players shine on other teams, I feel sorry for the Lakers.

This regret is not limited to the player market. On the court, the Lakers also often lose games due to the coaching team's decision-making mistakes. Whether it's the poor coordination on the offensive end or the holes on the defensive end, it makes people feel helpless. As fans, we expect to see a united, motivated team, not a scattered team.

Second, Mitchell's rumors and Pelinka's hesitation

Recently, rumors about Mitchell joining the Lakers have once again sparked hope among fans. Mitchell is a young and promising shooting guard, and his addition will undoubtedly breathe new life into the Lakers. However, faced with such an opportunity, Pelinka once again fell into hesitation.

The Cavaliers put Lakers guard Doc Rivers as one of their chips, leaving Pelinka in a dilemma. Although Rivers is young, he has already shown great basketball talent and basketball IQ. Pelinka sees him as the future core of the team and is naturally reluctant to let go easily. However, with the team in dire need of reinforcements, it is undoubtedly a loss to give up such a rare opportunity.

As fans, we understand Pelinka's struggles. However, at this critical juncture, he should have made decisions more decisively. A successful team needs to have a clear goal and plan, and not always miss opportunities in hesitation and wandering.

3. James' warning and the future of the Lakers

Amid the anger of the fans, James, the star of the Lakers, also stepped forward. He issued a stern warning to Pelinka, telling him that if Lakers management hasn't made much of a move this offseason, then there is no guarantee that he will return to the Lakers after jumping out of contract.

James's words are undoubtedly a major blow to Pelinka. As the star of the Lakers, James has always been the core of the team. His statement means that the future of the Lakers is already full of uncertainty.

James' anger was not unfounded. He has been working hard for the future of the team, but Pelinka's actions have disappointed him. The Lakers always seem to be pursuing short-term interests and ignoring the long-term development of the team. This short-sighted behavior worries not only James, but also all Lakers fans.

As fans, we expect to see a team of visionary and ambitious management. They should be able to set clear goals and plans, and execute them decisively. Only then will the Lakers be able to return to the top and once again become the basketball giant that has made fans around the world crazy.

Fourth, the shouts and discussions of Lakers fans

Faced with the Lakers' current predicament, I can't help but ask: what happened to our team? Is it a problem with the management or a problem with the players? How can we bring this team back to life?

First of all, I think there is a certain amount of responsibility that management needs to bear. They should re-examine the way they make decisions and find the right path. At the same time, they also need to communicate more closely with the players to understand their ideas and needs. Only in this way can the team become more united and cohesive.

Secondly, the players also need to take their own responsibility. They need to train and play harder to contribute to the team's victory. At the same time, they also need to maintain a good communication relationship with the management and work together to make suggestions for the future of the team.

Finally, as fans, we also need to give more support and encouragement to the team. We need to believe that the team can get through this and get back to the top of the game. At the same time, we also need to actively participate in the discussion and construction of the team, and contribute to the development of the team.

In conclusion, the Lakers are currently facing a huge challenge and dilemma. But as long as we work together and work together, we will be able to overcome these difficulties and revitalize the team! Let's cheer for the Lakers!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】

Ancient rhyme comments on the Lakers: The lament of the wealthy in the storm

The years are like flowing water, and the past is like clouds. Do you ever remember that on the lakeside of Los Angeles, that peerless basketball giant, glorious years, bright stars. However, the situation has changed dramatically, and the giants are also tired, with lamentations and heartbroken fans.

First, the glory of the past is difficult to regain

Looking back on the past, the purple and gold robe was draped, and the glory was boundless. Kobe Bryant jumped like the wind, and Ao Fat pulled out the mountain. In those years, we witnessed the Lakers at their peak, with championship trophies shining and fans cheering.

Do you remember that the slogan "Showtime" is like a war drum, inspiring generations of Lakers soldiers to move forward. However, the years are not forgiving, the heroes are twilight, and the glory is no more. Now, the Lakers are in turmoil, and it is difficult to regain the glory of the past.

Second, today's predicament, stormy and stormy

Looking at the present day, the Lakers are in trouble, and the wind and rain are in turmoil. Management hesitates and misses opportunities; The players are up and down and their fighting spirit is not strong. The once invincible basketball team is now in an unprecedented crisis.

Pelinka's decision-making is elusive. He wants to keep future star Rivers and bring in star player Mitchell, but he can't have it both ways. At this crucial moment of decision, he hesitated and disappointed the fans.

3. Heroes are in the twilight, and ambitions are difficult to pay

LeBron James, the once-dominant basketball superstar, is now facing unprecedented challenges. He was hell-bent on leading the Lakers back to the top, but reality hit him hard. The inaction of the management and the instability of the players made him feel powerless.

"Zhuang is hungry for Hulu meat, laughing and thirsty for Xiongnu blood." Emperor Zhan's ambition is so magnificent! However, in this stormy Lakers team, his ambition is difficult to achieve. Fans can't help but ask: Can this former king still lead the Lakers out of the predicament?

Fourth, the fans were heartbroken and lamented everywhere

In this stormy moment, there is no more painful thing than those loyal Lakers fans. They have witnessed the glory moments of the team, but now they have to face the difficulties and crises of the team. The loss and helplessness in their hearts are as desolate as falling leaves in late autumn.

"The city is full of golden armor, only the Lakers are full of tears." This poem may best express the mood of the fans at the moment. They once put in a lot of passion and effort for the Lakers, but now they can only watch the team fall into trouble. This kind of pain and helplessness can only be deeply felt by true Lakers fans.

Fifth, after the wind and rain, there may be a rainbow

However, in this stormy moment, we must not forget the old proverb: "After the storm, there will be a rainbow." "The Lakers are in a difficult situation right now, but as long as we work together and work together, we can get through this.

Management needs to re-examine the way they make decisions and find the right path; The players need to train and play harder to contribute to the team's victory; Fans need to give more support and encouragement to the team. Only then will the Lakers be able to regain their vitality and return to peak form.


"The purple and gold jersey is still there, and the Lakers' demeanor has not been lost." In this ancient poem commenting on the Lakers, we witness the glory and glory, difficulties and challenges of the Lakers. However, no matter how bumpy and tortuous the road ahead is, we always believe that as long as we work together and work together, we will be able to rejuvenate this basketball giant and return to its peak state! Let's look forward to that day together!

[The article is original, the material comes from the Internet, and the infringement and reprinting without permission must be investigated!! 】