
Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

author:Dotted Home Diary

Many of my friends have bought smaller houses because of their limited budgets.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Although the windowsill can be used to place some household items, to be honest, if we put things that should not be placed, it may affect our quality of life and even endanger our health.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

I advise everyone: no matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these 4 things on the windowsill, this is not superstition!

Type 1: Cosmetics

A lot of my friends put cosmetics on their balconies, and that's not the right thing to do!

Because the ultraviolet rays in the sunlight have a strong penetrating power, they can easily penetrate the packaging of cosmetics and reach the inside.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

And cosmetics often contain some ingredients that are easy to oxidize,

As a result, the otherwise delicate cosmetics will become dull and may even produce an odor that is unbearable to look at.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Once a cosmetic product expires, the bacteria in it can multiply, causing the cosmetic product to spoil.

Such cosmetics not only do not work as well as they should, but can also cause irritation and damage to the skin.

And sun exposure is an important factor in accelerating the expiration of cosmetics.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Therefore, in order to maintain the quality of cosmetics and prolong their lifespan, we should try to avoid placing cosmetics in direct sunlight.

The second type: green plants

The window sill is a unique and important part of the home space, it is not only a channel for indoor and outdoor light, but also an excellent perspective for us to enjoy the external scenery.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Many people will put some green plants on the balcony, but to be honest, for the sake of your own health and home environment, it is best not to put them.

The windowsill is often exposed to direct sunlight, especially in summer, when the sun is abundant and intense.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

This intense light is undoubtedly fatal to many green plants.

Not only that, because the environment of the window sill is relatively closed, the air circulation is not smooth, which can easily lead to excessive humidity.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

In such an environment, bacteria and eggs can multiply rapidly, posing a threat to our health.

At the same time, these bacteria and insect eggs can also damage the home environment, making our living space less tidy and comfortable.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Therefore, in order to maintain our health and the cleanliness of the home environment, we should avoid placing greenery on the windowsill.

The third type: excessively heavy items

Although the window sill has a certain load-bearing capacity, it does not mean that heavy objects can be placed at will.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Once too many or too heavy items are placed, it will not only cause pressure on the window sill,

Therefore, we should avoid placing heavy objects on the windowsill and keep the windowsill clean and light.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill

Fourth: flammable and explosive materials

Window sills are often close to windows, with plenty of sunlight and good ventilation, but these conditions provide a potential hazard to flammable and explosive materials.

Once these items are exposed to direct sunlight or baked at high temperatures, they can easily cause fire or explosion accidents.

Therefore, we must keep flammable and explosive materials away from the window sill to ensure the safety of the home.

Not superstition! No matter how small the area of the home is, don't put these "4 things" on the windowsill


If these things are still placed on the windowsill at home, it is best to take them away as soon as possible, because there are many dangers to our health and our home environment.

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