
The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

author:Hui often loves to eat melons
The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

When night falls, it brings a strange event in a corner of Guizhou. This is not a legend, but about a "charred corpse" that emerges from a garbage heap.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

The "charred corpse" was about a meter long, and lay there quietly, as if telling a forgotten secret. Next to it, there are some gnawed bones, perhaps the marks left by a passing animal, or the evidence of some unknown tragedy.

Back in the spring of 2012, it was a sunny evening, on the outskirts of Guyang Town, Changshun County, Guizhou Province, villager Uncle Wang was leisurely leading his cattle home. As they passed an abandoned garbage heap, the cow suddenly broke free and rushed frantically towards the seemingly peaceful place.

Uncle Wang was shocked and hurriedly followed. In the center of the garbage heap, the cow stopped, lowered its head, as if staring at something. Uncle Wang took a closer look, and the scene in front of him shocked him.

There, he saw an abandoned motorcycle, and next to it, it was the strange "charred corpse" lying on it. It seems to have been eroded by the years, and only white bones remain, but its shape is unusually strange, neither like an animal nor a human.

Uncle Wang frowned, his heart full of doubts. What exactly is this "charred corpse"? Is it some unknown creature? Or the remains of some unfortunate person? Why is it here? These questions lingered in Uncle Wang's heart for a long time.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

And this incident also spread in Guyang Town and became a creepy legend. Every time night falls, the garbage heap seems to exude an eerie aura that makes people shudder. And the secret of the "charred corpse" has never been revealed.

On a hazy moonlit night, a dog suddenly sprang out of the grass, holding a creepy "gift" tightly in its mouth. Uncle Wang looked at it, his heart contracted violently, as if he had gone back in time, and his face instantly turned pale as paper. Because, what is in the dog's mouth is clearly a human thigh stump!

This sudden and terrifying scene made Uncle Wang feel distracted, he threw down the ox, turned around and ran, and fled home with rolling and crawling, hurriedly changed his pants, and called the police with trembling hands.

Soon, the police officers of the Criminal Investigation Brigade of the Changshun County Public Security Bureau rushed to the scene. In the face of this unrecognizable "charred corpse", they couldn't help frowning. Is this an animal corpse, or is it a human tragedy? They were indistinguishable for a moment.

The next day, the police collected all the suspicious items collected at the scene and sent them to the Guizhou Provincial Public Security Department for identification. In the afternoon of the same day, the results were revealed - it was indeed a human corpse! This discovery escalated the case in an instant, and it became extremely grim.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

The Changshun police immediately set up a special task force, on the one hand, asked the technical department of the provincial department to conduct a more in-depth examination of the body, and on the other hand, launched an investigation around the only clue left at the crime scene - the suspicious motorcycle. However, when they sent the engine number of the motorcycle to the manufacturer for comparison, they found that it was a fake engine number, and the real information of the motorcycle could not be queried at all.

Faced with this dilemma, the police quickly adjusted the direction of the investigation and began to search for the source of the body. They centered around the crime scene and launched a carpet search. A race against time unfolds quietly to uncover the truth behind this horrific case.

In Wayang Township, Ziyun County, about 20 kilometers away from the scene of the crime, the police finally made a breakthrough. According to the in-depth investigation by the local police, a missing person case was found to be inextricably linked to the case. The missing person's name is Jiang Guomei, 35 years old, and she is a villager in Xiyang Village, Wayang Township.

Jiang Guomei works outside all the year round, leaving her family in Xiyang Village. According to villagers, a few days before the incident, Jiang Guomei had just returned home from other places, and after being reunited with her family for two days, she mysteriously disappeared and was never heard from. The family was anxiously searched to no avail, and finally chose to call the police.

The police acted quickly and extracted the DNA of Jiang Guomei's family for comparison, and the results were shocking - the deceased was Jiang Guomei. This discovery makes the case even more confusing.

In order to uncover the truth, the police began an in-depth investigation into Jiang Guomei's social connections. In the course of the investigation, an important clue surfaced. It turned out that the night before Jiang Guomei's disappearance, he had dinner with friends in the village. During the dinner, he suddenly received a phone call, which made him lose control of his emotions and leave the scene angrily.

The police immediately launched an investigation around the phone call, and quickly locked up a woman named Yan Qiaoyun through technical means. She was the one who called Jiang Guomei. The police immediately launched a search to try to find the connection between Yan Qiaoyun and the case. However, as the investigation deepened, the police were surprised to find that Yan Qiaoyun's relationship with this case was much more than that.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

Under the close tracking of the police, Yan Qiaoyun's abnormal behavior aroused their vigilance. In recent days, she has frequently withdrawn cash from her bank account and purchased items such as suitcases, which undoubtedly reveal a sense of urgency to escape responsibility. The police decided to wait and see what happens.

A few days later, as the police expected, Yan Qiaoyun was successfully intercepted at the exit of the train station. What's even more shocking is that she also brought an accomplice named Liang Dajin. In the interrogation room of the police station, in the face of the police's powerful psychological tactic - "Great Memory Recovery Technique", the two quickly couldn't resist and truthfully explained the ins and outs of the incident.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

The cause of Jiang Guomei's death gradually surfaced, and behind it were hidden two accomplices who had never met - Yao Haibing and Wang Yangang. What is puzzling is that these two people who have never known Jiang Guomei were involved in this murder case by Liang Dajin. It turned out that before the case, Liang Dajin was in urgent need of help, and after thinking about it, he remembered his brother Yao Haibing, whom his son had mentioned. So, without hesitation, he dialed the phone of Yao Haibing, whom he had never met, and after introducing himself, he directly put forward his request, but out of caution, he did not disclose the specific content of the action.

At that time, Yao Haibing was busy running a black taxi and had no time to take care of it. At the moment when Liang Dajin was in urgent need of help, Yao Haibing did not hesitate to recommend his friend Wang Yangang. On the day of the crime, Yan Qiaoyun carefully planned a scam and successfully lured Jiang Guomei to the scene of the first crime. Until this time, Wang Yan had just learned that Liang Dajin's so-called "help" was actually to involve him in a murder case.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

At first, Wang Yangang resolutely refused such a request, but after Liang Dajin proposed a high benefit fee of 6,000 yuan, the balance in his heart began to tilt. In the end, the lure of money made him choose to compromise and participate in this cruel crime.

After killing Jiang Guomei, the two did not stop there. They dialed Yao Haibing's phone again and summoned him to the scene, who had just returned home from sports car work. The three worked together to transport Jiang Guomei's body and her motorcycle to a remote location 20 kilometers away for incineration. This series of criminal acts makes people sigh: for the sake of money and the so-called "righteousness", they can be so mad!

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

What exactly is the motive behind this case? Why did Yan Qiaoyun and Liang Dajin brutally kill Jiang Guomei? The source of all this is actually a love killing because of love and hate. Yan Qiaoyun and Jiang Guomei had an unknown relationship, but the relationship eventually broke down for various reasons. In order to take revenge on Jiang Guomei, Yan Qiaoyun carefully planned the murder and brought Liang Dajin and Wang Yangang as accomplices. In the land of Guizhou, such a tragedy is happening again. But no matter how complex the reasons behind it, this cannot hide the fact that they committed the crime.

After three years of careful layout, Yan Qiaoyun successfully squeezed every cent of Jiang Guomei's savings. When Jiang Guomei's wealth was squeezed dry, Yan Qiaoyun did not hesitate to shift the target, and set his greedy eyes on the richer Liang Dajin.

Just a few days before the case, Jiang Guomei returned from working in other places, but found herself trapped in an elaborate trap. In the face of Yan Qiaoyun's betrayal, he resolutely did not bow his head and vowed to take revenge. However, Yan Qiaoyun had a smug smile and said secretly in his heart: "Hmph, do you think you can take revenge on me?" In the end, I don't know who picked up whom. ”

In order to provoke Liang Dajin, Yan Qiaoyun told Liang Dajin about Jiang Guomei's threat, and deliberately emphasized that Jiang Guomei's main goal was to target Liang Dajin. Liang Dajin, who was carried away by anger, decided to strike first, so he began to look around for helpers, and finally found Yao Haibing and Wang Yangang. Together, the three of them caused this tragedy.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.

In the interrogation room, Yan Qiaoyun tries to disguise herself as an innocent victim, but her lies gradually crumble under the intense interrogation of the police. Villagers have come forward to expose her true colors, pointing out that she is a watery poplar and maintains improper relationships with multiple men.

Finally, I would like to say that in the world of feelings, the wrong beginning often predicts the wrong ending. When we choose a partner, we must keep our eyes open, keep ourselves clean, and avoid falling into unnecessary troubles and pains.

The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.
The ruthless partner, who does not hesitate to commit crimes for the sake of the new love, actually involves the sinister of people's hearts.
